Chapter 633 Intrigue
In Ying Shou's life, he would give an explanation for everything, but among the countless explanations, most people don't know, only those who are in charge of the world know.

Therefore, he became the domineering heroic emperor in people's hearts.

"Nonsense... I have always advocated self-cultivation, regulating the family, governing the country and the world, and I am tolerant to other women's women. How can I treat my queen like this? If this is the case, how can I face the people of the world?"

Seeing Nanyan's smile, Ying Shou stretched out his big hand and rubbed her little head with a doting look on his face.

At this moment, the carriage stopped suddenly.

Xianyang City is huge, and the streets are very long. Walking slowly like this, it took almost half an hour to walk out of Xianyang City Street.

"what happened?"

Ying Shou raised his head, frowned and said coldly.

"Report to His Majesty the Emperor, the Judgment Division of the Military Plane Division, General Shi Potian is blocking the way!"

The voice of the CRRC government order sounded and replied.


Ying Shou raised his eyebrows, only to hear Shi Potian's voice outside.

"My minister, Shi Potian, kowtow to my Majesty, long live, long live, long live, long live!"

While speaking, besides the chariot, Shi Potian's war horse had already prostrated on the ground under the coercion of the dragon blood horse, and Shi Potian also knelt down before the chariot.

In Daqin, there was no one who could not be overwhelmed by the name of Ying Shou.

In this world, except for Wan Liyun, any war horse must prostrate in front of the dragon blood horse.

"Shi Potian, why don't you handle court affairs at the military plane properly, why are you here?"

Ying Shou didn't even get out of the car, and just sat quietly in the car, saying coldly.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, all affairs of the Military Aircraft Division are handled by the Minister of War, Mr. Zhang Liang. These days, the ministers are just idle jobs in the court. They have nothing to do and don't know what to do!"

Shi Potian's voice came from outside and said.

"Oh, is that so? So, you came here this time to complain to me and find something to do?"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth raised slightly, and he said coldly.

"I don't dare, I just have nothing to do. Today, His Majesty is on tour without any attendants. If there is any trouble along the way, it would be bad. So I came here, hoping to follow His Majesty and escort His Majesty carefully!"

Shi Potian knelt on the ground and said loudly.

"Do you think I need a guard?"

Ying Shou opened the curtains first, looked outside, and sneered.

"With His Majesty's ability, naturally there is no need for guards."

"However, as a monarch, how can you do everything yourself? Please allow your majesty to follow!"

Under Ying Shou's gaze, Shi Potian spoke solemnly.

"Is it?"

After hearing this, Ying Shou was silent for a moment, and said, "It makes sense, since you have nothing to do, it's a good thing."

"After all, the world is peaceful, so there is leisure in the military plane. If you want to follow, then follow. From now on, you will drive!"


Shi Potian agreed with his promise, got on the car, and personally steered the horse. He quickly got up and galloped away. The speed was so fast that even if he was pulling such a huge monster with the Kowloon cart, it was still faster than those so-called Maxima.

"His Majesty!"

Nan Yan and Xue Ning all gathered beside Ying Shou. They looked at Ying Shou with strange expressions, and cried out in a low voice.

"What's the matter?"

Ying Shou sat upright and asked.

"Wouldn't it be good for His Majesty to let General Shi Potian do this kind of driving of the imperial horse?"

Nan Yan deliberately lowered her voice, as if she was afraid of being overheard by Shi Potian outside.

While speaking, she always felt very strange in her heart.

Especially recently, there has been a rumor in Xianyang City that the emperor is deliberately targeting General Shi Potian.

Otherwise, relying on the ability of General Shi Potian, he can completely cross the battlefield.

Moreover, the [-] tiger and ben army was brought by Shi Potian himself, but Shi Potian was seized by the emperor as soon as he returned to Xianyang City.

All of this is only because Shi Potian didn't obey the order at the beginning, and made his own claim, leaving [-] tiger and ben troops on the Great Wall.

For this reason, many people even began to question the emperor's wisdom.

Who is so preoccupied and disregards the country's major affairs, is he really worthy of being called a wise monarch?
You know, Shi Potian left [-] tiger and ben troops on the Great Wall, but in order to guard against the Huns and protect the North Gate of Great Qin.

Even, in the eyes of many people, the more reason why the Xiongnu did not dare to fight this time was because the Huben army was stationed on the Great Wall.

Otherwise, I am afraid that the current Daqin has already fought hard with the Xiongnu.

This is not a good thing for everyone who blindly pursues peace.Relatively speaking, they are more willing to accept the current situation.

Of course, Nan Yan didn't take these rumors seriously, and there were many people who didn't believe them at all.

After all, everyone knows the character of the emperor.

If the emperor is narrow-minded, at least nine out of ten people would shake their heads and deny it.

But now, the emperor actually let Shi Potian's imperial horse drive, which inevitably aroused Nan Yan and Xue Ning's doubts.

Could it be that the emperor really intended to target this general?Otherwise, how could the dignified general be reduced to such a state?

"What's wrong? Driving a horse is one of the six Confucian arts."

"Back then, when King Huiwen of the Great Qin Dynasty was King Xiangwang, Han Hou was the lord of the king of Wei, and they were both kings of the country. He even drove the chariot for King Huiwen. Now, a general is driving the chariot for me, is it wronged?"

Ying Shou curled his lips, his voice was undisguised, and he said in a deep voice.

"His Majesty!"

Nan Yan and Xue Ning's pretty faces changed, and they quickly called out in a low voice.

They didn't understand why the emperor was so rude.

If Shi Potian outside heard these words, he would inevitably have other thoughts, this is not what the emperor should do.

"Why, is what I said wrong? Why do you deliberately lower your voice when you have something to say? It's embarrassing to be sneaky!"

Ying Shou looked at the appearance of the two women and said suddenly.

The two women were shocked again when they heard the words, they could see that Ying Shou's words were meant for Shi Potian outside.

Only at this moment, Ying Shou spoke again, and said with a smile: "Shi Potian, the Queen and Concubine Xue will ask me again if it would be bad to let you drive. It seems that you, as a general, cannot do this."

"You're talking about driving for me, do you have any objections?"

Shi Potian was sitting in the car, when he heard this, he quickly laughed and said: "Your Majesty is seriously serious, and your two empresses are seriously serious."

"It's the honor of the last general to lead the horse and hold the stool for His Majesty, and drive the chariot. Is there any reason for that?"

Hearing this, Ying Shou looked at Nan Yan and Xue Ning, and said with a smile, "Did you hear that, it's his honor to drive for me."

"Others have no complaints, you are not happy. Don't think I don't know, there are many rumors outside that I am targeting General Shi Potian, but you can ask the general, does he feel the same way?"

As soon as Ying Shou finished speaking, Shi Potian outside hurriedly said: "Your Majesty is joking. Your Majesty has shown great kindness to your subjects. How could it be as those people who don't know the world have said that all of this is just a rumor, and your subjects are completely unreasonable?" thing!"

While speaking, Nan Yan and Xue Ning looked at each other, and their eyes became complicated.

Up to this point, the two couldn't see that the conversation between the monarch and his ministers was clearly full of intrigue.

(End of this chapter)

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