Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 631 The Empress Is Angry

Chapter 631 The Empress Is Angry

Looking at the chattering Nan Yan with an indignant expression on her face, Ying Shou can confirm one thing, she seems really angry.

At this moment, Ying Shou suddenly burst into laughter for no reason. He did not expect that the empress, who has always been reasonable, compassionate, and courteous, would have such an angry side.

"Oh, it turns out that the queen is angry at what I just said!"

The corner of Ying Shou's mouth raised slightly, and he said with a smile.

"Don't you think His Majesty should not be angry? Your Majesty has to understand that you have no jokes. Once such absurd words are wrong, they will easily be criticized by the world!"

Nan Yan pouted, very dissatisfied.

It's just that these words are said, but it will inevitably give people a sour taste.

"But I'm not joking, I'm serious, if I say that again in the future, will the Queen still want to beat me?"

Ying Shou smiled wickedly, and stared at Nan Yan.


Nan Yan was so angry that her face was flushed, and she pointed at Ying Shou, unable to say a word for a long time, finally snorted coldly, turned her back to Ying Shou, and said, "I don't dare to hit His Majesty the Emperor, but I will definitely beat you!" Inform Sangong about this and let Sangong handle it!"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile, "Isn't that bad? Family ugliness should not be publicized. Even the empress thinks this statement is inappropriate, so why spread it everywhere?"

Nan Yan curled her lips and said bluntly: "The emperor has no family affairs, this is a national scandal, and everyone in the world knows it!"

Ying Shou saw that Nan Yanyue was getting more and more impolite, so he didn't care about it, spread his hands and said, "If you know it, you will know it. As for those old men in the court, I just let them go."

"I'm going to make me unhappy. I don't even bother to listen to what they say. What's the use of telling them? You don't dare to do anything to me. Don't tell me it's just those old guys. What do you think they dare to do to me?"


As soon as these words came out, Nan Yan shuddered all over, turned her head suddenly, and stared at Ying Shou.

Seeing Ying Shou's unscrupulous expression, she realized that the emperor really didn't care what the world thought.

The so-called Sangong and Six Divisions have countless admonishing officials, but no matter how many there are, who would dare to offend the emperor who can stab the sky when he is reasonable and unreasonable?

For a moment, Nan Yan felt anxious, but had nowhere to vent.


Speechless for a while, Nanyan snorted coldly, went straight back to her seat, sat down coldly, and said to herself angrily, "Since the emperor said so, then let it be. I just hope that the fame in this life will not degenerate into It’s good to be infamous for thousands of years!”

Seeing Nanyan compromise so quickly, Ying Shou suddenly felt a little bored.

He looked at Xue Ning who was not far away, and saw Xue Ning had a funny face, looking at him for a while, and then at Nan Yan for a while.

Seeing him turn around, Xue Ning spread her hands imitating his appearance, as if you have caused trouble.

"Concubine Ai, you see that the queen is angry, and she is very angry, what do you think should be done?"

Seeing Xue Ning's delicate appearance, Ying Shou couldn't help but said with a smile.

As they get along longer and longer, Xue Ning is now completely integrated into Daqin, and she is no longer so unfamiliar with Ying Shou. She has already recognized her identity as the Great Qin Concubine both psychologically and ideologically.

She also knew more and more about the emperor.

She knew very well that although the emperor sometimes made shocking words, he never said unreasonable words or did unreasonable things.

No matter how amazing the words are said, even if it is true, there are his own reasons, but most of the time, it is difficult for ordinary people to understand.

And sometimes, the emperor seems to be dissatisfied with others and argues with others. In fact, when he argues, everything is actually a trivial matter.

What I am most afraid of is that the emperor is not even in the mood to argue, then something really big will happen.

Just now, it seems that the empress is very strict and doesn't give the emperor any face.

In fact, Xue Ning knew very well that the empress was trying to put an end to any infamy that might happen to the emperor.

These words can be described as deep love and serious responsibility.

Of course, Ying Shou could also see this, so Xue Ning knew that the emperor's words were not intended to be angry at all, but were more of a joke.

It's a pity that Nan Yan, who was in a hurry, didn't seem to be able to react for a while, and she was really angry.

"It's no small matter for the empress to be angry. Your majesty should hurry up and coax her, otherwise be careful not to let your majesty go!"

Seeing Ying Shou asking her a question, Xue Ning pursed her lips and replied to Ying Shou.

"Well, it makes sense, this queen was found for me by the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty."

"At the beginning, I was still thinking, when did the civil and military men of the court treat me so well, and recruiting such a well-educated, kind-hearted, and peerless beauty to be my queen, this is simply the blessing of my three lives and three generations of cultivation. !"

"Hey, it seems that I still underestimated the courtiers in the court. These people usually don't see me living a happy life easily. How can they treat me so well?"

"Now, I understand that such a good queen is not used to serve me, but to supervise me!"

"Unfortunately, I have been deeply poisoned, and there is no cure. These days, I have been fascinated by this queen, and I can't let go."

"Forget it, let's take it as the wishes of these ministers have come true, and let the queen supervise me and deprive me of my good life!"

Ying Shou sighed, and while speaking, he noticed that Nan Yan, who was angry not far away, obviously looked better.

There seems to be a smile on the corner of his mouth, but his face is pretending to be frosty, which is really cute.

Nan Yan was born in a family of doctors, her father was a master doctor, and he paid the most attention to etiquette and ethics. Therefore, from the beginning of her birth, she was instilled with all kinds of etiquette and moral allusions.

But this can never be said that she is weak, on the contrary, apart from being knowledgeable and reasonable, Nan Yan is also a strange woman who is not afraid of things.

For a woman who dared to spend days and nights in the deep mountains and jungles collecting herbs, not afraid of ghosts, gods, or wild animals, who else would she be afraid of in this world?

It can be said that she gave birth to the wrong daughter, otherwise, with this courage, integrity and talent, she would definitely be an admonisher comparable to the Sangong Confucianism.

What is an admonisher?

The so-called admonishing ministers are loyal to the emperor and the country, dare to speak out and give advice, and can manage all affairs in the world.Even the emperor, if he is unclean and self-conscious, dares to take care of him, he will not hesitate to live or die.

For example, in many historical allusions, a certain minister failed to persuade the monarch, so he died to show his ambition.

These people are admonishing ministers, admonishing with death, hoping to save the overall situation.

Although Nanyan gave birth to a daughter by mistake and could not be a minister of advice, she was of pure Yanhuang blood and was orthodox in the Central Plains. Coupled with her disposition and knowledge, she was valued by the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty.I feel that only this woman can be the queen.

If this woman is the queen, she can't help but be able to sit in the harem, and she can be more respectful to the world, supervise the behavior of the emperor at any time, and dare to speak out, which is a great fortune in the world.

But now, Nan Yan obviously did not disappoint the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty. Ying Shou just said something casually, as long as she showed any signs of not knowing how to keep herself clean, she would immediately start to play a role.

(End of this chapter)

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