Chapter 623
Speaking of being an emperor, no one would think of disappointing his own people. Maybe some people still don't understand this truth.

Some people even say that, such as Xia Jie, Shang Zhou, Zhou Youwang, etc., are they tyrannical and innocent, and they are cruel to the people of the world?

But in fact, whether these historical records are true or not, it doesn't matter for the time being.

Even if it is true, one thing is certain, they can only be said to be mixed at best, and it cannot be said that they do not have the heart of blessing all things.

The reason is simple, as a monarch, the world is his personal product, or part of him.When the world is gone, what kind of king is he?
It's like a rich man, his money is the product of his dead and part of him.

Although money is a thing outside of life, if you don't bring it with you in life, you don't take it with you when you die, but if a rich person has no money, can he still be called a rich person?

No matter how rich people are, they will not say that their money is not pleasing to the eye, and they will try to destroy it.

All they want to do is make money, make money, continue to make money, make more money, the more money the better.

But if he loses money that day, does it mean that this rich man is deliberately defrauding his own money?
Not that possible.

The same is true of kings.

The stronger the country, the stronger the monarch.Whoever is the king, there is only one thing they want to do, to make this country strong, strong, and no matter how strong, the stronger the better.

But one day, he went the wrong way, and the people of the country were hurt. This king cannot be so tyrannical. He can only be said to be wrong, at most he is fatuous.

Therefore, as Bai Weng Taoist said, whether it is the new way of heaven or the old way of heaven, whether it is the new dynasty or the old dynasty, they will never have the heart to disappoint all living beings.

Bai Weng Taoist's words made Ying Shou ponder for a long time, but he was speechless to refute, and for a while not only smiled wryly.

"The Taoist priest is indeed a master, so I am speechless. But the Taoist priest, it is still the same sentence, if the sun and the moon really no longer nourish all living beings, what will happen?"

Ying Shou stared at Taoist Bai Weng, and finally asked again.

This made Taoist Bai Weng, who was avoiding the most serious, couldn't help but frowned slightly, and looked at the emperor, but he saw the emperor's eyes were deep, like two black holes, almost able to swallow everything into it.

This look made Taoist Bai Weng's heart tremble slightly, and he suddenly understood what, the emperor is no longer talking about the Tao, this is proving the Tao, ask!
Ying Shou at this moment is indeed not simply talking about the Tao, but more clearly, he is just asking.

He has his own way of heaven, he also has his own principles, and he has his own goals.

Even, after receiving the news from the front line today, he has a new plan of his own.

But whether this plan can be implemented, whether this path can be followed, whether it is right or wrong, he still has a knot in his heart.

This discussion is just to continue the strength of these two people and solve this contradiction for him.

"Your Majesty, this is an unanswerable question. If it has to be answered, Pindao can only say that the result is still unknown. There are too many important factors involved and it is too complicated!"

"First of all, why are the sun and the moon gloomy, and why does the way of heaven pass away? When will the way of heaven return, and when will the sun and moon shine?"

"If you lose the protection of the heavens and the sun and the moon, how much harm will all living beings suffer. At the same time, the power of the heavens and how long the power of the heavens can last are all factors!"

"And once any of these factors is out of control, a new order may usher in, and the new way of heaven will surely replace the lost way of heaven. Therefore, this question cannot be answered by Pindao, maybe you can ask the old way of heaven , the old way of heaven should be able to answer!"

After contemplating for a moment, Taoist Bai Weng looked at Ying Shou again, and said solemnly.

Upon hearing this, Ying Shou slowly closed his eyes, and let out a deep breath, whether it was a sigh of disappointment or the joy of enlightenment.

"Yes, if you want to ask this question, you have to ask yourself. What's the use of asking others?"

Ying Shou thought to himself.

The former Qin supported Hu Hai for two years and was replaced by a new order. If one day, I no longer protect all living beings, how long can my own country and the order I established be maintained?
Ten days and a half?A year and a half?
Ying Shou was not sure, because this matter was too risky even for him, and he had never experienced it or even imagined it.

When things come to an end, the answer can only be asked by himself after all.But if he could find the answer in a short time, he would not ask others.

"Thank you, Daoist, for your guidance. I asked a question that shouldn't be asked. By the way, I heard that Master Xunzi and Daoist went to Yunmeng Mountain to find the sage of Guigu, right? I don't know the result?"

After pondering for a long time, Ying Shou suddenly spoke, changed the subject, and said with a smile.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I have not seen Mr. Guigu, but I have a message from Mr. Guigu, let me pass it on to Your Majesty!"

Master Xunzi smiled slightly and replied.

"Oh, what are you talking about?"

Ying Shou's eyes lit up, that Guiguzi, even he, wanted to meet him, and even more wanted to know what kind of person this was, who never showed up, but could stir up the world.

Just now he just asked casually, even he couldn't find Guiguzi himself, he didn't think these two people could find it at all.

But he didn't expect that when Xunzi opened his mouth, he immediately raised his curiosity.

"In the spring of the second year of Emperor Wu, when the Great Wall was washed with blood! The marshal will go to heaven, the first year of the apocalypse! The holy emperor will step across the world, and the civil and military will shake the universe! When the world is united, everything is at the fingertips!"

Xunzi read in a deep voice with doubts on his face.

These words, on the way back, he had been contemplating with Taoist Bai Weng, but it was difficult to understand the meaning.

It's easy to understand if it's literal meaning, but it's hard to say what these words actually mean.

Is it prophesying that in the spring of the second year of the Later Qin Dynasty, the Great Wall will be bloodbathed and the marshal will die?

But if this is the case, shouldn't it be very tragic, the crisis is dire, and the building of the country will collapse?Where did it come from? The Holy Emperor stepped across the world, his civil and martial arts shocked the universe, and he ruled the world with a snap of his fingers?
These words feel very contradictory.The most important thing is, the first year of the apocalypse, what is the first year of the apocalypse?Could it be a very powerful person, or in other words, the first year of the weather is a new order, a new emperor, a new sage, to rule the world?
At this moment, after reading these words, Xunzi still looked puzzled.However, when Ying Shou heard this, his expression changed suddenly.

"What, the first year of the Apocalypse?"

Ying Shou cried out in a low voice.

"That's right, Your Majesty, what is the first year of the Apocalypse?"

Seeing Ying Shou's reaction, Master Xunzi couldn't help but be astonished. Could it be that the emperor knew about the first year of the apocalypse? Could it be that this first year of the apocalypse is really a person who will be born just like the current emperor of Qin replaced the previous dynasty, replacing the current one? Wheel of heaven?
For a while, not only Master Xunzi, but also Taoist Bai Weng stared at Ying Shou, wanting an answer.

(End of this chapter)

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