Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 624 Mysterious Ghost Valley

Chapter 624 Mysterious Ghost Valley
"Hahaha, okay... I understand... This is the answer I want..."

"Guiguzi, you are really a saint. I never thought that I have not met before, and a few words have already resolved all the troubles in my heart. You are indeed a master!"

Ying Shou laughed out loud, feeling extremely happy for a while.It's just that after this pleasure, a new question was born in his heart.

His troubles were resolved by the first year of the apocalypse, but this sentence also brought him new questions.

In this era, there is no such thing as an era.The real year name started from the period of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty. The first year name was also given by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty in the history of the previous life.

Therefore, Xunzi and others in this era did not know that the first year of the apocalypse was actually a year name, not a person at all.

But because they don't understand, it doesn't mean that Ying Shou doesn't understand.

The first year of the apocalypse, this is clearly the name of a new year, which implies that he will create the apocalypse in the next year.

With one line as a medicine guide and the meaning of the other lines, it is easy for Ying Shou to understand.

In the spring of the second year of Emperor Wu, when the Great Wall was washed with blood!

He is known as Emperor Wu of the Great Qin Dynasty. He ascended the throne last year. This year he spent his first spring, and next year will be his second spring.In other words, in the coming year, the Great Wall will be bloodbathed.

The meaning of this sentence is difficult for others to understand, but Ying Shou knows that unless he really starts to implement that plan, otherwise, the Great Wall will never be bloodbathed.

If the Great Wall had not been bloodbathed, how could Marshal Wei Liaozi ascend to heaven?
After all, the prophet, he implemented the plan, and finally led to the expected thing.

And the result will not exceed his expectations.Those who welcome him and Da Qin will also have a new beginning.

The holy emperor stepped across the world, and his civil and martial arts shook the world!When you rule the world, it's all at your fingertips!Isn't all of this the result he had expected long ago?
At this moment, Ying Shou understood the purpose of these words, but the biggest question was born.

In this era without a reign name, how could Guiguzi suddenly say a reign name? This year name seems to be specially chosen for himself.

What exactly does this mean?
At this moment, Guiguzi gave Yinshou a sense of mystery that had never been stronger than before.

"By the way, Master Xunzi, can you be sure that these words came from Mr. Guigu?"

Ying Shou raised his eyebrows, and out of caution, he still asked.

After all, the danger involved in that plan was too strong to allow him to make any mistakes.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, because Taoist Priest had a relationship with Mr. Guigu once, he got some pointers from Mr. Guigu, and I know Mr. Guigu fairly well. We will never forget his voice."

"It is certain that these words must have come from the mouth of Mr. Guigu!"

Xunzi nodded, solemnly speaking.

"Then Mr. Guigu, do you have anything else to tell me?"

Hearing this, Ying Shou couldn't express his emotions, so he asked again.

"There are beacon fires in the Zhou Dynasty, and the Spring and Autumn Rituals collapsed! The bloody slaughter in the Warring States Period, and the Qin Dynasty brought disaster to the world!"

"Hou Qin was born out of thin air, and the snow-capped mountains in heaven shook! The bloody nature arouses the heart, and the prosperous world is coming!"

This time, before Xunzi could speak, Taoist Baiweng read out the remaining eight sentences and said with a smile, "This is another sentence left by Mr. Guigu after the previous one!"

Ying Shou thought for a moment after hearing the words. These words echoed the previous paragraph, so they were considered complete.

"And that's all?"

Ying Shou didn't think for long this time, so he raised his head and asked again.

"There is another sentence, Mr. Shi told the two of us that His Majesty's envoys have arrived, so let the two of us leave quickly and tell Your Majesty that the martial arts sword has been completed, the literary sword is revealed, do as you like, and don't get confused!"

"Then, His Majesty's envoy, the Iron Eagle Swordsman, has arrived, and the two of us have also been summoned!"

Master Xunzi interfaced and replied to Ying Shou.

"The martial arts sword has been completed, and the literary sword is apocalyptic. Do as you please, why don't you mess yourself up?"

Ying Shou muttered these words in a low voice, his eyes lit up suddenly.

Talking about the sword with water, this is what he experienced with the sword-making general Wang Lin a few months ago.

At that time, Wang Lin mentioned two swords, one is the sword of the king, and the other is between the people.

This sword of the king sweeps the world, isn't it the sword of martial arts?Today, the martial sword is being forged, but the Wenjian is still missing.

In this sentence, doesn't it mean that the Wenjian has almost been cast now, and the Wenjian will also be born in the first year of the apocalypse!

Again, follow your instincts and don't mess yourself up.

This fully shows that Guiguzi already knows what he thinks and thinks, and he is clearly persuading himself to do what he wants to do, so don't have any worries.

Whether Guiguzi's persuasion is right or wrong, it doesn't matter for now, but he can see his mind so clearly.

And even without meeting each other, before he had this plan, he had already deduced it based on the situation in the world and his own personality, which is enough to show Guiguzi's strength.

This is indeed a person who has been famous for thousands of years, is extremely mysterious, and looks like a fairy.

"Your Majesty, can you understand something in these words?"

Xunzi and Taoist Bai Weng were comprehending these words along the way, always feeling very contradictory.

Seeing Ying Shou's suddenly enlightened expression in a short time now, I really want to know what Ying Shou has realized. For a while, Master Xunzi couldn't help but ask.

"But I have realized something. When the time is up, the two of you will naturally understand!"

Ying Shou saw through the thoughts of the two of them, and said with a smile.

When the two heard the words, they were speechless for a while, they couldn't find anything to say about this charade.

Moreover, the state of mind of the two old people was no longer comparable to that of ordinary people. Although they were curious, they hadn't reached the point where curiosity killed the cat. If the emperor didn't say anything, they naturally couldn't help asking more questions.

"Okay, this time Master Xunzi and the Taoist priest can bring me such a word, it's nothing but my wish. But there is one thing, I am still very strange."

"The two are located in Mr. Guigu. To me, Daqin, they can be regarded as the three greatest treasures in the world today."

"Now, the two of you are going to look for Master Guigu together. It seems that there must be something big. If there is no problem, I would like to ask you, what is it that makes you so impatient?"

Seeing the two wry smiles, Ying Shou waved his hands, changed the subject, and asked again.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, even if Your Majesty does not ask about this matter, the two of us are about to bring it up. This time to find Mr. Guigu, there is indeed a major event, and it is an earth-shattering event."

"There is no room for carelessness in this matter. I can't see Mr. Guiguzi now, so I can only inform His Majesty in advance. I hope His Majesty will take precautions!"

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Xunzi's face suddenly became serious, and he said solemnly.

On the side, Taoist Bai Weng also stared at Ying Shou, as if to express the seriousness of this matter.

"Oh, I don't know when, but the two of you are so prepared!"

Surprised, Ying Shou looked at the two and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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