Chapter 617
While speaking, He Huan paused, looked around, and saw the other generals nodding one after another, with a hint of pride in his eyes, he looked at Tu Shi again.

"General Tu, you must know that there are not only Xiongnu in Saibei, but Donghu as well."

"With an army of 20, at least [-] must be left to guard against Donghu, right? In this way, our army has more than [-], and we are fighting with nearly ten times as many enemy troops. What are the chances of winning?"

"Don't forget that less than a year has passed since Yuwen Chengdu's [-] troops were buried in the desert."

"The Huns are best at fighting on the plains. Their horses are excellent, and they come and go like the wind."

"And on this point, our army has no advantage."

"If we rely on the natural danger of the Great Wall, we can still fight to the death, but without the natural danger of the Great Wall, our army is a living target. Please tell me, general, how to fight this battle and how to win it?"

It was said that it was supposed to be a discussion in the commander's mansion, but it became a dispute between Tu Shi and He Huan.

"Hey, after all, it's just one sentence. I think the Huns are too powerful and dare not fight. He Huan, right? You have to remember one sentence. As a minister, the king wants the minister to die, and the minister has to die. This is you Confucianism."

"Now, you Confucian general, have you forgotten? Now His Majesty wants to fight, you have to fight if you can beat it, you have to fight if you can't beat it, talk about this and that, a lot of nonsense. If you dare not fight, just say .”

"You can't live up to the Confucian sages, but this general can do it. For my Great Qin Emperor, for my Great Qin Empire, even though Tu is not imperiled in a hundred battles, he will be honored even if he dies!"

"Marshal, Tu Jin invites you to fight!"

After saying that, after some sarcasm, Tu Li looked at Wei Liaozi suddenly, and clasped his fists to challenge.

"Tu, don't be too crazy. It is said that when you faced an army of 80 Huns, did you ever say that if you give you 30 troops, you can destroy 80 ants of the Huns? This is already crazy, so that's all." , at least it won't hurt my Daqin's face."

"But even if you are given an army of 30, you can destroy the Xiongnu, but now, where did I get the 30 army from Daqin!"

"Tell me, how did you destroy the Xiongnu? I know that you are worthy of admiration for fighting to the death for your country. But if you have courage, you can't blame me for joking with the lives of my Daqin soldiers."

"If these 10,000+ troops are buried in the northern part of the Great Wall, our Great Qin will open the door to all countries and allow others to burn, kill, and loot. At that time, even if you slaughter it, or everyone present, you will all be reduced to sinners through the ages. It's not something you, Tu Jin, can afford alone!"

Although Tu made some sarcasm, He Huan's face suddenly darkened, and he shouted angrily.

While talking, the two of them were already tearing apart their skins.

Discussing affairs in this army is like disagreeing with each other and arguing endlessly with each other.

It doesn't matter the position, it's just right or wrong. Therefore, even though Tu is the top general, He Huan is justified and will not give in at all.

"Why, do you think you are afraid of death, and I, Daqin Shiwanerlang, are as greedy for life and afraid of death as you are?"

Tu Jin stared, and shouted: "He Huan, let me tell you, don't think that this general is someone like you who is greedy for life and afraid of death."

"The Battle of Baiyue back then was full of difficulties, and the right time, place and people were the same. The general said he would fight. It was the same then, and it is the same now!"

"Tu Although, it's not that I, He Huan, don't dare to fight when you hurt people with your mouth. However, for the sake of the family and the country, and for the sake of the future, this battle must not be fought!"

"You can use the Battle of Baiyue to be arrogant, but you have to know that the former Qin Dynasty has already been destroyed."

"Because of the Battle of Baiyue, our Great Qin's 60 troops were trapped, so the former Qin was destroyed!"

He Huan was furious, and during his speech, he stopped calling Tu Shi as General, and called him by his first name, unceremoniously exposing his faults.

"Hmph, Xia Chong can't talk to ice, what you Confucian sages said really makes sense."

"I'm not arguing with you. Today's battle, if you fight, I have to fight, and if you don't fight, I have to fight too. Marshal, Tu even asked to fight!"

Although Tu's eyes were fixed, he snorted coldly. When it comes to eloquence, he can't argue with He Huan, a Confucian-born Confucian general. He has to say that he must fight today.

"Marshal, don't send troops, otherwise Great Qin will be in danger!"

He Huan quickly clasped his fists, without hesitation, turned to dissuade Wei Liaozi.

"Marshal, starting a war now is not good for our army, please think again, Marshal!"

"Marshal, even if you want to fight, you must fight at the natural danger of the Great Wall. Outside the natural danger of the Great Wall, there is no favorable time and place, and there is no harmony between people. You must not attack. Please order the Marshal to prohibit sending troops!"

Following He Huan's words to stop, the rest of the people did not hesitate, and looked at Wei Liaozi one after another, feeling that it was not a big deal.

Wei Liaozi sat quietly at the top, watching the generals quarreling below, couldn't help closing his eyes slowly, his breathing was short, he felt that one head was bigger than the other.

It is undeniable that at present, He Huan's faction is the most reasonable one.

After all, Wei Liaozi can be the Generalissimo, and he is not a fool.He even knew better than anyone present that this battle must be lost.

It can be said that what He Huan and others said were the words of real reason, while what Tu said seemed a bit reckless, purely the words of a reckless man.

But now, that person in the court doesn't want some bullshit rationality.

Wei Liaozi has been following Ying Shou for quite a while, and he can be said to be the number one capable officer under Ying Shou. Others don't understand Ying Shou's thoughts, but he is very clear.

At this time, all so-called rationality is a burden to Ying Shou.

That's right, Daqin needs rational people to govern the country, but that's all it takes to govern the country, and reason cannot bring peace to the world.

For Yu Yingshou, civil and martial arts go hand in hand, literary for reason and martial for impulsive.

What is the use of reason?It is not used to objectively analyze the overall situation. In Ying Shou's view, reason is used to balance the consequences of impulse.

In the overall situation of the world, if you fight, you will fight.

The people in front just fight, it doesn't matter what the result is, and it doesn't matter what may happen. The important thing is that this group of people who are sensible enough have to settle all the results for future generations.

Otherwise, what would Ying Shou want these rational people to do?Have a free meal?
But what happened in front of him was counterproductive. This group of rational people, from a rational point of view, first judged right from wrong. In this way, how can Ying Shou's plan be implemented?
"Okay, stop arguing, everyone!"

Wei Liaozi rubbed his brain with a headache on his face, and shouted in a low voice.

The voice fell, and the audience was suddenly silent.

Wei Liaozi sighed, looked at Tu Shi, and said, "General Tu Shi, I know that you are eager to serve your country, but there are some things that you really can't rush. Everything should be based on the overall situation."

"Since all the generals are opposed to going to war, at this moment, how can one person turn things around?"

When Tu heard the words, his expression changed, and he said, "General Marshal, what do you mean? Don't you also object to going to war at this moment? General Marshal must know that this is the emperor's will!"

On the side, He Huan hurriedly said: "The general feels that the generalissimo's words are reasonable. Besides, although the emperor asked the general to wait for the battle, and it is the mission of the soldiers, but even so, you can't disregard the lives of the soldiers and the overall situation of the family and the country." !"

(End of this chapter)

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