Chapter 632

"Hey, Yan'er, my queen, don't be angry, come and stay with me."

"You are the most perfect queen in the hearts of Manchao Wenwu. If Manchao Wenwu sees that I have made you so angry, he must fight with me."

"Don't you think that a group of courtiers are buzzing in my ears like bees all day long?"

Ying Shou made an expression of being afraid of the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, waved to Nan Yan, and said with a smile.

"Don't come! I'm the lord of a generation of enlightenment, Emperor Wu of the Great Qin Dynasty, the empress of Yingshou, how can I let you, a foolish king, shout around?"

Ying Shou snorted coldly, and now she could see that the emperor was just kidding himself.

But he was already angry, if he stopped being angry with a few words, it would be too embarrassing.

Therefore, the anger in my heart disappeared, but my face was still unreasonable.

"What? A faint king? How dare you say that I am a foolish king?"

Ying Shou's face darkened, he stood up, and walked towards Nanyan aggressively.

Nan Yan was not afraid, raised her small head, looked directly at Ying Shou, and said, "Isn't it? Millions of troops are casual, Your Majesty knows how much manpower and material resources this is?"

"Thousands of beauties accompany the driver, what a foolish idea is this? At that time, will His Majesty still have all the people in the world in his mind?"

Seeing Nan Yan's serious expression again, Ying Shou couldn't put on that forced anger expression, shook his head and smiled, and said:
"Queen, it's not so serious, is it? If it's really not possible, I don't have a million troops, but thousands of beauties are enough, how about it?"

Nan Yan sneered, and said: "Thousands of beauties, the emperor will enjoy it quite a bit. When the time comes, he will sing and sing every night, indulge in alcohol every day, and be extravagant, just like Jie of Xia and Zhou of Shang Dynasty. But why does the world need such an emperor?"

"How can such an emperor be compared with the wise and mighty Great Qin Wudi in the hearts of all people?"

"Hiss, empress, it's not that serious, is it? Everyone has a love of beauty, so don't you allow me to enjoy it?"

Ying Shou looked helpless. It turns out that finding a knowledgeable wife is just so uncomfortable.

If something is wrong, it can be seen at a glance, and if it is criticized, it will be the same.

Up to the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the thousand-year history can be used for comparison.

This is the difference between a learned man and an unlearned man.

Generally, shrews swear at the street, and the eighteen generations of ancestors swear all over, as bad as it sounds.

It's different when a learned person swears at the street. If you just name a notorious person without swearing, you can still swear bloody people.

Of course, there is a way to praise others.

Uneducated people say "fuck you, you are awesome"

A cultured person praises others, surpassing the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, comparable to the sun, the moon and the sky.

At this moment, Nan Yan's words can be said to be both dismissive and slapping, and at the same time flattering and flattering.

After scolding others, while making others unhappy, it is also a burst of advocacy, which makes people feel ecstatic.

Ying Shou was scolded as a tyrant and a faint king for a while, and a wise and powerful king for a while, and for a while, he didn't know whether he should be angry or angry.

"Okay, after all, don't you just want to have fewer women around me?"

"Eat the taste, and take it for granted. I listen to you. I don't want thousands of beauties. I will take my queen and a few concubines to travel the world, patrolling the wilderness, and wandering around the world. That's okay. Isn't it? This shouldn't be the result of the faint king, right?"

Ying Shou didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he stretched out his hand to grab Nan Yan's round and thin face, rested his head on her fragrant shoulder, and compromised with a smile.

"Hmph, it's almost there!"

Nan Yan was no longer angry in her heart, but she was indeed a bit pissed.

And there are no steps, so if you say turn your face, you will turn your face, and it is a bit embarrassing.

Now that the emperor compromised, she couldn't help it anymore, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, although she didn't laugh out loud, but she was happy in her heart, and anyone could see it.

"Hahaha, I laughed, the Queen of Dudu laughed, hahaha, at this moment, I found that the air in this world has become sweeter, and the world has become brighter."

"Well, a frown and a smile can affect the beauty of the world, nothing can be said more than that, hahaha!"

Seeing this, Ying Shou laughed and said with an exaggerated expression.

"His Majesty!"

Nan Yan's pretty face flushed, and she couldn't help pinching Ying Shou's waist lightly, but she didn't want to use force, she turned around suddenly, and hugged Ying Shou.

"Okay, I'm not going to tease the queen anymore. Is that the right thing to do? What are you talking about with a straight face? Really!"

Ying Shou smiled, and a warm feeling came over his heart.

It is good for a family to be harmonious and harmonious, but sometimes, it needs a little bit of quarrel to spice it up, so that we miss a family more!

This is true for ordinary people, and the same is true for the emperor's house.

"The concubine doesn't want to, who asked His Majesty to provoke the concubine on purpose?"

"Besides, His Majesty knows that the concubine is not really angry, and His Majesty is still humble, and he is not afraid of losing His Majesty's face!"

Nan Yan was moved in her heart, and couldn't help but pouted and said.

"Oh, so in the Queen's opinion, what should I do so that I am not humbled?"

Ying Shou let go of Nan Yan, put her body on his lap, and said with a smile.

"As an emperor, one should be domineering. What my concubine likes most is His Majesty's unquestionable expression."

"I remember in the past, the emperor pardoned whoever he said to pardon, and punished whoever he said to punish. He never explained much."

"Although at that time, in the eyes of the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, His Majesty was arbitrary and unreasonable, but it will always be clear that His Majesty the Emperor is right. They are sincerely convinced and bow their heads. That is the most powerful emperor in the hearts of my concubines!"

"So, just now, your Majesty should be more domineering. What about the Queen, I will do whatever I say. If you are not convinced, I will hit you!"

Nan Yan turned her eyes, her face was smiling like a flower, and she said with a longing expression.

Ying Shou couldn't help but have black lines on his face when he heard this.

Sure enough, beauties love heroes since ancient times.

What is a hero?Nan Yan said that those who are both brainless and impulsive are heroes.

Everyone has heard stories since childhood, and in the stories, there will always be heroes.

The manifestation of these heroes is mostly reflected in the fact that others do not understand him and think that what he did was wrong.But most heroes will go their own way and prove themselves right in the end.

Such deeds can be told as a story, but Ying Shou never thought that he was such a hero.Because in his opinion, such a hero is purely brain-dead, looking for death.

Nan Yan said that Ying Shou Qiankun was arbitrary and never explained.In fact, such a thing has never happened.

When Ying Shou beats someone, first of all, he will give people a reason why he must beat someone, so that the beating will be convinced.The same goes for murder.

Even the matter of saving Yuwen Chengdu, he could indeed make his own decisions. He didn't want to kill Yuwen Chengdu, and it was useless to anyone, but he didn't do that. Instead, he used Zhao Qian as an excuse to convince the world.

(End of this chapter)

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