Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 634 South Sea Fairy

Chapter 634 South Sea Fairy
The weather is getting colder and colder. In late autumn, there is continuous autumn rain and it is normal to not see the sun for several days.

South China Sea, in Baiyue, is located in the south, and the temperature here is usually higher than other places, unless by chance.

Otherwise, most people will never see what a snowflake looks like in their whole life.

However, even in Nanhai County, where the weather is hot, the weather keeps getting cooler with the arrival of late autumn. Although people still often go fishing around the sea, there are still few people gathering at the seaside when there is nothing to do.

In the early morning of this day, the sea was shrouded in clouds and mist. Standing on the beach, I couldn't even stretch out my fingers.

On a reef, a white dress fluttered under the sea breeze. Her long hair was in stark contrast to the white dress, dancing with the sleeves of the dress.

Especially that small face, standing here, looks like a daughter of the sea, giving off a fairy-like aura.

"Your Majesty, you have been here for half a month. You come here every morning and only go back late at night. If you continue like this, your body will inevitably become weak."

"The sea breeze is cold today, Madam, let's go back to eat first, and come back after a few days of rest, how about Ning'er to accompany you?"

Behind the woman, a delicate figure followed, knelt on the ground, and begged in a low voice.

These two women are Yinyue and Ning'er who have left Xianyang City for a long time.

Ning'er was ordered to serve Yinyue, so she followed her all the way.

Desperate to find the reason for her lost memory, Yinyue headed south all the way after leaving Xianyang, and came to Nanhai, her birthplace, her hometown.

Unfortunately, here, she still couldn't find any sense of familiarity, as if she didn't belong here at all.

She has been to many places in Nanhai County, and she has never felt the slightest feeling. Only when she stands on the seaside, she will feel an inexplicable sense of familiarity in her heart.

After this sense of familiarity appeared, she also settled down by the seaside. Almost every day, she would come to stand by the seaside before dawn, feel the sea breeze blowing, listen to the sound of the sea, the whole person was like meditating. Just one day, nothing can be shaken.

At this moment, she was already engrossed, she couldn't hear Ning'er's voice behind her at all, and she was still standing on the spot, motionless.

"My lady..."

Behind her, Ning'er yelled again, but she didn't get the slightest answer. For a moment, her face was full of helplessness, so she got up, came to Yinyue's side, and sat down at Yinyue's feet.

She propped it up with her small hands, and looked at the statue-like Lady Yinyue with a confused face, and looked at the endless sea in front of her with a very puzzled look.

"Is the sea really so beautiful?"

"Why don't I feel it? It's endless, and the waves come one after another. If I look at it for a while, I feel dizzy. Why do you like to watch it so much?"

"Could it be because I've been used to it since I was a child, what can I think of when I look at the sea?"

"What is your empress thinking again? What does this amnesia feel like? I have heard that the former Empress Yinyue has both civil and military skills. She is a hero among women!"

"Besides, he treats His Majesty very gently and never leaves him, just like His Majesty's shadow. He will do everything for His Majesty, and never care what people in the world think!"

"But today's empress is changing more and more. Although she accepts her own identity, she always ignores His Majesty and is very cold. Could amnesia really change a person completely?"

Looking at the sea water in front of her and listening to the sound of the waves, Ning'er muttered to herself, like a believer seeking the Tao, asking questions full of doubts.

Unfortunately, no one answered for her.

Time passed by, and the master and servant sat quietly by the seaside like this, as if they could no longer feel the passage of time.

Until the clouds and mist on the sea were blown away by the sea breeze, and the surrounding fishermen began to cast their nets for fishing, the two women still stayed there quietly.

However, this has become a scenic spot by the sea. Many fishing men can't help but look towards this side. Whenever they look at the fairy-like beauty in fluttering white clothes, they can't help but show their love in their eyes. color.

But soon, these people will quickly look away, not daring to look at it, let alone thinking about it.

On the second day after that fairy came here, someone had already made a secret move and warned everyone not to disturb her.

Therefore, the fairy stood here for many days, but no one dared to come forward.

Even when fishing, people will deliberately avoid the fairy and go three hundred feet away.

It's just that the fairy is too beautiful, and if I warn myself, everyone will still be unable to help but watch secretly.

"General, tell me, it's so cold today, why are these fishermen still not resting, and come out to fish every now and then?"

"Their fish can be sold, can they be eaten? And they can't dry the fish. Isn't it bad if they call them?"

On the beach, apart from the fishermen, there were dozens of people in disguise, all in casual clothes, standing or standing, staring at Yinyue's hundreds of feet around.

Occasionally, someone would lie down on the spot to rest for a while when they were tired, but the rest of them still looked around vigilantly.

At this moment, there are three men sitting on a rock a hundred zhang away from where Yinyue is. If anyone who knows them stands here, they will find that the leader among them is the general who is the leader of the emperor's three thousand forbidden troops. , Sima Xun.

"Others have their own plans and their own reasons for living, so don't disturb them!"

Listening to his subordinates' inquiries, Sima Xun looked indifferently, and said coldly: "Recently, pay close attention to me. In the past two days, I always feel uneasy, and it seems that an accident has happened. From now on, anyone who is within ten feet of my mother Anyone who comes within three feet of the empress will be killed without mercy!"

Beside Sima Xun, the expressions of the two guards changed upon hearing this.

The guard who spoke just now said hastily: "Could it be that the general thinks that these fishermen will target the empress?"

Another guard interjected: "In this land of Baiyue, there is really nothing that can't be done by barbarians."

"And I also think it's obviously not right for these people to come out to fish at this time, General, or..."

Before the guard could finish his sentence, he met Sima Xun's cold gaze, which made him tremble with fright, and quickly suppressed the rest of his words.

"What else? Kill them all?"

Sima Xun's gaze was very cold, and his voice was even colder, without any enthusiasm, like a voice from hell, and said: "Be careful what you say in the future, the land of Baiyue is also the land of Great Qin."

"Is there any king in the world, the South China Sea is His Majesty's South China Sea, and the people of Baiyue are His Majesty's people."

"Every land built by me, the Great Qin Sun and Moon, is all Qin people. If you talk nonsense and barbarians, you will be killed without mercy!"

Hearing the words, the two guards trembled all over, and hurriedly cupped their hands, saying: "No, general, if I make a mistake in my words, I ask the general to make amends!"

"Go!" Sima Xun didn't talk nonsense, waved his hand, and said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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