Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 612 The Seven Great Sages

Chapter 612 Two Great Sages

Yunmeng Mountain, with high mountains and dense forests, streams and waterfalls, and pleasant scenery, is a very rare and quiet place.

For many Central Plains people at this time, this place can be called a holy place, because it is the hidden place of Guiguzi, where great sages, even saints, live.

As the saying goes, the Great Zhou reigned for 800 years, Confucius wrote the Spring and Autumn Period, the people of Guigumen were chaotic and warring, and they ruled the world and everything stopped.

Guigu was angry and the princes were afraid, so Guigu retired to the world.

Strictly speaking, the Guigu faction cannot be regarded as any branch of the hundred schools of thought. However, it forcibly created a vertical and horizontal branch. Long, every generation of disciples is born, can defeat all schools of thought, heroes from all walks of life.

For hundreds of years in the Warring States Period, no one could compete with Guigu. So far, the supreme glory of Guigu has been created, and it has a great reputation.

In the past, countless people came to Yunmeng Mountain admiringly, to learn from teachers, or to ask the sages of Guigu to come out of the mountain, or to ask the heirs of Guigu to come out of the mountain.

But for hundreds of years, except for the disciples of Guigu, no one has seen the true face of Mr. Guigu.

There are countless people who have turned over the entire Yunmeng Mountain, but they can't find a trace of Mr. Guigu.

It is rumored that Mr. Guigu lives here in seclusion, but in fact, it is unknown whether he is in this Yunmeng Mountain or not.

On this day, under the waterfall in the valley, birds and insects sang, the sound of rushing water, and the sound of the wind blowing leaves rang out one after another.

The autumn rain is continuous, and the smoke from the cooking is curling up. An old man, with white hair and Confucianism attire, is as clean as new.

At this moment, he was sheltering from the rain in a cave under the waterfall, and he was lighting a bonfire in the cave, and two sweet potatoes were roasting on the bonfire.


The old man stretched out his hand to take down the baked sweet potato, but felt that it was extremely hot, and he turned it over and over in his hand, blowing cold air constantly.

He broke open an ordinary sweet potato and put it in his mouth. He felt that it was sweet and refreshing, so delicious. For a moment, a satisfied smile appeared on his face.

"Well, good stuff, good stuff, good stuff to eat!"

The old man muttered to himself, and while speaking, he ate gracefully again.

The old man seems to be a saint, he has no desires and desires, and the smoke in the mountains seems to be the place he yearns for.

Just when the old man was enjoying his meal, a voice suddenly sounded: "Well, I asked for a scent of human fireworks from a distance. It's so wonderful. Sir, can I take a seat?"

The old man looked up, only to see a person appeared at the entrance of the cave at some time.

The visitor, with white hair and chicken skin, with an immortal demeanor, holding a stick of floating dust, looks like a fairy in the mountain, like the incarnation of Lao Tzu and Li Er, giving people an illusory feeling that he is in this mountain and not in the world.

"Haha, there is an old man with white hair and white beard, and an old Daoist with a whisk in his hand. I didn't expect to meet a fellow Daoist here. It's really a destiny. Please sit down!"

The old man laughed, looking at the person, a look of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Hehe, Master Xunzi is safe and sound!"

The old Taoist is none other than the current head of Taoism, Taoist Bai Weng.

I saw him holding a fly whisk, clasping his hands together, and bowed deeply to Master Xunzi.

The old man was Xunzi. Seeing this, he also got up quickly and bowed to Taoist Bai Weng.

In today's world, there are three famous elders.

One is Ghost Valley, the owner of Yunmeng Mountain.Furthermore, Xunzi and Taoist Bai Weng, now that Guigu is not in Yunmeng Mountain, Xunzi and Taoist Bai Weng met here.

The two rarely met in their lives, and they were indeed rare friends.

After a ceremony, Taoist Bai Weng sat down, picked up another sweet potato, blew and flipped it like Xunzi's big deal, and then showed a satisfied smile while tasting it.

Great sages like the two of them have long since lost the battle for fame and fortune like ordinary people. What they yearn for is nothing more than comprehending the Dao, retreating to the mountains, and studying knowledge.

Since ancient times, in the eyes of many ordinary people, the so-called pursuit of the Dao, in the final analysis, is some strange powers and chaos.

Some people think that those hidden masters in the mountains are almost all flying into the sky and hiding from the ground, stepping on the wilderness, possessing various supernatural powers, they can be called gods and immortals.

Some people also think that those so-called hermits are nothing but a group of liars walking the rivers and lakes.

However, anyone who is really knowledgeable knows that there are no gods, immortals and the like in this world!Where will there be flying into the sky and escaping from the ground, stepping on the wilderness and the like.

There are quite a few liars walking the rivers and lakes, but these people, how can they be called masters?

A true master does have the ability to call wind and rain like a god, and the power to benefit the world.But this is not some magical magic, but knowledge.

Such as the knowledge of all schools of thought, the sage of all schools of thought.

For example, Shang Yang, the prosperous minister of the Great Qin Dynasty, if he retired, he would be a hermit.

But when he is out of the mountain, he has the ability to benefit one party. For the people of Daqin's generation, he is the god who calls the wind and rain, and he is the saint who benefits the world.

Another example is Sun Wu, Guiguzi, etc., they retreat to the mountains, they can be called hermits and sages, but as long as they are willing to come out of the mountains.

They also have enough knowledge and ability to benefit the world. For others, they are also omnipotent gods.

Therefore, the so-called immortal spells are nothing more than a person's learning ability.

And the more people study, the more capable they are, the more they want to comprehend the higher Dao.Their arrival is the ultimate pursuit of knowledge.

Xunzi and Baiweng Taoist can also be called masters. However, in the final analysis, these two masters have no difference except that they are more knowledgeable than ordinary old people.

They also need to eat, drink, and sleep. They also have smiles, sorrows, happiness, and sadness.

It's just that because of their ability, it is basically difficult for them to have other fears, and some are just satisfied.Satisfaction brought about by knowledge.

In later generations, in the eyes of many people, ten years of studying hard in the cold window is only for the title of the golden list.

In fact, with this kind of thinking, the goal is too heavy, and it will never be possible to obtain the real avenue of knowledge.

Just like Confucius, some people say that Confucius spent his whole life teaching and enlightening the world. In fact, for Confucius, he did not educate anyone, but was constantly studying and comprehending the true meaning of learning.

It's just that along the way, countless latecomers are willing to follow him and study with him.When he finally wrote the Spring and Autumn Annals, he had unknowingly had three thousand disciples, which established the grand occasion of Confucianism.

Of course, some people will say, Confucius really only wanted to learn, why he always dreamed of finding an official to do it, for this reason, he even traveled to various countries, and eventually suffered countless blank stares.

But in fact, Confucius didn't really want to be an official, he just wanted to realize the way of learning he pursued and prove his way, whether it was right or wrong.

This point is the same as Lao Tzu's lifelong search for the truth in Zhou Shi Zang Shu Ge, and finally founding the Dao, traveling around the world, and preaching the world.

The difference is that Confucius is the Confucian way of governing the world, while Laozi is the Taoist way of inaction.

(End of this chapter)

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