Chapter 622
"Okay, since the Taoist priest said so, I will follow the Taoist priest's wishes, lest the Taoist priest think that I am too long-winded!"

Faced with Bai Weng Taoist's aloofness, Ying Shou didn't say much.

He understood very well that what these great sages said were not just polite words.If they say they don't care, they really don't.

They don't have to lie, that's the behavior of a villain, and a gentleman doesn't bother to do it, let alone such a great sage!
"However, the Taoist priest, just now the Taoist priest said that the sun and the moon shine all over the world, so they should be followed and worshiped by all things. This sounds very reasonable, but I want to know, if one day, the sun and the moon will not illuminate the world everywhere, and no longer nourish all things. At that time, what should all living beings do? Will they feel resentment towards the sun and the moon, and hatred in their hearts!"

Ying Shou changed the subject, since he sat down, he said so much, but this is the most important thing.

Just now, when the two old men spoke, they seemed to be discussing the Tao, which aroused Ying Shou's heart to discuss the Tao.

In this era of lack of entertainment, there are really too few entertainment items.For most educated people, the greatest entertainment is playing chess.

But in fact, there is another project that is similar to entertainment but separate from entertainment, but it is more desirable than playing chess, and that is Lun Dao.

Lun Dao is somewhat similar to the comparison of poems and songs in later generations. The competition is about knowledge.It is Lun Dao that evolved these entertainment projects, but these entertainment projects are just entertainment, and rarely talk about major events in the world.

As for the Tao, it is about the avenues of all parties and the general trend of the world.

Of course, in the novels of immortals, demons and gods of later generations, discussing the Dao is either a fight or something like this.Actually, it's all nonsense.

The real discussion is about the situation in the world, where to go, who is right and who is wrong, what is the future, what is the present and so on.

Of course, there are also some arguments that directly escalate into battles.But this kind of battle is not a fight, the kind that fights to the death.

Relatively speaking, such an argument should be called a bet, and the bet is one's own life, and it may even be the lives of countless people.

For example, when the countries reformed, there were three schools of legalism, namely the magic power.

Shen Zi, a master of Legalism, has lost his mind, but Shang Yang, as the founder of Legalism, and Shen Buhai, as a master of Legalism, are both young and strong, and they both feel that their own way is the way , the right way, so they set up a competition to prove the way by reforming the law, to see who is the right way of Legalism.

In the end, Shen Buhui was defeated. Not only did he die, but hundreds of thousands of people died as a result, and the whole of South Korea never recovered.

This is the result of a failed argument.

As for Shang Yang, he obviously won, and as a legalist, because of his law, he finally made the Great Qin strong for more than a hundred years, so that he unified all countries.

This is discussing the Tao and discussing the world.

Therefore, on the Tao, this is a major event that anyone with some knowledge will inexplicably long to participate in.

The difference is that ordinary elementary school scholars only talk about small ways, small things, and small worlds.

And masters like Xunzi, Taoist Baiweng, and even the emperor, they are not talking about small ways, small things, and small worlds.

What they talk about will be the Dao, even the Dao of Heaven.

"What does His Majesty mean by this?"

Taoist Bai Weng frowned slightly, looked at Ying Shou in some puzzlement and asked.

"What does the Daoist think I mean by this?"

Ying Shou didn't answer the question, but said with a smile.

"Pindao doesn't know, but Your Majesty, there is one thing that I believe Your Majesty should understand. As the saying goes, people are born, old, sick and die, and the sky is unpredictable. It is inevitable. But what is the way of heaven?"

"The so-called Dao of Heaven is endless, the sun and the moon reincarnate, Yin and Yang are opposite, and it is the reincarnation of the Dao of Heaven. Since it is the Dao of Heaven, how can it disappoint all living beings under the Dao of Heaven?"

"When the old way of heaven dissipated in the last round, and the sun and the moon have no light, a new order will appear, and the way of heaven will be recreated. In the early days and moons, it will nourish all things and moisten all beings."

"But whether it's the aging Heavenly Dao, or the newborn Sun and Moon, they will never disappoint all living beings under the Heavenly Dao!"

Taoist Bai Weng shook his head, saying that he didn't know, but these words completely refuted Ying Shou's words.

When Ying Shou heard the words, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought. In his opinion, this old Taoist obviously avoided the important and ignored the trivial, but what he said was very reasonable and well-founded, which made people have to be convinced. He is indeed a master of Taoism.

Said that he avoids the important and ignores the minor, what Ying Shou asked was whether the sun and the moon will no longer shine on all living beings, will all living beings feel resentment in their hearts.

In fact, another way to put it is, when a monarch who is like the sun and the moon in the sky, in the eyes of the world, he is no longer a savior, but a disaster, will he feel hatred in his heart?

In fact, this question already has an answer.Such as Xia Jie, Shang Zhou, Zhou Youwang, and Qin Shihuang, it can be said that they have been constantly abused by the world.

Let’s not talk about it, just talk about Qin Shihuang, don’t think that the country was defeated by Hu Hai, but Qin Shihuang has been an emperor through the ages, and in many cases, he bears thousands of times more infamy than Hu Hai.

After all, the shadow of the famous tree, the father and son, the influence itself is not at the same level.

The higher the influence of Qin Shihuang, the more infamy he bears.

But in fact, is he really not wise?

No, Qin Shihuang's sageness runs through the past and the present, but his sagacity lasts forever, not in the present.

Future generations can get his blessings, but contemporary people can't.

What he wants is that the Yanhuang River and the mountains are like a shock, so he built the Great Wall, built the roads, and transformed the world. The cars are on the same track, the books are the same, and the weights and measures are unified.

This has completely stabilized the foundation of Yanhuang for future generations, and countless descendants have received his blessings.

But at the moment, that is the heinous thing of destroying people's ancestral temples and destroying people's traditions.

Therefore, he deservedly deserved to be the emperor of the ages, but he also took the scapegoat of the tyrant of the ages into account.

From this, the answer came out. When one day, the monarch no longer blesses the world, or the people in the world cannot feel the blessing of the king for a short period of time, they will inevitably feel resentment, and even make an act of destroying the sky. .

But this point was easily avoided by Taoist Bai Weng, and instead led the topic aside, so he avoided the important and ignored it.

But what he said was irrefutable.

The so-called reincarnation in the sky, when the sky is old, the order will be rebuilt, and the sun and the moon will be created again.

It means that the dynasties change, the long-standing dynasties, the system is no longer suitable, and the world will rebuild the order and restart the sun and the moon.

That is, the new dynasty replaced the old dynasty.

For example, the Shang Dynasty replaced the Xia Dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty replaced the Shang Dynasty, and the Great Qin replaced the Dazhou.

But no matter how the dynasties change, the sun and the moon are the way of heaven, and they will never disappoint all living beings under the way of heaven, or in other words, it is impossible to have the thought of letting them down.

In other words, it is the monarch, no one would think of treating his own people badly

(End of this chapter)

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