Chapter 597
"Sister, what do you think I should do now?"

"He treats me like a Qin person, but I'm not a Qin person at all, but a Hun! And I know that the Huns and Daqin are about to go to war. Do I really want to marry the enemy?"

The little princess was lying in front of the window of an attic in Taifu's mansion, staring blankly at the scenery outside, muttering to herself.

During the conversation between Wang Lin and Uncle Sun Tong last night, what she heard was not only Wang Lin's kindness to her, but also the upcoming war between the Xiongnu and Daqin.

She was moved by Wang Lin's attitude towards her, but she was also afraid of the upcoming war between the Xiongnu and Daqin.

If war breaks out between the two countries, where will she, the Hun princess, be placed?Will it be used by Daqin to sacrifice the flag? Even if he doesn't sacrifice the flag, will Wang Lin still treat himself with his current attitude?
After all, as far as Wang Lin is concerned, she is still the princess of the enemy's Warring States.

At this moment, the little princess Wu Ya was at a loss, not knowing how to deal with this matter.

At this moment, two little birds flew by, stopped on a big tree outside the attic, touched each other twice, and then spread their wings together, and went to a distant place.

This scene made the little princess Wu Ya a little stunned.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed, and a scene of memory appeared in the little princess's mind.

"Sister, don't you like the Central Plains culture very much? Why are you so unhappy when you marry in the Central Plains?"

That was the memory of the two sisters talking together on the eve of the wedding of the little princess and the big princess.

At that time, the Eldest Princess was standing on the hill outside the Hun King City, looking at the endless grassland, her eyes were indifferent but far away, and there was a hint of melancholy between her brows.

Hearing her sister's question, the eldest princess Xue Ning looked at her, sighed, and said, "Wu Ya, have you seen those two eagles flying in the sky? You know, these eagles are a female and a male, and the two are life and death for each other." , fly side by side, and never leave them for life. Once one dies, the other will never survive alone!"

When the little princess Wu Ya heard this, she was surprised and said, "Is she so loyal?"

The eldest princess Xue Ning nodded and said, "That's how loyal you are!"

The little princess Wu Ya said again: "But what does this have to do with my sister's depression?"

The eldest princess Xue Ning was even more worried, and said: "Wu Ya, this marriage is to find a partner. It's like a female eagle finding a male eagle, but once you find the wrong one, how will you live the rest of your life? If you get married this time, You and my husband are strong-breasted and cruel, and then my sister and I will be in Daqin, leave our hometown, be bullied, and life would be better than death, so what should we do?"

As soon as this remark came out, the little princess was startled, and hurriedly said: "Sister, is the problem so big? Then we can't do it if we don't get married?"

The eldest princess shook her head and said with a smile: "Wu Ya, it's up to you to marry or not. Although we are princesses and you are very favored, we are too weak in front of our family and country."

"For the sake of the country's stability, we are doomed to only become bargaining chips in political marriages, and no one can change it!"

"Right now, the only thing we can hope for is only one husband in the future, not the wrong one!"

"Also, there is something my sister wants to tell you. This may be the first sentence my sister will tell you in the future. You must remember it clearly!"

"The Great Qin is no better than the Xiongnu. If you want to gain a foothold in the Great Qin, you must first understand a truth. Marry your husband with your husband. The moment you marry into the Great Qin, you must clearly know that you are no longer a Hun, otherwise, you will never be able to gain a foothold." .”

"Your thinking, your body and mind, and everything about you can only be from Qin people. Qin people are your home, and the relationship between the Xiongnu and you can only change as the relationship with Daqin changes."

"You must not use your status as the little princess of the Xiongnu again, otherwise you will not receive any benefits in Daqin, and will only cause endless troubles!"

"Of course, if you can meet a husband who treats you sincerely, don't think about choosing only one between him and the Huns."

"Now you are just a chip, a chip pushed out by the Huns."

"If you can't gain a foothold in Daqin and return to the Xiongnu, you will still die. If someone treats you sincerely."

"Remember, he will be everything to you. You should live for his will, even if you destroy the Xiongnu. This is the way of being a wife in the Central Plains, and it is also the way of etiquette in Daqin!"

"In the face of all this, the only thing you can do is to obey. In the etiquette of the Central Plains, there is a saying that the king treats our soldiers like no other, and I will accompany you in life and death."

"In Daqin, you can only get rare good results if you treat him sincerely!"

The words of the eldest princess Xue Ning kept echoing in the little princess's mind at this moment, as if the bible was constantly emerging in the minds of believers. Suddenly, the little princess suddenly realized, her eyes lit up, as if she saw the light of wisdom.

"Sister, I seem to understand what you said!"

The little princess muttered to herself, the words that were once very difficult to understand, for her at this moment, it seemed as if she had learned it without a teacher.

She got up quickly, summoned the servant girl, and said: "Is the master still in the mansion?"

The servant girl heard the words and hurriedly said: "Returning to Young Madam, the master didn't sleep all night last night. He just fell asleep this morning and woke up at noon. After washing and eating, he went to the study again!"

The little princess raised her lips slightly, and said, "Thank you for telling me, I understand!"

Saying that, the little princess went straight out and headed towards Taifu's study.


The maid exclaimed, her face full of disbelief.

What did the young lady say to herself just now?


To her, these two words were like a bolt from the blue.

You know, in the entire Great Qin, not many masters would say thank you to their servants, and there was no such thing in the Zhou Rites, let alone the little princess of the Xiongnu!
This little princess, the young lady of the Taifu's Mansion, after coming to the Taifu's Mansion, although she is not as arrogant outside, she is also indifferent to people, and she suddenly said thank you today, which made this little girl a little flattered.

When she calmed down and raised her head suddenly, the young lady no longer knew where she was going.

Outside the study door of the Taifu Mansion, the little princess Wu Ya was stopped by the guards as soon as she came here, and she said coldly: "Young Madam, please stay, this is the secret place of the Taifu Mansion, it is related to the family and the country, Young Madam, hurry up leave!"

When the little princess heard this, she was stunned. She could come here before, why can't she come today?

She didn't know that when Wang Lin met her outside the door last night, Shusun Tong also saw it, and he was immediately filled with anger.

Although he accepted this niece and daughter-in-law, it doesn't mean that he can let her listen to the important affairs of his family and country.

Confucius said that a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall.

It is also said that you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others. This is a gentleman.

Naturally, Shu Suntong would not harm a woman, but he would never be unprepared, so he immediately ordered that from now on, no one except the major general and him should approach the important place of the study.

(End of this chapter)

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