Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 613 Ghost Valley Sound Transmission

Chapter 613 Ghost Valley Sound Transmission
The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Qin and Han Dynasties, in history, can be described as a period of civilization at the peak of Yanhuang.

In this period, no matter how the later generations develop, it is incomparable.

Not for anything else, just because there are really too many sages like Confucius and Laozi.

What these people pursue is learning, not fame and wealth, so they finally created a hundred schools of thought.

Among them, Confucius created a grand event of Confucianism, and Laozi pioneered Taoism.

Mozi founded the Mohist Guild, and Shang Yang, Shenzi, and Shen Buhai represented the legalist magic power and created the glory of Legalism. Finally, Han Feizi combined the three schools and established the legalist study.

Which of these people is not a sage?

These people are only a small group of people who have formed this splendid civilization since the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, and there are many existences like them, which eventually lead to such a civilization.

Taoist Xunzi and Taoist Baiweng ate and drank each other. Master Xunzi wiped his mouth with his hand and said with a smile: "Your Taoist life is like Zhuangzi, the ancestor of Taoism, illusory and hard to hide. , how could you come to this Yunmeng Mountain today, could it be that you are here for Mr. Guigu?"

Taoist Bai Weng shook the floating dust and said with a smile, "Isn't Master Xunzi?"

Saying that, the two looked at each other and laughed.

After laughing, Xunzi said with a sad face, "I'm dissatisfied with the tour guide, I don't want to be involved in the overall situation of the world."

"However, what happened in the past two years is too abnormal. Today's Hou Qin is actually born out of nowhere. It's surprising. I always feel that something is wrong. It may lead to endless crises. I have no choice but to drift with the tide and watch the general trend of the world!"

"But as time passed, Yinghuo Shouxin turned into the emperor star, with the aura of Ziwei, and it was grand in the world."

"It's a good thing, but it's a good thing to do, but it's also a confidant. The emperor star is brilliant, and the war star is fighting for hegemony. I don't know if it's good or bad. I have no choice but to come to Yunmeng Mountain to seek the truth!"

Taoist Bai Weng heard the words, nodded slightly, and said: "The poor Taoist watches the sky at night, murderous intentions are everywhere, and there are many difficulties."

"Emperor Star is strong, but it is imprisoned in a cage. Outside of the cage, there are countless difficulties. Such a wise king is in the world, but signs of killing and attacking continue, and the world is destined to regenerate swords and soldiers. It seems that this person really can't sit still!"

"Others don't know, but you and I know very well that in this world, if anyone can save the world, only the sage of Guigu is the only one. Therefore, the poor have also come."

"Unfortunately, as expected, it seems that Mr. Guigu will not be seen this time!"

While speaking, Taoist Bai Weng couldn't help sighing, and laughed wryly with Xunzi.

While the two were smiling wryly, suddenly, an indistinct voice sounded along with the sound of the waterfall: "In the spring of the second year of Emperor Wu, when the Great Wall was washed with blood! ! When the world is unified, everything is at the fingertips!"

"There are beacon fires in the Zhou Dynasty, and the Spring and Autumn Rituals collapsed! The bloody slaughter in the Warring States Period, and the Qin Dynasty brought disaster to the world!"

"Hou Qin was born out of thin air, and the snow-capped mountains in heaven shook! The bloody nature arouses the heart, and the prosperous world is coming!"

This voice instantly changed the expressions of Xunzi and Taoist Bai Weng.

The two got up quickly, clasped fists and bowed at the same time, saying: "Where is the first teacher!"

Both of them recognized that it was the voice of Mr. Guigu.

One of the two was born in Confucianism and the other was born in Taoism, neither of whom was a disciple of Mr. Guigu.

However, after walking around the world many years ago, I met by chance, and got a few pointers from the sage of Guigu, and I have taken Guigu as my teacher until now, and it has never changed.

"What do you mean sir, please enlighten me!"

The two said almost in unison.

"That's the end of the words, you two should do it and cherish it, and leave quickly. The Emperor Wu's envoy has arrived, and you two just tell the Emperor Wu this, and tell the Emperor Wu that the martial arts sword has just been completed, and the literary sword is apocalyptic. Do what you want, don't be self-conscious." Disorder! Go!"

The voice sounded again, and after it finished speaking, it disappeared without a trace.

"Master, can you come out and see me!"

Xunzi and Taoist Baiweng looked around with longing in their eyes.

Of course, no matter what the two of them said, they couldn't continue to hear that voice.


The two looked at each other and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Just at this moment, the ears of the two moved, and they looked not far away, only to see a figure approaching vertically and horizontally, standing above the waterfall, looking at the two of them, knelt down on one knee, and respectfully said: "Daqin Black Bingtai Iron Eagle Sword Scholars, I have seen Master Xunzi and Taoist Bai Weng."

"I didn't expect Taoist Bai Weng to be here today. His Majesty the Emperor has an order to ask Master Xunzi to return to the court to see him. If possible, I hope the Taoist priest can also shine in Xianyang!"

The two looked at the masked man, shook their heads and sighed, only to hear Xunzi say: "Report to Your Majesty, the old man will come as soon as possible!"

Taoist Bai Weng also nodded lightly, and said: "Report to Your Majesty, the old Taoist will go to see you!"

The iron eagle swordsman got up and said, "Farewell!"

The voice fell, leaped between, and disappeared.

"Let's set off together?"

Seeing Iron Eagle Swordsman leave, Master Xunzi looked at Taoist Bai Weng and said with a smile.

"Master ordered, why not go?"

Taoist Bai Weng shook his head and smiled, and as he spoke, the two left the cave together.

In the evening, an old carriage drove under Yunmeng Mountain, heading straight for Xianyang City.


"His Majesty the Emperor is here!"

"The Empress is here!"

"The imperial concubine is here!"

At night, in Xianyang city and Taifu's mansion, a series of sharp voices resounded.

The Taifu's mansion was shaken, and countless householders, masters and servants came to bow down one after another.

"See my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

"See Empress Empress Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose Chitose!"

"See the imperial concubine and empress for thousands of years!"

Headed by Tai Fu Shusun Tong, the sword-making general Wang Lin, and the Hun princess Wu Ya led everyone in the house to welcome them.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, standing in front of the gate of Taifu's mansion, and said in a nonchalant voice.

"Thank you Your Majesty, thank you Empress, thank you Empress!"

Everyone kowtowed and got up, Shusun Tong took the lead, stepped aside, and said respectfully: "I don't know that His Majesty the Emperor is coming, so please forgive me for being too far away to welcome you!"

Ying Shou nodded, and went straight to sit down in the lobby of the mansion. Behind him, Empress Nanyan, Imperial Concubine Xue Ning, Grand Tutor Shu Suntong, Wang Lin and others all followed.

Ying Shou sat on the top seat, looked up and down the little Xiongnu princess Wu Ya, and saw the once high-spirited little princess who didn't know the rules.

Now, like a lady of every family, standing below very politely and well-behaved, Ying Shou couldn't help showing a look of satisfaction in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Concubine Xue, haven't you seen the little princess for a long time, come today, don't be restrained. "

"The little princess is now the young master of the Taifu's mansion, so let her take you and the queen around the Taifu's mansion!"

"Today, the two of you sisters should also talk about your feelings and keep in touch with your sisterhood. After all, you are also married to Daqin, and the sisters are united, so it's okay to be homesick!"

While speaking, Ying Shou looked at Xue Ning with a smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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