Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 599 The great Confucianism is for the country and the people

Chapter 599 The great Confucianism is for the country and the people
"Treating people with sincerity is the foundation of our foothold, what does this mean?"

Shu Suntong was a little confused about the little princess for a while, but felt that the little princess at this moment seemed to have become unfathomable.

"Uncle, there was another person who married into Daqin together with my daughter-in-law, who is the sister-in-law of the daughter-in-law, who is now Daqin Concubine Xue."

"My sister has longed for the Central Plains culture since she was a child, especially the etiquette of the Central Plains, which is even more respected by her sister."

"On the eve of leaving home, my sister once said that the people of the Central Plains are hostile to the Huns themselves. Joining the Huns this time will be dangerous. If you are not careful, you will cause unimaginable troubles."

"Furthermore, it's okay if the husband treats you kindly. If the husband doesn't treat you kindly, although the daughter-in-law and sister are princesses, this status will not bring any benefits in Daqin. It will only make the daughter-in-law and sister's life worse than death!"

"Finally, my sister said that after coming to Daqin, if you want to gain a foothold, there are only two things. One, treat people with sincerity! Two, marry your husband and follow your husband!"

"My sister once said, Zhou Li, return courtesy with courtesy, you treat me like a gentleman of the country, and I will repay you with the courtesy of a gentleman of the country. Therefore, if you want to be treated sincerely by the Qin people, your daughter-in-law must first treat the Qin people sincerely!"

"Furthermore, marrying your husband follows your husband. From the moment you marry into Daqin, your daughter-in-law and elder sister are no longer Huns, but belong to Daqin. According to the etiquette system, they belong to Qin people!"

"The Qin people learn Zhou etiquette, treat their husbands sincerely, put filial piety first, respect uncles, and be loyal to the sage. This is the foundation of a daughter-in-law!"

"My daughter-in-law doesn't know whether my uncle is satisfied with these words, but every sentence comes from my daughter-in-law's thoughts. Here, my daughter-in-law solemnly asks my uncle to teach Zhou rituals!"

After speaking, the little princess kowtowed again.

"Hey, it's alright, don't worship anymore. The old minister understands, I understand. The princess's heart, the old minister understands, please hurry up, please hurry up!"

Shu Suntong was silent when he heard this, and suddenly saw the little princess prostrating, and quickly helped him up, with a look of exclamation on his face.

It had to be said that the little princess's answer was beyond his expectation, but it satisfied him very much.

Although these four words sound a little speechless in order to gain a foothold, I have to say that these four words directly hit the heart. There is no word in the world that is more real than these four words.

Although many beautiful lies are more beautiful, for people like Shusuntong, this kind of words that hit the heart are by no means comparable to any beautiful lies.

Therefore, just relying on this sincerity is enough to make him treat him sincerely.

As the saying goes, sincerity is exchanged for true affection, sincerity is exchanged for sincerity, and courtesy is returned, that is exactly the case.

"So, the uncle agreed to teach his daughter-in-law the rituals of Zhou? You won't reject your daughter-in-law just because she is of the blood of the Huns?"

The little princess quickly raised her head, looked at Shu Suntong and said.

"Hahahaha... Daughter-in-law... Well, it's a nice title. Marry your husband as your husband, the old man treats Lin'er as his own son, and Lin'er treats the old man like a teacher like a father. Now you are married to Lin'er, and you call the old man uncle. That's right."

"It's not wrong to call this old man a father-in-law! Just relying on this uncle, you marry your husband and follow your husband. Tell me, are you from the Qin Dynasty or the Huns?"

Shu Suntong laughed loudly, twisted his long beard with his hands, and said with a very happy smile
"Qin people!"

The little princess nodded quickly.

From the moment she wanted to see through, she was no longer a so-called Hun princess, a Hun, but a Qin.

This is the new identity she established for herself after her epiphany.

"Then you also said that it's only natural for the people of Qin to learn Zhou etiquette. As the old man's daughter-in-law, how can the old man refuse?"

Shu Suntong looked at the little princess in front of him with satisfaction, and said with a smile.

"Thank you uncle!"

Hearing this, the little princess was overjoyed and hurriedly kowtowed.

"No thanks, get up quickly. Wu Ya, this old man won't call you a princess anymore. From now on, you will be from Qin, the old man's daughter-in-law, and Lin'er's daughter-in-law!"

Shu Suntong hurriedly helped the little princess up, and said with a smile: "You said you want to learn the rituals of Zhou, but do you know what the rituals of Zhou are?"

The little princess greeted her with a face, shook her head and said, "I don't know, please give me your advice!"

Uncle Suntong said with a smile: "Okay, Uncle will teach you the first lesson of Zhou Rituals today!"

"The so-called Zhou etiquette is Confucianism!"

Wu Ya's heart moved, and said: "Confucianism? Confucianism, Confucianism and Taoism, which Confucianism?"

Uncle Sun came to the study with Wu Ya's hand, and said with a smile, "That's right, it's this Confucianism!"

As he spoke, he took out a piece of rice paper and spread it out, and wrote the word Confucianism on it.

"Wu Ya, do you know when, where, and who did the word Confucianism originate from? And where, who, and when did Confucianism originate?"

After finishing writing, Shu Suntong asked with a smile.

"Uncle, Wu Ya doesn't know, but I heard that Confucianism originated from a sage named Confucius in the Central Plains. It should be created by this person, right? This person should be the source!"

Wu Ya pondered for a moment, then said in a low voice.

Shu Suntong shook his head and said with a smile: "Confucianism was not created by Confucius, and Confucianism did not originate from Confucius, and the word Confucianism was not created by Confucius!"

Wu Ya was puzzled, and said: "Then why do you say that Confucius is the first teacher of Confucianism?"

Shu Suntong said with a smile: "Because Confucius carried forward the Confucian Zhou Rites. You must first know that Confucianism was born according to the Zhou Rites, survived because of the Zhou Rites, and continued for the Zhou Rites. This is Confucianism, Confucianism, and Confucianism." source of the word."

"Of course, many people in the world will have a misunderstanding, thinking that the Zhou Rites existed because of Confucianism, were created by Confucianism, and continued because of Confucianism. This is the biggest mistake!"

"Zhou Li originated from the Zhou Dynasty, King Wen of Zhou. It is the Zhou Li founded by the Zhou Dynasty and derived from Confucianism. And Confucius is just one of thousands of Confucian scholars. But Confucius, one of the thousands of Confucian scholars, carried forward Confucianism !"

When Wu Ya heard the words, she suddenly realized that Shusun Tong used the simplest and most direct words to let her understand the origin of Confucianism and Zhou rituals in an instant.

If this course is taught by other Confucians, I don't know how long it will take to understand it.

"So that's the case, thank you uncle for pointing me out, Wu Ya understands!"

Wu Ya nodded and said gratefully.

"Okay, Wu Ya, now the old man explained the origin of Confucianism and Zhou rituals to you. Now, the old man will ask you another question. Do you know what the word 'Confucianism' really means?"

Shu Suntong smiled slightly, changed the subject, and asked again.

This question stumped Wu Ya again.

Seeing Wu Yaxiu frowned slightly, Uncle Sun informed her that she couldn't answer, so he smiled and said: "Look, Wu Ya, the Confucian character on the left is a person, and the right is a need character. The so-called Confucian is exactly what people need." .What people need is Confucianism!"

"The Confucian character was born in Zhou Li, and Zhou Li is exactly what the world needs. With Zhou Li, the world is stable, and when the rituals collapse, the world will be in chaos."

"So the world cannot be without Confucianism. As long as people in the world need it, there will be Confucianism. The great Confucianism is for the country and the people, understand?"

During the speech, Shu Suntong explained the meaning of the word Confucianism clearly, and also explained in a disguised form why the current emperor attaches so much importance to Confucianism and Zhou etiquette.

(End of this chapter)

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