Chapter 560

"Ah... I survived... I survived another day, hahaha... I survived again, everyone, we survived again..."

Tu Sui was the first to rush to the mound, and immediately burst out laughing, jumping up and down like a monkey.

At this moment, he was actually not very happy, and he was not so excited that he couldn't help himself because he lived another day, and he even forgot the majesty of his general.Because he can't guarantee how long he can live in the future.

But the more this time, the more he can't give up.

At this moment, he himself is like a monkey, constantly performing his own ugliness. Even if he doesn't have your atmosphere, he still has to perform the atmosphere of escape from death, which arouses everyone's sympathy and arouses everyone's desire to survive.

"Hahaha, I survived, I really survived, General, we are blessed and lucky to live another day!"

"Yes, General, my Daqin's life is so powerful that even the sky can't take it away. We survived again, hahaha!"

Seeing this, a group of soldiers also ran forward one after another, jumping and jumping, and for a while, a cheerful atmosphere that was almost crazy spread through the team.

Those common people are dying one by one at this moment, they don't even have the strength to sit down, they just have to go to the ground.

But facing a group of soldiers who were like monkeys, they couldn't help grinning and laughing.

"Don't jump, sit down for General Ben and lie down. We are now fighting the sky and the earth. We want to survive. Don't waste your energy on this."

"The general is happy. The general has enough strength. The general can squander it at will. You'd better save the strength for the general and live strong. Do you understand?"

Tu Sui turned his head abruptly, and shouted at a group of soldiers.

"General, I understand!"

A group of soldiers can't wait to lie on the ground at this moment. With what the general said, what nonsense are they talking about?Immediately, one by one responded, and it was a trip to the ground.

The cold wind was whizzing, and the night in the desert was very cold, but at this moment, everyone felt as if they were on fire. This kind of cold wind made people feel more comfortable.

Tu Sui stepped forward and patted the faces of all the people on the ground. Those who were alive would respond, but those who were dead would never respond.

Zhang Qian was also helping out. After the patrolling punch, Zhang Qian came to Tu Sui with trembling legs and said, "I checked here. More than 70 people died, and there are still more than 380 people. I'm afraid it's too late." Can't last until tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Tu Sui had a bitter expression on his face, and said: "On my side, more than 80 people died, and more than 400 people died. I'm afraid they won't last until tomorrow!"

While talking, the two looked at each other, their eyes finally revealed the despair that had never been revealed in front of others.

As time goes by, more and more people die every day.

Four days ago, five people died.Three days ago, thirteen people died.

Two days ago, more than 30 people died.

More than 70 people died yesterday, and today it has doubled.Tomorrow, it is preliminarily estimated that if there is no more rescue, the number of people who may die will be as high as 600.

If they continue to die like this, the distance to the Great Wall will take another half a month at least at their current speed, and they may all be dead before they make it to the scene.

"General, my lord, I know that you are trying your best to bring everyone back to life, but actually think about it, wouldn't this just give everyone another hopeless hope? Wouldn't it be futile to toss and die in the end?"

At this moment, a voice sounded from the side, Zhang Qian and Tu Sui turned their heads to look, and saw Mu Shan walking slowly, they couldn't help frowning.

"Boss Mu, don't talk nonsense!"

Zhang Qian frowned and said coldly.

"Hehe, general, my lord, don't treat everyone as fools. Do you think everyone doesn't understand this truth?"

"They can survive today because of you, not because they have believed that there is hope. Look, everyone is looking at this side now!"

Mu Shan shook his head and smiled wryly, and said very sadly.

Zhang Qian and Tu Sui looked down, and sure enough, they saw that everyone was looking at this side with twinkling eyes in the dark night.

"That's right, general, we are not stupid, we all know we can't survive, but the general and the military lords are like this, how can we become your burden again!"

"That's right, my lord, we persevere, not because we believe in hope, but because we can't bear the suffering of the general and everyone, and become a burden for everyone!"

"General, let's just stay here, let us die easily, just stay here, don't go any further!"

Everyone spoke one after another, full of begging.

Everyone is not stupid, I hope to see it, not hear it.All hope that can be heard but not seen is a false hope, and no one believes it.

Rather than die in vain, everyone is more willing to die easily.

Not far away, a group of soldiers did not speak. They were exhausted and did not fall asleep, but they couldn't help wiping their tears.

After all, they tried everything, but they couldn't get enough morale.

They also know there is no hope, but they still want to survive.However, everyone gave up, so what's the point of their persistence?
"Don't do this, you believe me, I am the general of the Qin State, and I tried my best to escape death, much more than you."

"The current situation is just a small scene in front of this general!"

"Back in the Southern Expedition, all of my general's soldiers were sick, and there were chasers and interceptions in front, but this general led them to survive again and again."

"Back then, this general was able to lead the soldiers to live, and today I will definitely be able to lead you to live. Believe in this general, hold on, and there will be rescue!"

There were tears in Tu Sui's eyes. At this moment, he seemed to have seen the scene of looking for a desperate situation during the Southern Expedition, but he was still unwilling to give up.

"Hehe, General, will there really be rescue?"

Everyone didn't believe it, but they didn't want to refute the general, so they could only ask.

"Yes, there will definitely be, believe in this general, believe in yourself, believe in His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, believe in Great Qin Marshal, believe in everyone in Great Qin, there will definitely be!"

Tu Sui nodded firmly, as if making an oath.

"That's right, trust the general, trust me, there will be rescue, keep it up, keep it up!"

Zhang Qian nodded solemnly and agreed.

Everyone shook their heads and stopped talking, but no one believed it. Everyone's eyes were full of death and despair, and they obviously didn't take their words to heart.

"The general is right, Master Zhang is right, I, Da Qin, will never abandon any of my people. Everyone cheer up, open their stomachs, and start eating and drinking!"

At this moment, a voice sounded far away, which suddenly alarmed everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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