Chapter 561
"What, did you hear anything?"

Everyone frowned, feeling that the voice was like an auditory hallucination, it was so unreal.

Not only everyone, but even Tu Sui and Zhang Qian were confused and could not help but pat their ears.

"General, did you hear that too?"

Seeing that Tu Sui was acting the same as himself, Zhang Qian couldn't help but said.

"Am I not hallucinating?"

Tu Sui looked confused.

"Hahaha, everyone listen, those who are asleep, those who are not asleep, don't sleep. Eat and drink enough first, and then rest before it's too late!"

At this moment, the voice sounded again, full of heroism.

"That's right, someone, someone..."

Everyone's heart moved, and they couldn't help but sat up and looked around.

"Could it be that the reinforcements have arrived!"

Tu Sui and Zhang Qian were also sure, and for a moment, their expressions were very exciting, and they quickly looked towards the source of the sound.

In the desert in the distance, a camel team, more than 100 camels and hundreds of people, came from afar.

Their speed is not very fast, but it is definitely not slow.

"Here, here, look, my Daqin rescue team is here, haha, it's really here!"

In an instant, Zhang Qian was crying, tears streaming down his face, roaring loudly, and laughing loudly.

"It's coming, it's really coming, someone is really coming to save us!"

Those soldiers and civilians stood up one after another at this moment, looking at the team in the distance, and shed tears one by one. It was a kind of tears of hope shed when they saw hope.


Tu Sui frowned, although he was also very happy, but he was not overwhelmed by the excitement.

At this time, it is impossible for Daqin to send people here. This team is acting suspiciously.

"All of you stay here, General Ben, go up and have a look!"

Tu Sui raised his hand, gave an order, and went straight towards the team.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped, and bent over a stone under the mound for self-defense.

In the desert, sweeping can find stones, but under such mounds, there are many.

This time when they left the Xiongnu court, they not only had everything taken away, they didn't even have any weapons. As the majestic General of the Qin Dynasty, at this moment, Tu Sui could only use stones to defend himself.

"Stop, who are you?"

Tu Sui walked up, put the stone behind his back, and shouted coldly.

"General Tu Sui, don't be nervous, let's see what this is!"

The leader of that team seemed to know Tu Sui's worry at the moment, so he immediately threw something and said loudly.

After all, in this desperate desert, according to the logic, it is impossible for Daqin's rescue to come now.

If there is a rescue, it is the conspiracy of the Huns.

As a general, Tu Sui must crush all conspiracies, even if he dies, he must not die too aggrieved.

Tu Sui stretched out his hand to take the thing thrown by the man, and it fell into his hand, it was cold, it turned out to be a token.

Tu Sui looked carefully, and saw that the front of the token was a carved long sword, and on the back was an eagle flying high.

"Iron Eagle Sword Order?"

As the Great Qin General, Tu Sui naturally knew the token, and his face suddenly changed, which was extremely exciting.

"Daqin Black Ice Terrace Iron Eagle Swordsman pays homage to the General. This time, I am following the secret order of His Majesty the Emperor to come to rescue the General and all of you. The following are the food prepared for everyone. Please review the General!"

At this time, the man came up, knelt down in front of Tu Sui, clasped his fists and shouted.

Tu Sui looked down, and saw that the other party had a beard, a resolute face, and an air of iron blood on his body. He was obviously a soldier, and the familiar iron blood was the iron blood of a Daqin soldier.

"Okay... okay... that's great... it's really my Daqin's team, that's great!"

In an instant, Tu Sui burst into tears, stepped forward suddenly, helped the man up, hugged him in his arms, and threw the stone out without a sound, but the man saw it, worthy of a wry smile.

"General, let's distribute the food first!"

The man pushed Tu Sui away and said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, yes...distribute the food first, hurry up, go!"

As he said that, Tu Sui hurriedly ran forward and shouted loudly: "My Daqin's team is really my Daqin's team, come and get the food, come and get the clean water, hurry, hurry..."

"Is it really my Daqin's team? Great, it's really my Daqin's team!"

"There's something to eat and something to drink, let's go, let's go!"

At this moment, everyone burst out with unprecedented strength and rushed towards the team.

These days, everyone has really suffered. Most of the time, they can only drink water to fill their stomachs.

On the prairie, it’s really not good, you can still eat a few mouthfuls of green grass, but after walking into the desert yesterday, everyone really didn’t even have anything to drink or eat.

Now, suddenly there is food and water, and the result of this desperate situation immediately mobilized all morale.

The people regard food as their heaven, and soldiers without food will have no vitality.The power of food and water is at its fullest at this moment.

"All soldiers, stand behind me, and let everyone get their food and drink first, and you all line up to get them one by one!"

Seeing the crowd, Tu Sui was afraid that these people would hurt each other, so he shouted loudly.

Hearing the words, a group of soldiers walked aside consciously, swallowed and looked at the things dragged by the camels. They wanted to eat, really wanted to eat, and wanted to drink a sip of water quickly, but they didn't scramble.

"Come on, quickly move all the things down and distribute them to everyone!"

Tu Sui greeted, and the people in the team lifted things off the camels one after another. The front sixty or seventy camels were loaded with food, and the back fifty or sixty camels were loaded with food. With two to three hundred catties of food and water.

"Everyone listen to me, don't rush, take your time, this time we brought enough food and water, pancakes, one piece per catty, more than 1 yuan.

There are tens of thousands of catties of meat, and nearly [-] water bladders. Everyone has a share, everyone has a share! "

The iron eagle swordsman raised his hands and shouted loudly.

After hearing this, everyone calmed down a lot, but they were unbearably hungry and thirsty, and they still stared at the food and water.

The people carried down the food and water.

Tu Sui and Zhang Qian stepped forward, not far away, Mu Shan also came up to help, and together with the team, distributed all the food and water.

Everyone stepped forward to receive a piece of flatbread, a piece of boiled meat, and a pot of water, and began to feast on it as soon as they walked aside.

It's delicious, it's really delicious, this meal, in everyone's heart, is like a feast in the sky.

That faint clear water is even more addictive than the fine nectar in the sky, and I want to drink a few more sips.

(End of this chapter)

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