Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 625 Talking about Tianmen

Chapter 625 Talking about Tianmen
"Your Majesty, in the Central Plains, since the beginning of the Warring States period, there has been a saying that Guigu is angry and the world is afraid, and Guigu retreats and the world rests!"

"Your Majesty must have heard this sentence. It can be said that since the Warring States Period, anyone who has influenced the overall situation of the world has been inseparable from Guigu!"

"Among these people, there are disciples from Guigu sect, such as Zhang Yi, Pang Juan, etc. There are also great talents who are not disciples of Guigu, but have been taught by Guigu, such as Shang Yang!"

"So, everyone in the world knows that where there is chaos, there is Ghost Valley."

"Therefore, it also created a false illusion of confusion. It seems that Ghost Valley is the source of disaster in the world. At least for hundreds of years, this has been an indisputable fact!"

Master Xunzi's eyes drifted away, his voice was solemn, and he started the topic with Ghost Valley.

"Oh, I've heard of the previous sentence, but I've never thought of ghost valley as the source of chaos in the world."

"But now inspired by the master's words, it seems that this is really the case!"

Ying Shou couldn't help being surprised when he heard this.It's okay if you don't want to, but when you think about it, it seems to be the case.

Wherever there are disciples of Guigu Sect, there will always be turmoil.

Zhang Yilian crossed the borders of other countries, Su Qinpei and the six kingdoms of India, and they drove the trend of the world and caused turmoil in the world. These are all iron-clad facts, which cannot be disputed!

"That's right, it's extremely scary to think about it. At least, most people in the world think so about Ghost Valley."

"It is precisely because of this that the Zongheng family created by Guigu has always been unique among all the schools of thought."

"No one dares to be provoked, but there is no one who is willing to be nice to him. Ghost Valley has always been alone in the rivers and lakes, and it is precisely because of this reason!"

"But in fact, everyone only knows that the Guigu Gate is powerful, but they don't know that behind this Guigu Gate, there is an even more powerful force!"

"Ghost Valley Gate is nothing more than stirring up the situation in the world. However, once this power comes out, it can change the overall situation of the world in an instant!"

Master Xunzi nodded, and said surprisingly.

"Oh, there is such a power in the world? Could it be that the master said that it is an organization called Tianmen?"

Ying Shou's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately thought of Tianmen.

According to the news he got, this Tianmen is too mysterious and powerful beyond imagination.You know, according to Hawkeye's speculation, even Guigu is evading Tianmen's pursuit.How much power is there to make Guiguzi so afraid?
Therefore, if there is any power in this world that can make Guiguzi feel powerless, the only thing Ying Shou can think of is Tianmen.

"Your Majesty knows about Tianmen?"

When Ying Shou said this, both Xunzi and Bai Weng Taoist were surprised.Taoist Bai Weng couldn't help saying in surprise.

"I've heard some rumors about Tianmen, but I don't know if it's true. Since you mentioned it, you must know something about Tianmen. Please answer."

"As far as this Tianmen is concerned, it may be my strong enemy! His threat is far above all the countries in the world!"

Ying Shou nodded, and didn't hide his vigilance towards Tianmen. While speaking, he changed the subject and asked.

"It seems that His Majesty already has some understanding of this Tianmen. It's a good thing that His Majesty is so vigilant about Tianmen! In fact, when it comes to Tianmen, the two of us don't know much about it. It's just that Mr. Guigu mentioned it many years ago!"

Taoist Bai Weng took a deep breath, looked far away, seemed to be recalling something, and said in a low voice: "Many years ago, Pindao and Xunzi traveled around to study, and they were lucky enough to meet each other, and then met Mr. Guigu, and got advice from Mr. Guigu for a while. During the period, Mr. Guigu once said something like this!"

"There is an extraordinary power in the heaven and earth, and this power surpasses the world, space, and everything from time immemorial."

"It is arbitrarily controlling the situation in the world and playing with the hearts of the world. This is a force comparable to the sky, and the world is under its orders. The ghost valley is all over the world, but it is just struggling to survive under this force!"

At the end, Bai Weng Taoist's voice trembled a little, as if he could foresee the formidable power just by imagining it.

It is really hard for them to imagine the power that can make Guiguzi so admired and even feared, how powerful this power is.

"Is this power referring to the Tianmen? Is this Tianmen really so powerful?"

Listening to Bai Weng Taoist's narration, Ying Shou couldn't help being secretly surprised, and said in a solemn voice.

"Your Majesty is right. This force is Tianmen. Tianmen is called Haotian's world. In this world, he turns his hands into clouds and rain."

"The struggle for hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period, the struggle for supremacy among the seven kingdoms, and the great struggle under heaven were actually caused by this person. In the hundreds of years of war, Tianmen is the driving force behind it, and Haotian is the only master!"

"Ghost Valley resisted vigorously, seemingly stirring up the situation, but in fact, the general trend of the world has never been determined. At most, Ghost Valley can only slightly change the situation!"

"So, for so many years, ghost valleys are not the source of disasters in the world. On the contrary, ghost valleys must exist in places of disasters, because ghost valleys save the world."

"If there is no Guigu strategizing, the world will be a hundred times more chaotic!"

Master Xunzi took up the topic and used a series of historical battles to describe the strength of Tianmen.

But when it comes to this, Xunzi can't go on.

Because they all knew about Tianmen from Guiguzi, and that's all Guiguzi said back then.

"Okay, what a Tianmen, it's really powerful. I don't know what else do you two know?"

At this moment, it was Ying Shou who was completely solemn in his heart.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, that's all the two of us know. However, from some phenomena, Pindao and Xunzi have faintly discovered the traces of Tianmen. This power that has been hidden for hundreds of years seems to have begun to operate again. "

"Even from Pindao's point of view, the war in the north may be led by Tianmen. This is preparing to disrupt the world again!"

Taoist Bai Weng shook his head and said.

"Oh, where did you see it?"

Ying Shou was surprised. He knew that Tianmen was indeed playing tricks on this battle, but if he didn't have enough information, it would be impossible for others to know about it.

How did people know this?

"Your Majesty, a few days ago, in Jixia Academy, a group of students set up a martial arts list. I wonder if Your Majesty has heard of this matter!"

Master Xunzi interjected, and brought up the matter of the civil and military heavenly list back then.

"Well, I have heard about this matter. It seems that on this day's list, I am also on the list, and I am also ranked second. The number one is Guigu!"

Ying Shou nodded. He had indeed heard about this matter, but he didn't pay attention to the list made by a group of boring students, and didn't pay attention to it at all.

But looking at Xunzi's expression, it seems that this matter is not a trivial matter caused by a group of students, but an earth-shattering event, which is a bit too unusual.

(End of this chapter)

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