Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 614 The Matchmaker Delayed by the Emperor

Chapter 614 The Matchmaker Delayed by the Emperor


The Queen, Concubine Xue, and the little princess agreed together, took their leave and left.

For a while, in the entire hall, only Ying Shou, Shusun Tong, and Wang Lin were left.

"Teacher, little general, sit down, do it quickly, don't stand!"

Ying Shou looked at the two of them, saw them standing there quietly, and said with a smile.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for sitting down!"

The uncle and nephew hurriedly cupped their hands to express their thanks, and then sat down on the left and the right under Ying Shou.

The left is superior and the right is inferior. Shusun Tong, as an uncle and one of the three princes in the current court, naturally sits on the left, while Wang Lin sits on the right.

"Dare to ask Your Majesty, I came here unexpectedly today and summoned my nephew, what can I order?"

After Shu Suntong sat down, he cupped his hands and said.

"It's nothing serious. I just have nothing to do. I just came to the Taifu's residence to visit. My Concubine Xue hasn't seen her sister for a long time, and I miss her very much. I just took this opportunity to bring her here!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said with a smile: "However, seeing that little princess today, she is not out of manners, which is surprising. It seems that during this period of time in the Taifu's residence, she must have received a lot of education!"

When Shusun Tong heard this, there was a smile in his eyes, and he said with a smile: "Reporting to Your Majesty, this girl is talented and intelligent. Although she was arrogant and rude before, she is a child who can be taught."

"I am very yearning for the etiquette of the Great Qin Dynasty, but during this period of time, it has satisfied the veteran."

"Although she is a descendant of the barbarians outside the Great Wall, it is really satisfying for such a teachable person to be the wife of my nephew. Here, the old minister would like to thank His Majesty the Emperor for the kindness of marriage!"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Oh, so the Tai Tuo really likes this girl!"

Shu Suntong nodded and said with a smile: "I love it, of course I love it. Especially so, my nephew Wang Lin has a place to belong in this life!"

While speaking, Wang Lin on the side also smiled.

He was summoned by the emperor today, and he went back to Taifu's mansion to listen and summoned him. After he came back, he also learned about the changes in the little princess during this period of time. For a while, he was ecstatic.

Although he had already accepted the fact that he and the little princess were about to get married, sometimes he had to worry about their future.

After all, as a Hun, the Eldest Princess is fine. After all, she is the emperor's concubine. In the palace, she is protected by the emperor. Unless the emperor is angry, no one dares to target her.

But the little princess is different. His identity is destined to suffer endless exclusion in Daqin.

Now, she is so active in integrating into Daqin, learning the etiquette of Daqin, taught by the Taifu, who in Daqin would dare to target her in the future?

In this way, Wang Lin can be regarded as successful in managing the family.

The ancients said, self-cultivation, family governance, and world peace, the little princess is like this, what else can Wang Lin worry about?He can give it a go, concentrate on fighting for the country outside!

"Well, seeing that the Taifu is so satisfied, I am also satisfied."

"To be honest, Grand Tutor, I am really worried that this marriage caused by my presumptuous assertion will eventually lead to chaos in the Grand Tutor's family."

"Now it seems that I am thinking too much!"

"However, having said that, the little princess of the Xiongnu is now so arrogant, arrogant and ignorant of etiquette, but she can be changed by nature, which is enough to prove that the etiquette of the Great Qin Dynasty is what everyone wants."

"Today, the Grand Tutor can change a Xiongnu princess, and the Grand Tutor brought me the Great Qin etiquette, so why can't he educate the vagrants outside the Great Wall?"

While speaking, Ying Shou changed the subject and said with a smile: "There are two masters in Taifu's house. Wen has Taifu to teach the world and rule the world. Wu has a little general to fight on the battlefield and suppress rebellion. This is the great prosperity of our Great Qin." Zhao, congratulations!"

After Ying Shou said these words, the two uncles, Sun Tong, and nephew hurriedly clasped their fists together, and said with a smile, "Your Majesty, thank you!"

They said so, but the emperor valued him so much, and the two couldn't help being moved.

From the emperor's words, the two could hear the emperor's ambitions. It seemed that to win the Great Wall, for the emperor, it was only a matter of one day.

In front of the emperor, they didn't dare to say much unless they talked about important national affairs.

While speaking, the two fell silent, and both looked at the emperor.

Seeing this, Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, and said, "Teacher, since you are so satisfied with this little princess, I don't know about this marriage, has the Tutor thought about when it will be held?"

Hearing this, Shusun Tong said with a smile: "I really haven't thought about it for a while, Your Majesty, now my nephew Lin'er is serving the country in the army. It can be said that he has no skills at all, so the old minister thought, it's better to wait until the country's affairs are settled, and then think about it." This is a matter of marriage."

"After all, the marriage between the little princess and Lin'er has been decided, so there is no need to worry about any unexpected complications. What do you think, Your Majesty?"

After Shu Suntong finished speaking, Wang Lin on the side also nodded with a smile and said: "Uncle is right, Your Majesty, state affairs are the most important thing. Now that Your Majesty values ​​Wang Lin so much, Wang Lin should put national affairs first. Is the love of children delaying the important affairs of the family and the country?"

Upon hearing this, Ying Shou was quite satisfied with what the uncle and nephew had said.

After all, in a country, the top and bottom are united, and the country's affairs are the most important. This is the way to rejuvenate the country and stabilize the country.

But after the two of them finished talking, he had a serious look on his face, and shouted: "Nonsense, as the saying goes, self-cultivation, family governance, and world peace, and family and country affairs, family and country affairs."

"The major events in this country are certainly important, but how can one talk about governing the country and the world if one person is not even stable in family affairs?"

"I know the thoughts of the two lovers. But Wang Lin, you are now a general of Daqin anyway. You have to understand a truth. State affairs are important, and family affairs are equally important."

"You are my general. I hope that your descendants will also be the generals of Daqin in the future. This lineage cannot cause problems with you!"

"Because of the above, I think the sooner this marriage can be completed, the better. What does the general think?"

As he spoke, Ying Shou looked at Wang Lin with an unquestionable expression on his face.


Uncle Wang Lin and his nephew looked at each other, they didn't expect that the emperor came here today for this wedding, this is really a great kindness of the emperor.

"Thank you, Wang Lin, for your majesty's love. Since your majesty has opened his mouth, Wang Lin should obey his orders. I just don't know, when is the best time to get married?"

Seeing this, Ying Shou nodded in satisfaction. Before he knew it, he felt that he was not like an emperor, but more like a matchmaker who was delayed by the emperor.

First there was Yuwen Chengdu and Zhao Qian, then the widow Xu Chuzhang, then Li Yuanba and Chunxiang, and now Wang Lin and the little princess.

"Well, that's right, this marriage is a major event in life. How about it, my subordinates, now two generals are also preparing for their marriage, namely Xu Chu and Li Yuanba."

"As the so-called happy events come and go, since the matter between you and the little princess has been settled, then add another joy to me, Da Qin Xi!"

"The date of marriage is set to be two months later. Two months is enough to change everything in Daqin."

"At that time, I believe that the frontier battlefield will come to a result. I hope it will be good news. When the good news comes, you wait until you get married, then there will be real happy events!"

(End of this chapter)

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