Chapter 569
"What do you mean? I said Old Shi, do you know how aggrieved I am for this trip to the Huns?"

"As soon as I arrived at the King's Court of the Huns, that boy, Modun, imprisoned me, my brother, for three days."

"Then when I came out, I was frightened by him with an army of 80. At that time, if it wasn't for the mission of [-] people, I would have slapped the boy to death."

"On the way, brother, I dare not speak out. Now that you and the Huben army are here, these people are guaranteed. You still don't allow me to vent, do you?"

With a gloomy face, Tu Sui stared at Shi Potian dissatisfiedly and said.

At this moment, Tu Sui was really aggrieved and very angry. If he didn't wash it away with blood, he would definitely be suffocated, and it would insult his name as a butcher.

"Butcher, I can see that you are very angry, but you have to understand that an angry general is not qualified to go to the battlefield."

"If I give you a chance at this time, it will hurt you."

"The anger you have suffered these days, today I will give you the [-] tiger and ben army. As for the future, if you want revenge, brother, I will give you the opportunity. I will definitely let you lead the army back to the city of the Huns and kill it with your own hands. Put down the child's head and vent the hatred in my heart, okay?"

Hearing this, Shi Potian was even more decisive.The angrier Tu Sui was, the less likely he was to let Tu Sui go to the battlefield.

On the battlefield, it is undeniable that the more angry a person is, the stronger his power will be. "

"But at the same time, the more angry a person is, the more dangerous he is on the battlefield."

"Because of anger, they have already made them feel less dangerous, and they often don't even know how they died.

This is true for ordinary soldiers, let alone generals. "

"If you are a general, and your reason is overwhelmed by anger, not only you will die in the end, but your army will also be implicated. Therefore, an angry general is not qualified to go to the battlefield.

This point is vividly reflected in the former Yuwen Chengdu.

When Ying Shou was in danger in the South China Sea, Yu Wencheng was induced and lost his mind, eventually ruining a hundred thousand troops.

Today's Tu Sui is very similar to Yu Wencheng back then. As a veteran of the battlefield, Shi Potian will never give him any chance to go to the battlefield at this time.

"I think General Shi is right. General Tu Sui, you are not fit to go to the battlefield at this moment. As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge."

"Today, let's give the opportunity to General Shi first. After all, this is the first battle of General Shi, so the meaning is different."

"After this battle is over, General Tu Sui can ask His Majesty the Emperor for orders. To fight against the Xiongnu in the future, General Tu Sui can lead the troops. How does General Tu Sui feel?"

At this moment, thinking of Zhang Qian's voice, he persuaded Tu Sui.


Tu Sui frowned, very unwilling, but to a certain extent, he had to admit that what the two of them said was very reasonable, and for a while, he didn't know how to refute it.

"Okay, I said butcher, listen to my advice, don't mess around."

"Generals can be crazy, arrogant, and desperate, but rationality is the bottom line. Don't lose your bottom line. Leave this battle to me!"

Seeing that Tu Sui was very reluctant, Shi Potian reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said solemnly.

"Of course, I can also give you a chance to see revenge with your own eyes. If you really don't want to leave, let your missionary guards lead the mission back a little bit, witness the battlefield with your own eyes, and see how my Huben Army uses [-] troops today. The blood of the Huns, wash away the shame for everyone!"

While speaking, Shi Potian changed the subject and said again.

"Well, since that's the case, today's battle is up to you!"

When Tu Sui heard this, he nodded in response without further rebuttal.

"General, are you planning to fight a tough battle with the Xiongnu army? Is this inappropriate?"

"This is the territory of the Xiongnu, and the Xiongnu's army is [-], our army is only [-], and there is no advantage at all."

"Furthermore, if there is an army behind the Huns, our side will be very passive!"

At this time, Zhang Qian spoke again.

In the current situation, in his view, the truth is to regret the Great Wall first.

Even if the rear army is prevented from catching up, as long as the Huben army blocks it for a while, that's enough.

It would be very dangerous to start a war at this time.

"Hey, Mr. Zhang, this general knows what you are worried about, don't worry, the so-called good or bad situation is for others."

"In front of our Huben army, there is no so-called disadvantage, nor is there any so-called advantage. All wars are dominated by our army."

"If we don't teach the Huns a bloody lesson in today's battle, it will be easy for him to treat me as Daqin."

"My Daqin needs to develop now. Only by frightening these people with blood can we get enough time."

"So, in this battle, you have to fight, and if you don't fight, you have to fight!"

Shi Potian chuckled, looked at Zhang Qian firmly, and then shouted loudly: "Where are the soldiers of the Huben Army? Tell Mr. Zhang, and my Daqin Mission. What is the fighting will of our Huben Army?"

"Every battle must be fought, every attack must be overcome, and every battle must be won. The vast battlefield is dominated by me!"

The [-] tiger and cardinal troops roared loudly, and the sound turned into sound waves, which spread far and wide, shaking the world.

For a moment, everyone in the mission couldn't help but look serious.

"Master Zhang, let's go. You don't have to trust any army in this world, but you must never doubt my Great Qin Tiger Army!"

Beside Zhang Qian, Tu Sui patted Zhang Qian's shoulder and said with a smile.

"Hey, General, I wish you a great victory in the battle!"

Facing these arrogant generals, Zhang Qian knew very well that it was useless to reason with them, you could only go along with them, and you could only nod your head immediately, and lead them away.

"Master Zhang, take a good look. As an envoy, you must first understand the strength of your own country, and then stand up to stand up straight."

"Today, this general will let you see what the strength of Great Qin is!"

Shi Potian laughed loudly, speaking with boundless arrogance.

Madness seems to be an indispensable problem for every famous player on the battlefield.But if it is a defect, why not an advantage?

A general who doesn't even dare to be mad, who doesn't dare to be arrogant, who can take him seriously?

Only this kind of general can make people follow him wholeheartedly, as if following him, there is no enemy that cannot be destroyed.

Therefore, what Shi Potian said was good, a general can be crazy and arrogant, but the only thing he can do is not lose his mind, this is the bottom line of a general.

Following Tu Sui, Zhang Qian and others withdrew the mission two miles away, standing on the side of the high sand dunes, with a wave of Shi Potian's hand, the [-] troops gathered in an instant, turning into a whole square formation. Mighty, quiet as a virgin, everyone's eyes are fixed on the front.

An air of iron and blood gradually lingered, shooting up from the [-] army, as if it had chilled the hot desert.

(End of this chapter)

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