Chapter 610
"You, oops!"

Chunxiang was already too ashamed, how could she bear being hugged by Li Yuanba like this?
Seeing her pinching Li Yuanba's waist, Li Yuanba screamed in pain, she stepped away from Li Yuanba, and trotted away from here.


In the back, Nan Yan finally laughed unscrupulously.

Looking at Li Yuanba who was standing stupidly beside him, seemingly puzzled, she reached out and patted Li Yuanba's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Silly boy, what are you looking at? Hurry up and chase after him!"

Li Yuanba reacted, "Ah", without saying hello, and directly chased after him.

Looking at this scene, Nan Yan couldn't help shaking her head. At this moment, her heart was both heavy and relaxed.

This palace is a dull place, where countless people are watching, and the huge pressure makes her have to be vigilant all the time.

Perhaps only in these few people can she find her own happiness.

Back at Jingquan Palace, from a distance, Nan Yan saw the emperor eating the meal she had prepared for him.

The emperor's eating was not elegant, just like a very hungry person, he would eat a bowl after a few big mouthfuls, and quickly ate all the meals she had prepared.

Seeing this, Nan Yan rushed forward, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, and she outlined a faint smile. She stepped forward and kowtowed: "The concubine sees His Majesty the Emperor!"

Ying Shou turned his head and said, "Well, let's get down, I just woke up, I'm very hungry, and I feel really comfortable after eating and drinking. By the way, where did you go just now!"

Nan Yan got up and told what happened just now.

Hearing this, Ying Shou couldn't help frowning, pondered for a moment, then waved his hands, and said, "Since Yue'er wants to go out of the palace to relax, let her go. In the territory of Daqin, there is Sima Xun secretly protecting her, so nothing will happen to her." That's right!"

As he said that, Ying Shou looked up and looked around, and said, "Don't tell me, even I have started to hate this palace a little bit, hey, I have to go for a walk when I find time. Wait for two months." , when the time comes, the queen will accompany me!"

Nan Yan's heart moved, and she blurted out, "Your Majesty is serious?"

Ying Shou looked at her and said with a smile: "Of course, the premise is that there is nothing serious!"

Nan Yan pursed her lips and smiled, she naturally knew what the emperor meant by the big event.

After all, the war between the Great Qin and the Huns has just begun, or is just about to start, and the emperor's army hasn't arrived at the Great Wall yet.

After arriving at the Great Wall, this battle may take a long time, and perhaps going out for fun at that time is just a dream.

But no matter what, His Majesty the Emperor thought about taking him out together, which already satisfied her.

"By the way, Your Majesty, there is one more thing, this concubine is going to talk to Your Majesty!"

Suddenly, Nan Yan thought of something, sat down beside Ying Shou, and said softly.

"What's the matter?"

Ying Shoudao.

"It's like this. Recently, my concubine found out that Mr. Li Yuanba always ran to the palace, and every time he came, he only looked for Chunxiang. The concubine could tell that the two of them were looking forward to it. No, just now Yuanba came again. Now She is running after Chunxiang!"

"My concubine thinks, this Mr. Yuanba has been simple and honest all his life, ordinary women will inevitably bully him, or be bullied by him."

"And Chunxiang grew up with my concubine, and I know Chunxiang best. If the two can be together, they can be regarded as a happy couple. Therefore, I want to ask His Majesty to marry the two of you. Your Majesty thinks how?"

Nan Yan blinked her eyes, looked at Ying Shou seriously and said.

"Oh, and this?"

When Ying Shou heard it, the reaction was obviously a bit loud.

During the recent period of time, he has been thinking about the possible problems in the battle ahead, and he didn't notice these at all.

Now that Nanyan mentioned it, how could he have any reason to disagree?
As Nan Yan said, Li Yuanba is honest and honest, and it is not something that ordinary women can control.

After all, it's too hard to find someone who treats him well and doesn't get bullied.If the two really saw each other, it would be a great thing!

"It's true, if you don't believe me, Your Majesty will go and see it with my concubines!"

Nan Yan nodded and said with a smile.

"Well, it's okay, there are too many troubles recently, and it's good to have some happy events. If possible, it happens that Xu Chu's marriage has not yet been held, let's go together!"

Ying Shou stood up with a smile on his face.

Nan Yan hurriedly greeted the guards and asked, where is Mr. Li Yuanba who is responsible for this matter.

The guard replied: "Mistress Qi, the young master and Miss Chunxiang are in the imperial garden of the palace!"

Hearing this, Nan Yan pulled Ying Shou and headed directly towards the Royal Garden.

At this moment, in the imperial garden, Li Yuanba was following Chunxiang with a humble expression on his face.

"Sister Chunxiang, why are you so angry? I didn't ask my sister-in-law to marry you to me. If you want to be angry, go to my sister-in-law to get angry. Why are you angry with me!"

"Don't be angry, okay, play with Yuanba!"

While talking, Li Yuanba clutched Chunxiang's little hand and refused to let go.

Not far away, Concubine Xue, who was sitting quietly in the imperial garden, did not attract the attention of the two of them at all. Seeing the words of concubine love here, she couldn't help but have a look of envy in her eyes.

Looking from her direction, although it was a little far away, one could clearly see Li Yuanba's cautious expression, as if he had offended his sweetheart and was begging for forgiveness from his sweetheart.

And Chunxiang looks angry, but in fact her face is flushed and she looks shy, so she is not angry, she is obviously embarrassed to look back at her lover!

This scene made Xue Ning feel envious.Once, this was also the love she envied.

It's a pity that her status is destined that she can only imagine this feeling forever, and now, she is just a pawn used by others.

All her emotional world can only be reduced to someone else's layout.

"Sister Chunxiang, you are still angry, Yuanba knelt down and begged you, please stop being angry!"

After begging for a long time, but Chunxiang did not respond, Li Yuanba suddenly knelt down behind Chunxiang.

Chunxiang was taken aback, turned her head quickly, and pulled Li Yuanba, but found that she couldn't pull him up at all. She couldn't help shouting, "My lord, what are you doing? You are the younger brother of His Majesty the Emperor, how can you just kneel down!"

Li Yuanba looked puzzled, and said: "Why can't I kneel? Because when I see others making my brother angry, I would kneel on the ground and beg my brother not to be angry, but most of my brothers would forgive me. Did I learn it wrong?"

Seeing Li Yuanba's innocent face, Chunxiang felt a headache, and supported him vigorously, "No, of course not. Get up quickly, His Majesty is His Majesty, how can a servant be compared with him?"

"Others can kneel to His Majesty the Emperor, and you can too, but you can't kneel to your slaves. This kind of slaves can't bear it, and they will kill your slaves. Get up quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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