Chapter 611
"I am willing to kneel, why would I kill my sister!!"

Li Yuanba still couldn't get up, looked at Chunxiang with a strange face, and said in confusion.

In his opinion, kneeling is a form of etiquette for apologizing. The Great Qin established the country with propriety, so it wouldn't kill people like this!
You know, those guarding the city usually bowed down to him a lot, didn't he die?

"Yuanba, get up, you will really kill your sister Chunxiang if you do this. You can kneel on your knees to the emperor and empress, but you must not kneel to Chunxiang, otherwise, no one will let Chunxiang go!"

At this moment, Xue Ning's voice sounded not far away.

"Ah... Concubine Xue, this servant is paying homage to Concubine Xue, and I didn't see you just now, so I ask you to make amends!"

Chunxiang exclaimed, and hurriedly bowed down.

"Okay, get up, those who don't know are not guilty, I don't blame you!"

"And you, Yuanba, if you like Chunxiang, just beg His Majesty the Emperor for a marriage later, don't kneel down anymore, or you will pay Chunxiang back!"

Xue Ning smiled slightly, looked at the two and said.

"Hmph, I don't believe anyone dares to bully my sister Chunxiang. Whoever dares to bully my sister Chunxiang, I will beat him to death!"

Li Yuanba was dissatisfied, and stood up while speaking.

"Oh, what do you mean by that, if I don't let Chunxiang pass, you will kill me too, right?"

Just as Li Yuanba finished speaking, another voice sounded.

Then, not far away, the emperor and empress came hand in hand.

"elder brother!"

Li Yuanba's eyes lit up, and he hurried up to hold Ying Shou's arm, like a child seeing his brother.

"My servant pays respects to His Majesty the Emperor and the Empress!"

Behind Li Yuanba, Chunxiang was taken aback, and hurriedly knelt down and bowed down.

"The concubine sees His Majesty the Emperor, and the Empress Empress!"

Not far away, Xue Ning also hurriedly got up and walked over, paying homage.

"Okay, let's get down, don't be too polite!"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, and after the two girls stood up, Ying Shou looked Chunxiang up and down.

Chunxiang is not a stunning beauty, but she is also Xiaojiabiyu, with a pretty face and a petite figure, which is a rare beauty, and it is enough to match Li Yuanba.

The key point is that this woman has a delicate mind, and it is more appropriate to take care of Li Yuanba's child's temperament.

"Well, good, good... It seems that my eyesight is getting worse and worse. Such a couple, Tian Cheng, has been placed in front of me for so long, but I didn't notice it. Well, good, good!"

"Yan'er, you are right, these two are indeed a natural pair, a created pair. If this marriage does not come true, I am ashamed to be an emperor!"

After looking at it for a while, Ying Shou was very satisfied, said a few good words, looked at Nan Yan and said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, Chunxiang's smiling face turned red again, and she still couldn't understand that the emperor was going to be a matchmaker.

"Since Your Majesty is so satisfied, what are you waiting for? Why not give this golden boy and jade girl a beautiful marriage now?"

Nan Yan smiled slightly, looked at Ying Shou and said.

"Well, yes, that's right. But it's useless for me to be satisfied, Chunxiang has to be satisfied. Otherwise, who would like my silly brother?"

Ying Shou nodded and said with a smile, "Chunxiang, if I betroth you to Yuanba, tell me, you still don't want to!"

While speaking, Ying Shou stared at Chunxiang with a smile on his face.

This sentence is pure nonsense, everyone can see that the two are in love with each other, it's just that Ying Shouzai is deliberately teasing Chunxiang.

"Your Majesty has opened his mouth... Slaves... Slaves, how dare... how dare you not want to..."

Chunxiang was shy and aggrieved, and said coyly.

"Hahahaha, I don't like to hear these words, it seems like I'm forcing someone into prostitution."

"Hey, if you don't want to, then forget it, I'll just find another one for Yuanba. Well, I think Ning'er is also good, so let's Ning'er!"

Ying Shou laughed out loud, saying that, he really had a rare moment of joy in his heart.

"don't want……"

As soon as Ying Shou finished speaking, Chunxiang and Li Yuanba called out one after another.

"The servant is willing to..."

Chunxiang looked at Ying Shou nervously, as if afraid of Ying Shou's repentance.

"Brother, I like Chunxiang, as long as I want Chunxiang to be my wife, I want Chunxiang!"

Li Yuanba was also on the side, holding Ying Shou's arm, and shouted anxiously, as if he was afraid that Ying Shou would really change his wife for him.

Seeing this, Ying Shou laughed again, very heartily.

On the side, Nanyan and Xue Ning couldn't help pursing their lips and smiling coquettishly, staring at Li Yuanba and Chunxiang continuously.

"Okay, look at the anxious looks of you two. I'm just kidding, um, since Lang has a concubine who wants to, how can I destroy this marriage. As the saying goes, it is better to demolish ten temples than a single marriage." ah!"

"Okay, I'm in charge of the two of you today, and I'll give you a marriage. It just so happens that Xu Chu's marriage hasn't happened yet, so let's make this marriage a little more lively. Let's get married together with Xu Chu and his wife, here I come Officiate the wedding for you!"

Ying Shou shook his head, and while speaking, he decided to hold the marriage of the two villages at the same time.

"Hey, by the way, as I remember, there seems to be a couple of new couples who failed to make it. It seems that we can make another couple."

"Concubine Xue, how is your younger sister doing now, is there any news about her recently?"

Suddenly, Ying Shou saw Xue Ning beside him, thought of something, and said with a smile.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, the concubine has not contacted my sister for a long time, and I don't know how my sister is doing now."

"When I came to this imperial garden today, I couldn't help but hear the sound of my sister. I didn't expect to witness a new couple tie the knot. I'm really happy and congratulated!"

Xue Ning bowed slightly and said respectfully.

"Hey, speaking of this, I really forgot. I remember some time ago, I also said that I would take you to the Taifu's mansion for a walk to see your sister. I never thought about it, and I forgot everything in the blink of an eye. !"

"It's true of you, I have already said, you can go out of the palace to relax at any time, and you can also visit that little girl more."

"In this way, since we have made a couple today, let's make another couple. I will order Wang Lin to return to the mansion first, and then you make preparations, and go to the Taifu's mansion with me to visit that girl!"

"If possible, let my three generals hold a wedding ceremony together. It will be unprecedentedly lively!"

Ying Shou slapped his head, almost [-] days had passed, he had planned to take Xue Ning out of the palace to relax and go to the Taifu's mansion to see the little Xiongnu princess.

As a result, because of Xu Chu's accident, he threw this matter out of the blue for a while. If it wasn't for today's marriage, he really wouldn't have thought of it for a while.

I have to say that there are really too many annoying things recently, the more I think about it, the more annoying I get.

It just so happened that I went out for a walk today, and the happy event came, and maybe some sorrows could be washed away.

"Really? Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Xue Ning was overjoyed when she heard this.

She has no feelings for everyone in the Huns, except for that younger sister, who really loves her very much.

Long time no see, I miss you very much.

Now that the emperor is in charge, he took her to visit, which immediately made her happy.

(End of this chapter)

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