Chapter 626
"Master Xunzi, isn't this a joke made by a group of students? Could it be related to this Tianmen?"

Ying Shou looked at Master Xunzi and asked with a smile.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Your Majesty is right, this matter is indeed inseparable from Tianmen."

"Because this group of students made a list of civil and martial arts, but they did not dare to decide on the list. If I guessed correctly, the person on the list should be Haotian, the master of the Tianmen, Haotian."

"Once upon a time, I saw the authentic handwriting of Haotian in the hands of Mr. Guiguzi, and it was definitely written by the same person as the words mentioned in the list that day!"

"It is said that on the day of the inscription, the person who wrote the inscription was still in the guild hall and said that in the Central Plains, Guigu ranked first, but in the world, Guigu could not enter the top three."

"In the world, besides Tianmen Haotian, it is hard to imagine that there are other people who can say this. If you look at the world, perhaps in the eyes of Tianmen, Mr. Guiguzi really cannot enter the top three, because the number one ruler in the world is Haotian!"

Xunzi bowed his hands.

"So it's because of this?"

As soon as this remark came out, Yingshou's heart trembled suddenly. He didn't expect that Haotian had come to Daqin once before, but he didn't know it.

Even facing Haotian's obviously provocative Tianbang, he didn't take it seriously.

This matter seems trivial, but anyone who knows the power of Tianmen will be very clear that the chaos of Tianmen may be just around the corner.

And the facts have proved that Tianmen is more difficult to deal with than Yingshou imagined.

At least, after Tianmen took action, it seemed that Daqin's every move, and even any of his thoughts and plans, seemed to be in Tianmen's expectation, which made him completely powerless and powerless.

At this point, what Xunzi and Taoist Bai Weng were thinking about was basically finished.

After that, nothing happened.

Not long after, Xunzi and Taoist Baiweng left one after another, leaving only Yingshou in the huge side hall.

Looking at the empty side hall, Ying Shou looked pensive.

Just as he had guessed before, Taoist Bai Weng and Master Xunzi went to Yunmeng Mountain to look for Guiguzi this time for the very reason of Tianmen.

Similarly, Guiguzi has been hiding everywhere in the pursuit of Tianmen for these years.

It seems that the power of this Tianmen is still beyond my imagination after all.

If they are hostile, at this moment, even Yingshou feels a little bit uncertain.How the outcome will be, perhaps it is beyond what people can predict, right?

"Things have come to this, it's useless to think too much, next spring, the plan will start, and all the answers will naturally come to light!"

After contemplating for a long time, Yingshou suddenly stood up.

Before, he was still hesitating whether to take that step, but now, he has made a decision.

Since external forces cannot arouse Daqin's blood, all he can do is use chaos to establish a new order.

With the decision to win or lose, the world began to fall into an almost silent calm.

From this day on, no one in the ruling and opposition parties talked about the war anymore.

It seems that as long as the victory and defense are stable, and the whole world will benefit from it, the people's livelihood will be cultivated, and the world will be peaceful.

Autumn rains, time passes.

The autumn harvest is over, and the construction of Daqin is on the agenda again.The great mountains and rivers have returned to their original appearance again.The development in just one year surpassed the development of the previous ten years.

Such speed is astonishing.

On the border of the Great Wall, as the fighting ceased, those generals who had threatened not to destroy the Xiongnu and not return them after death proposed to return to the court one after another.

It's a pity that the memorial they handed over seemed to have disappeared without any response.

The emperor did not respond, nor did the Sangong and Six Departments, and the Military Aircraft Department, as if these people did not exist at all.

It was Wei Liaozi who received calls from Yingshou one after another.

On this day, in Wei Liaozi's marshal's mansion, Wei Liaozi hugged his dog, holding a letter in his hand, his body trembled slightly, and tears rolled down his face.

This is already the 18th time that Emperor No. summoned him back to the imperial court, and it was just a summons before, but this time, the emperor sent him a handwritten letter.

"That autumn, the marshal abandoned the first emperor and left, and the first emperor was very sad. In a blink of an eye, more than ten years passed, and in another autumn, Emperor Wu personally summoned the marshal to return. Although Lian is quite old and can still lead the army, I can't bear the grief in my heart. .”

"The so-called children and grandchildren have their own blessings. How can they live in the shadows for generations? Come back, you are already very old, don't be brave."

"A thousand troops are easy to get, but a general is hard to find. Although a general is hard to find, there is only one handsome man!"

In the letter, Yingshou seemed to be chatting with each other, expressing all his feelings for Wei Liaozi, which moved Wei Liaozi's heart.

When people get old, their eyes are always out of control, and they will cry when they are touched a little.

"Your Majesty, I have failed the First Emperor, how can I fail Emperor Wu again?"

Wei Liaozi slowly lowered his hand holding the calligraphy, looked up at the sky, with tears streaming down his eyes, and murmured in a low voice.

After a long time, he turned around and went back to his study, mentioned howling wolves, pondered for a long time on the rice paper in front of him, and then slowly wrote.

"Your Majesty, these days, I often dream of the Emperor Shi Huang coming and ask me why I left him."

"Back then, I felt that although the first emperor's ability was the same throughout the ages, he was by no means the master of the Ming Dynasty. A famous official in the world will be the first emperor if he succeeds, and the first emperor will be the first emperor if he loses."

"In the future, Daqin will definitely stage the death of the cunning rabbit, the cooking of the running dog, the demise of the birds, and the tremor of the government and the people, but the facts prove that the minister is wrong."

"Emperor Shi Huang did not do such insane things!"

"Last night, the first emperor came to look for his minister again, and he said, Wei Liao, have you seen that, you said that I have no humanity, you said that I killed innocent people indiscriminately, you said that I was born rebellious, and all the heroes who are loyal to me will be killed in the end." Put it in my hands."

"But in fact, until my death, I never hurt any meritorious ministers of the Great Qin Dynasty. I respect them as guests, and I treat them with courtesy and corporal, and I never hurt anyone!"

"You are wrong, you are very wrong. In the whole world, those who obey me prosper and those who oppose me perish. I kill those who resist me. I treat all those who obey me with kindness!"

"I didn't kill the remnants of the nobles of the six countries who surrendered. I took the people of the six countries who surrendered and treated them as my own. Some people say that I am a tyrant, and the world has suffered."

"But why did I do this, isn't it to make me Daqin eternal and impregnable?"

"The people in the world are tired, and I am also tired. It is said that I hurt the people in the world, but how can I not be strict enough to treat myself and my flesh and blood?"

"You are really wrong, I am not reconciled, if you could stay by my side back then, why would I have to work so hard?"

"If you can share my worries, why should I be in such a dilemma. Wei Liao, why do you want to leave me?"

"Wei Liao, I'm really tired and lonely. Come quickly and accompany me. I don't want you to fight the world for me. As long as you accompany me, play chess with me, and discuss the way, this life Enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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