Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 570 2 armies confrontation

Chapter 570 The confrontation between the two armies
"Listen to the order, mount the shield!"

In front of the army, Shi Potian raised his big hand, and the [-] troops took off their shields from the side of the horses one after another, and held them in front of them.

The strength of the Huben army lies not only in themselves, but also in their equipment.

The generals of the Huben Army can ride and shoot when mounted, and fight on foot when dismounted.Whenever, as long as the soldiers of the Huben Army appear, no matter who Daqin is, he will do everything in the first place to equip them with the best equipment.

Because only this army can fully exert the power of all equipment.

At this moment, not only are there shields on the body of this large army, each person also has a bow and crossbow pinned to their body, and each person has more than 20 crossbow arrows on their body.

In addition to crossbows and arrows, there are also long Ge, long sword and other weapons, which are really well equipped to make people feel shocked.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

Time passed little by little, less than half a quarter of an hour, and at the end of the line of sight, smoke and dust rose into the sky, and a mighty cavalry team swept in like a torrent.

This is an army of [-], and the Huns have [-] cavalry. Wherever they pass, the sky is full of yellow sand, making it difficult to see how many people are hiding behind the army.

Whoever it is, facing such a scene, will be frightened to the point of weakness.

However, the [-] tiger and ben army soldiers, following the general's order to take shields, they will never take any weapons, just quietly watching the yellow sand in front of them, thousands of troops, mighty come swinging.

"Shut up!"

An army of one hundred thousand rushed forward, three hundred steps away from the Huben army, and suddenly reined in their horses and stopped.

Just now, it was like a torrent of troops, but in an instant, it was like a tree or stone, motionless.

In front of the [-] Hun army, a burly Hun general stood on his horse with a machete in his hand. He rode forward a hundred steps and shouted: "The soldiers and horses of the Qin State dare to come to our Hun territory. Tell me who, hurry up!" Get out and talk!"

What he said was Qin Yu with a perfect accent.

As his words fell, Shi Potian also galloped forward, and he walked 150 steps forward, and stopped [-] steps away from this person.

Holding a spear in his hand, he pointed directly at the Hun general, and shouted: "Stop your mother's nonsense, listen clearly, this general Shi Potian, the army behind is called the Huben Army."

"Listen to me, now in front of you, there are two paths you can choose. One is to take you, a hundred thousand ants, and let me go as far as you can!"

"Are you kidding me when you say that this is the territory of the Huns? See clearly that it is one step away from you. At the beginning, it was Modun who personally promised to give me the land thousands of miles away from the Great Wall to Daqin."

"Now, that boy, Maodun, dares to insult our Daqin Mission in this way. This debt must always be repaid."

"Today, this general is here to do the math with you."

"Don't think that this general is bullying you. In the future, in the land of the Huns, this general will ask for another two thousand miles. This is a gift from this general to His Majesty the Emperor!"

"That is to say, from today onwards, the land of the Xiongnu three thousand miles away from the Great Wall will belong to our Great Qin. This includes the land occupied by you and the [-] ants behind you at this moment."

"Now this general is giving you a chance to get out of my Great Qin territory immediately, otherwise, this general will regard you as the second choice and send you to death!"

"If you want to die, you can just report your name. This general will not kill the unknown!"

While speaking, Shi Potian was arrogant, and he didn't pay attention to the [-] army in front of him.

It seems that to him, this so-called [-] army is just a decoration, standing in place one by one, allowing him to slaughter and cut off grass at will.

"What, Huben Army?"

As soon as the name of the Huben Army was announced, the face of the general of the Xiongnu changed suddenly, and his eyes were full of shock.

I have to say that the reputation of the Huben Army is too great for me.

It can even be said that the Huben Army is a benchmark for Daqin.

Anyone who hears about Daqin must think of the Huben Army.

Anyone who hears about the Huben Army must think of Invincible Qiang Qin.

It has to be said that the name of the Huben Army at this moment has greatly frightened the general of the Xiongnu.

"Hehehe, Hu Benjun, it seems that you, Qin State, can't come up with anything useful now. Sure enough, since Yingzheng's death, Qin State has been worse than every generation."

"I heard that the state of Qin can now fight and cure diseases, but it is only about [-]."

"It seems that the Qin State is afraid to fight, and is planning to use the reputation of the Huben Army to scare people!"

"Okay, Shi Potian, who called himself General Huben, today, I want to see how capable your Huben army is, and you want to scare me away with three words!"

"You heard me clearly, this general's name is Gordan, one of the four fierce generals of the Huns, he has fought all his life and has never been invincible."

"Today, the general wants to see how long your tiger army can last in front of the general!"

After being startled, Gordan, one of the four great generals of the Huns, suddenly sneered.

Although he has never seen the real Huben Army, nor the real General of the Huben Army Shi Potian, but he has heard that the Huben Army has already dispersed, and Shi Potian is already dead.

The benchmark of Daqin has long since disappeared.

Now, these Qin people still want to use the name of Huben Army to scare him.

In his opinion, this is a fake army with a fake tiger.

Today, not to mention an army of foxes and tigers, even if the real tiger army came, he would not mind a contest, a big battle, to see who is stronger and who is weaker.

"Hehe, it's kind of interesting, Gordan, isn't it? Well, this general has heard of your name. One of the four fierce generals of the Xiongnu, you can't be regarded as an unknown person, so you are qualified to sharpen your sword for this general."

"As the first lunatic who dared to challenge the Huben army, today, this general will give you another chance."

"Let your [-] army go first, otherwise, if this general gives an order, you will have to wait for death without a place to bury you in an instant, then it will be really boring!"

Shi Potian chuckled, facing Gordan's ridicule, he only responded with a crazy word.

In the desert, a heat wave hit, and the hot wind was negative, rolling up yellow sand all over the place.

The two armies looked at each other, an invisible murderous aura condensed out of thin air.

At this moment, it was as if time stood still.

The Xiongnu and Daqin, who have always kept their distance, finally ushered in another battle after more than half a year since the last battle.

This battle seems to be no longer a battle between the two countries, but a war between the one behind Daqin and Maodun, or in other words, a war with the one behind Maodun.

In the yellow sand all over the sky, it seemed to be condensed into a huge figure. His shadow shrouded the huge battlefield. It was the figure of Ying Shou.

At this moment, in the imperial palace in Xianyang, Great Qin Dynasty, Ying Shou stood in front of the sand table, staring at the position above the sand table, where the two armies faced each other.

(End of this chapter)

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