Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 635 Secret Conspiracy

Chapter 635 Secret Conspiracy
"See the leader!"

Outside the South China Sea, on an island that occupies a very large area, there are civil buildings erected. On a large hall in the center of these buildings, a man wearing a mask of a demon god sits on the head. The man in the attire held a long sword, walked into the hall, and knelt down to pay respects.

"How's it going?"

The man with the devil mask looked at the kneeling person below, his voice was a little hoarse, like a poisonous snake spitting out a channel.

"Back to the leader, the traitor Yinyue has been standing by the seaside for more than half a month, and all the people who secretly protected her have been investigated, a total of 21 people!"

"Just now, my subordinates received a biography from the Red Emperor Black Eagle. According to the book, these 21 people are the commander of the imperial army and twenty guards of the imperial army around Ying Shou!"

The plain-clothed man cupped his hands.

"What, Dongdi Biography?"

"Biography of the Red Emperor? A new Red Emperor has appeared?"

Hearing this, the man in the devil mask stood up abruptly and shouted in a low voice.

"Reporting to the leader, the subordinates don't know, but the seal on the letter is indeed the seal of the Red Emperor!"

The man in plain clothes shook his head, while speaking, he took out a piece of letter paper, walked towards the man in the devil mask, and handed it to the man in the devil mask.

The man with the devil mask took it, glanced at it, and said in a low voice: "Sure enough, it is the seal of the Red Emperor. The Red Emperor has appeared. Sure enough, Haotian has not abandoned us!"

"Okay, okay! The appearance of the Red Emperor is indeed a chance to do something. According to what the Red Emperor said, although these twenty forbidden soldiers are brave and good at fighting, they are just in the army. It is nothing to fight alone."

"The most important thing is Sima Xun. Although he seldom takes shots, he is the top general under Ying Shou. He is not so easy to deal with!"

After the demon god man was overjoyed, his voice was hoarse and low, and he said:
"But it's just difficult to deal with. Although Haotian's strength in the south gate is consumed by that Yingshou, it is also easy to get those people!"

"And the letter also said that Ying Shou has already rushed to the South China Sea and will arrive within three days. Let us take down that bitch Yinyue before Ying Shou arrives, and then lure Ying Shou to the bait."

"Ying Shou is afraid of water, as long as he is in the South China Sea, even if he is the king of the land, we will let him have nowhere to escape!"

"Pass down the order, let the Three Musketeers lead three hundred swordsmen tomorrow morning, wipe out all the forbidden troops, capture Yinyue for me, and wait for the Red Emperor to deal with it at any time!"

While speaking, the man in the demon mask gave an order.


Below, the plain-clothed man responded and left.

After the plain-clothed man left, the demon masked man slowly took off his mask, revealing a bearded face.

At the corner of his eyes, there is a bright red mark, like a snake pattern, giving people a very cold feeling.

He looked up at the sky, with a ferocious smile on the corner of his mouth, and said coldly: "Ying Shou, Ying Shou, do you really think you should? What if you killed the old emperor Zhao Tuo? The old emperor Zhao Tuo, but He is one of the four emperors of Tianmen."

"Haotian's subordinates are as strong as clouds, and the emperor of all nations. You destroyed Zhao Tuo, and a new Chidi appeared. Now, Haotian makes a move, and the emperor comes. Qin will perish, and you will die if you win and defend!"

As he said that, his voice became more and more terrifying, and his smile was extremely sinister.

Perhaps Ying Shou never imagined that when he killed Zhao Tuo, he thought that the disaster in the south was all caused by Zhao Tuo.

And after Zhao Tuo was eliminated, the south was already under control.

In fact, no one would have thought that Zhao Tuo, the former general of the Qin Dynasty, had already been reduced to someone else's running dog.

All along, he has not had the ability to stand on his own. The reason why he asked Daqin to control him was because a stronger force had already firmly controlled him.

This force is exactly Tianmen.

And Tianmen's hand has actually already extended to the Central Plains, and even to the south of the Five Ridges.

Now, less than a year after Zhao Tuo's death, the new Red Emperor has appeared, and he even pinpointed Ying Shou's trace to death.

And this trip to Yingshou Lingnan will also fall into a long-planned conspiracy.


The sea breeze howled, and the night fell, until the night had covered the realization, the silver moon standing motionless by the sea, her eyes moved slightly, and finally came back to her senses.

She looked down at Ning'er who was sitting below, and saw that Ning'er had already hugged her legs and fell asleep.

As the sea breeze hit, it brought a chill, Ning'er shuddered, woke up, looked up and saw Lady Yinyue staring at her, she got up quickly, and said with a smile:
"Your Majesty is awake. Just now, Ning'er has gone back and prepared the meals. How about going back to drink some fish soup to warm your body first, and then have dinner?"

"The weather is getting colder and colder. The empress is wearing such thin clothes, and she still stands here blowing the sea breeze every day. Be careful that your body can't stand it!"

The same thing, during this time, Ning'er said it almost every day.

Moreover, the way of speaking and the scene where they are located are almost exactly the same.


Yinyue nodded slightly, still repeating that expression and voice day after day.

Ning'er got up and said hastily: "My lady, please!"

Afterwards, Yinyue turned around and walked towards the distant houses with lotus steps.

This folk house was rented by Ning'er after Yinyue arrived, and the inside was completely refurbished. Although it is not as magnificent and majestic as the palace, it is still a very elegant place.

Even though Ning'er didn't bring a penny when she came out, but she held the queen's token in her hand, she could get whatever she wanted in the world, and no one dared not to obey, so it would be very convenient for her to do anything.

When the two came to the private house, Ning'er quickly heated up the tofu fish soup that had already been made, and after it was boiled, she took out a bowl of thick white soup and brought it to Yinyue.

At this moment, Yinyue's whole body was like ice, but because of her good physical fitness, no matter how cold it was, she would not get sick easily.

She took the fish soup, felt the scalding temperature, took a sip, and suddenly felt a stream of heat rushing from her throat into her stomach, and in an instant, her whole body seemed to be full of heat.

She picked up the spoon and drank the soup at a moderate speed. After finishing a bowl of soup, Ning'er had already prepared the food and brought it up.

When Yinyue had eaten, Ning'er had already boiled water, and after taking a bath, it was already late at night, and Yinyue just lay down to rest.

Early the next morning, Yinyue continued to repeat the experience of the previous day day after day, and came to the reef by the sea, and continued to stand, looking at the sea, listening to the sound of the waves, and feeling the slightly salty sea breeze.

The forbidden army who guarded her side at all times and secretly protected her also followed.

The clouds and fog on the sea this day are denser than yesterday, and it is almost impossible to see beyond three feet.

"Pass down the order and get closer to the empress, something big may happen today!"

Sima Xun frowned, staring at the sea fog in front of him, feeling restless.

The sixth sense that belongs to a soldier made him extremely vigilant at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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