Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 598 In order to gain a foothold

Chapter 598 In order to gain a foothold
"Even I can't go in? I'm the young lady of Taifu's mansion!"

Wu Ya couldn't help being angry in her heart, she didn't understand why such a rule suddenly appeared, was it to guard against herself?
"That's right, the young lady can't go in either!"

The guard didn't talk nonsense, and said coldly.


Wu Ya was short of breath, and just about to say something, she thought of what was in her mind just now, and immediately calmed down.

She took a deep breath and muttered to herself: "Don't be as knowledgeable as him, treat people with courtesy and sincerity!"

Thinking about it, Wu Ya opened her eyes, looked at the guard, bowed and said, "Please tell the strong man, tell uncle, daughter-in-law is asking to see you!"

Wu Ya's words were very gentle, and she said it in Xue Ning's tone. Suddenly, the cold guard's expression changed, and he looked at her in disbelief.

"Please tell the strong man to inform the uncle that the daughter-in-law needs to see something!"

Seeing that the guard didn't speak, Wu Ya spoke again.

It is said that people who stretch out their hands do not hit smiling faces, so what is a smiling face?Only those who are courteous and smiling are smiling faces. Facing the polite Young Madam at this moment, the guard could not refute it coldly. He was speechless for a while, and could only say: "Young Madam, please wait a moment, subordinate. Go ahead and make a sound!"

After speaking, the guard turned and left quickly.

Seeing this, the little princess Wu Ya suddenly had the feeling that everyone was guarding the sky to see the moon, and a relaxed smile appeared on her face.

At this moment, she finally fully understood the charm of Zhou Li that her sister said.

It turns out that in this magical country, many things cannot be solved by force. Only Zhou Li can solve many things that cannot be solved by force.This is the charm of etiquette.

In the study, at the moment Shusun Tong is processing the memorial presented below as usual.

Since the emperor ignored the government affairs, the Sangong has become more and more busy. As one of the Sangongs, Shusun Tong was already very busy, and now he is even busier.

At this moment, a guard's voice suddenly sounded outside the door, and said respectfully: "My lord, the young lady is asking to see you outside!"

Shu Suntong was taken aback, raised his head and frowned and said, "What did you say? Young Madam, please see me?"

The guard understood the question in Shu Shuntong's words very well, the most important thing was to ask for an appointment, so he immediately said, "That's right, it's an interview!"

Shu Suntong put down the notebook in his hand and said, "You come in first!"

The guard made a promise, pushed the door open and entered.

"Close the door!"

Shu Suntong ordered.


The guard responded again and closed the door.

"How did she ask to meet?"

Shu Suntong looked at the guard solemnly, and said, "show me the demeanor and demeanor, without revealing the meaning, do you understand?"

The guard hurriedly agreed, then retreated to the side, cupped his hands, and said: "Please tell the strong man to inform my uncle, my daughter-in-law is begging to see you!"

Shu Suntong watched quietly, and unconsciously, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes, and then a look of joy.

"Hehe, okay... okay, it's rare for this Hun girl to be so polite!"

"Please come in!"

While speaking, Shu Suntong waved his sleeves, he really wanted to see how this Hun princess got rid of her arrogance, and was able to bend her waist to salute like this.

Hearing the words, the guard made a promise and turned inside.

After a while, the guards came to Wu Ya, bowed and saluted: "Report to Young Madam, the master is here!"

"Thank you brave man!"

Hearing this, Wu Ya was overjoyed immediately, and quickly thanked her.

"Don't dare, please hurry up, young lady!"

The guard quickly returned the salute, Wu Ya didn't talk nonsense, turned around and walked towards the study.

When they came to the study, Wu Ya knelt down outside the door and said, "My daughter-in-law Wu Ya bows to my uncle's door and asks my uncle to see him!"

Wu Ya's voice was very soft and her tone was very mature, like a well-educated lady from the Central Plains official family.

When Shu Suntong heard this, his heart trembled, and a lot of inexplicable feelings came to his heart.

He got up and came to the door, stretched out his hand and opened the door, and knelt down to Wu Ya directly in front of the door.


Shu Suntong gasped, and quickly bent over to support him: "Princess please hurry up, how dare the old minister accept such a great gift from the princess?"

As the saying goes, reciprocating courtesy with courtesy is exactly the case.

Shusun Tong is the minister of the Qin Dynasty, how could he care about the Xiongnu princess?Because of the brutality of the Huns, he didn't even look down on the Huns, and he only had contempt and contempt for the Huns in his heart.

Therefore, he treated the so-called Xiongnu princess with the same attitude, dismissing it at all.If it wasn't for the sake of his niece and daughter-in-law, he wouldn't even bother to look at it.

But in the final analysis, the other party is still a princess, and her identity is there.If the other party is rude, he can naturally ignore it.

But as the Grand Tutor, the founder of Daqin etiquette, he couldn't turn a blind eye to the politeness of the other party.

He doesn't take a rude princess seriously, but a polite princess deserves his special attention.

Even at this moment, Shu Suntong directly changed his name to the old minister, which is a respect for a princess.

"My daughter-in-law thanks my uncle for receiving me!"

The little princess kowtowed and stood up with the support of Shu Suntong.

"The princess came here today, what is the matter?"

Shu Suntong was full of curiosity, and said that he would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing. The princess's behavior today was abnormal enough, which made him not only a little suspicious.

"Uncle, my daughter-in-law wants to learn Zhou etiquette, but I don't know where to start. I had a long talk with the general last night, and I know that uncle is a great Confucian in the Qin State. He inherited Zhou etiquette and Confucianism, and he taught Da Qin etiquette and law. The official worships the Taifu , is the first teacher of the world."

"So, the general taught me that instead of looking far away, the teacher is right in front of me, so why not ask for advice. My daughter-in-law is here today to learn the etiquette of the Great Qin Dynasty!"

The little princess said solemnly with a look of cervix.

"Oh, why do you want to learn the rituals of Zhou?"

Shu Suntong's heart trembled when he heard these words, and he felt that the girl in front of him seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Surprised but surprised, he still couldn't help asking.This is like in later generations, after Buddhism was introduced to the Central Plains, every time someone became a monk, the gradient person would ask why he chose to take refuge, and judge his sincerity from this.

If at this time, the other party's answer is unsatisfactory, they will choose to repatriate.

At this moment, Shusun Tong wanted the little princess to answer.

If the answer is satisfactory, he will accept the niece and daughter-in-law wholeheartedly. If the answer is not satisfactory, he will also teach the other party Zhou etiquette, but he still doesn't know how to treat her in his heart.

"For a foothold!"

The little princess's answer was simple, rude and pure, which made Shusun Tong unable to react for a while.


Shu Suntong was a little disappointed and couldn't help whispering.

"Going back to uncle is for gaining a foothold. My daughter-in-law didn't lie, and I don't want to say anything against my will. Treating people sincerely is the foundation of my daughter-in-law's foothold. I hope uncle will understand!"

The little princess still replied respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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