Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 616 Can You Fight

Chapter 616 Can You Fight
"General He is right. In this battle, we will have an unknown army. The so-called unknown army will definitely be defeated. I can't fight, and I can't fight!"

"Yes, so far this battle is indeed impossible to fight, please also report the current situation to the imperial court!"

"Marshal, there is no way to fight this battle, and you can't fight it!"

After He Huan's words fell, almost all the generals below got up one after another, clasped their fists, and echoed He Huan. Not a few people sat there quietly without saying a word.

Those who sat on the spot without saying a word were almost all generals from military families, and those who refused to fight were almost all generals who served in the court.

With the collapse of the former Qin Dynasty, in addition to Tu Shi, Ren Xiao, and Wei Liaozi, Li Yuanba, Yuwen Chengdu, Xu Chu, and Lie Yang, who were summoned by Ying Shou, and Lie Yang, who were subdued later, the court and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China There are no more generals, and the positions of civil and military officials are empty.

Later, after passing the scientific examination, the position was filled.Although most of the schools of thought are good at governing the world, there are also many hot-blooded men among them. Many of them have joined the army, and by virtue of their prestige, they forcibly took the positions of many generals in the Great Qin Dynasty.

In fact, Ying Shou was not very satisfied with these so-called generals, because they had lost a job, but Ying Shou didn't say much, and had always entrusted them with heavy responsibilities.

It's just that almost all of them rarely have the opportunity to go to the battlefield. They are said to be generals, but they are actually the documents of the military department in the court.

They dealt with some important military affairs, but most of them had never been on the battlefield.

Now, it was just a test for Ying Shou to send them to the battlefield.

But obviously, everything was not as expected by Ying Shou. It is true that these people dare to fight, but more often than not, they stick to their own ideas one by one, and after all, they are short of earning their hearts.

On the other hand, looking at the military strategists among the hundreds of scholars, the performance of these people in the army seems to be a bit unique.

They didn't open their mouths to express the intention of attacking, and they didn't have any objection, just because they felt that both sides had a reason.

Tu Although's truth is that what he said is the truth of military strategists.What He Huan and others said, although mixed with the principles of various schools and factions, is also in line with the way of military strategists.

Military strategists, in the troubled times, are mainly earning their hearts.What is so-called arbitrary, military strategists never care.

They only know who they are fighting for, which country they belong to, and who their master is.

They have only one mission, to seek supremacy for their country and dominate the world at all costs.

As for being famous as a teacher, military strategists naturally also care about it, but sometimes, as the so-called military speed is precious, when it really comes to the moment when every second counts, who is full enough to explain the truth to you, and tell you what the teacher is famous for.

After the fight, let's talk about who is famous and who is not.

The side that wins is the truth.The party that loses can only bear everything forever.

Of course, this is the thought of the military strategist, not the thought of a hundred schools of thought.

Hundred schools of thought, such as Confucianism, talk about standing on the highest point of morality and adjudicating everything.

I want to beat you, but I have to have enough reasons, otherwise, if I win, I will be disgraceful, as if I feel a little bullying the weak.

After all, having said that, people can't beat you, so naturally they dare not provoke you.People don't provoke you, so what reason do you have to beat others?
It's not clear that it's a bully, do you want to show your face, do you need a little bit of etiquette and morality?If it is said that others see you as a bully and specifically bully you, then Confucianism is not playing with you.

Let me reason with you first, if you don't listen, you can fight if you can beat it, and if you can't beat it, you have to fight.The spirit of being proud and proud is that she is not afraid of all challenges.

Another example is Mohism, Mohist thought, pay attention to right and wrong, love each other, do not fight or grab.But non-attack does not mean not daring to fight, but not to take the initiative to fight.

I can keep accumulating strength, I don't need to hit you, I can even treat you benevolently.

But if you dare to provoke me, I will not beat you, but in order to defend the country, in order to save life, I have to do my best, this is not called attack, this is called defense.

In this way, in all schools of thought, basically, except for the military school, all other thoughts have no intention of provoking others.

This is why during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, among countries, you beat me, and I beat you.There is a reason to fight, there is no reason, and there is a reason to fight. In short, it is the reason for fighting.

But after the later generations, the Confucian family dominated. Since then, in the Central Plains, there has always been only passive beatings and then counterattacks, and there has never been a reason to find excuses to beat others.

Anyone who violated this principle in everything, such as Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, was so majestic throughout his life that he beat the Huns to flee everywhere, but after the fight, the Western Han Dynasty was destroyed not long after.

If it weren't for Liu Xiu, how could we create another 200 years of glory in the Eastern Han Dynasty?

Another example is Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, who had three certificates of Goguryeo, invaded strongly, and ended up with a broken family.

It seems that since the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period, Yanhuang of the Central Plains has been cursed. Anyone who invades others at all costs can only end in disastrous defeat.

"Hey, what do you mean by this, generals? Tell me, what does it mean to have a teacher without a name? Could it be that what happened in front of you, you have completely forgotten it? What did the Huns do to our Daqin Mission? Behavior is not tolerated by heaven, isn't this the name of being a teacher?"

"You told me, general, why you can't fight, what can't you fight? Now you change your mind quickly. I didn't hear everyone say that you have to wait for the Huns to send troops before you can serve the country with your death. ah!"

While speaking, the whole hall suddenly fell silent, although Tu narrowed his eyes slightly, he shouted coldly.

"General Tu, it is undeniable that what the Xiongnu did to our Daqin mission this time is outrageous. But General Tu has to think about what we, Daqin, did before this? Don't forget, it was me, Daqin. Let’s kill almost everyone in the Xiongnu’s mission first! I hold grudges against the Great Qin, so don’t the Huns not hold grudges?”

"All the Huns who died this time were buried in the hands of my Great Qin, but none of the people who were buried by our Great Qin Mission to the Huns died by the Huns' swordsmen. The barbarians of the Huns complained and complained, and they still have three points of sympathy. "

"I, Great Qin, is known as a state of etiquette, how can I do such a thing of complaining and killing all?"

He Huan looked at Tu Shi, cupped his hands slightly, and said with a smile, "Furthermore, General Tu Shi, the last general, how many soldiers can we fight in Great Qin? No more than 20."

"Even if we add the 26 troops we brought from the court this time, plus the [-] tiger and cardinal troops, it's only [-]!"

"Of course, the Xiongnu has an army of 80. Even if 70 were beheaded by General Shi Potian before, there are still 26 troops. 70 beat [-], how big is the general's chance of winning?"

(End of this chapter)

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