Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 636 Danger Comes

Chapter 636 Danger Comes
"General, there's no need to be so nervous, right?"

After conveying Sima Xun's order, a guard couldn't help but say.

The better an army is, the more it obeys orders. Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, even if there are doubts in its heart, it will still do whatever it takes to complete the instructions given above!
Although the guards of the forbidden army at this moment did not understand the general's intentions, since the order was issued, they still carried out it immediately.

"Don't be nervous. My intuition tells me that something big will happen today. If you continue to pass on the order, no matter whether by sea or by land, if anyone approaches your concubine three hundred feet away, you will be persuaded to leave immediately. Anyone who refuses to obey, no matter what the reason, will be killed." amnesty!"

Sima Xun's eyes were gloomy, scanning his surroundings vigilantly.

As a general who has survived many battles, in those countless deaths and wars, unconsciously, he will always hone some strange feelings.

This feeling, whenever danger comes, can always be sensed in advance, also known as whim.

This is a very mysterious thing. Astrology, divination, and fortune-telling are as magical as seeking good fortune and avoiding evil, but they are very accurate. Whenever this feeling occurs, there will be a life-and-death battle in all likelihood.

Don't look at Sima Xun following Yingshou, not only him, even the [-] Forbidden Army rarely participates in battles, but one thing is undeniable, whenever there is a big battle that determines the fate of the country, Ying Shou is basically anxious for the [-] Forbidden Army.

For example, in the previous battle of the Huns, and as before, Ying Shou killed the 23 countries in the southwest. In order to deter the 23 countries in the southwest, he did not bring any other troops, but only brought these [-] forbidden troops.

And it was these three thousand forbidden troops that frightened the kings of the southwestern countries to come to court one after another.

Having such an ability is enough to show the strength of this army.And how could such a powerful team be created without hard work?

The original body of this team, named Sanqian Baima Yicong, was one of the strongest teams in the Three Kingdoms period, second only to the Eight Hundred Factions. They fought countless battles in the north and south, and spent almost every day in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Pass.

These countless battles finally created the existence of the Three Thousand White Horses.

As the leader, Sima Xun would not be an exaggeration for the rest of his life after a thousand battles, let alone a hundred battles.And the more such an existence, the stronger the sensitivity to danger.

At this moment, Sima Xun felt extremely flustered in his heart. Although he was trying to calm down, the feeling became more and more fierce, as if it was constantly telling him that danger was approaching.


Facing Sima Xun's order, the imperial guard didn't ask any more questions, but responded and turned around immediately.

He knew that since the general had spoken out about that feeling, something big must have happened.

However, just as the imperial guard left, he hadn't walked a few steps, but at this moment, a huge monster slowly appeared on the sea covered in sea fog.

At the beginning, only a phantom could be seen, but when it was time to see clearly, the huge monster had already stopped close to the coast.

It was a ship, a big ship, and just this one ship could hold nearly a thousand people at least.

Such a large ship is rare in this era, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a huge ship.

"General, look at your mother!"

The imperial guard who had just left a few steps was taken aback, and hurriedly turned around and shouted.

"not good!"

Before his voice fell, Sima Xun's face changed drastically, and with a movement of his body, he drew out his sword and rushed out.

The big ship stopped in front of Yinyue at this moment, 400 meters away from Sima Xunzu.

However, as soon as the boat stopped, Sima Xun's speed was already extremely fast, he leaped hundreds of meters away and jumped onto the boat in an instant.

At this moment, on the big ship, hundreds of people gathered in front of the board, and before jumping off, someone saw a flash of sword light in front of them.

The next moment, a fistful of blood was drawn across, and one of the hundreds of men in plain clothes was directly pierced through the heart by Sima Xun's sword, and the whole body stood up high.

The blood splattered on this person's body directly fell on the faces of more than a dozen people, bringing a hot feeling, accompanied by a smell of blood.

There was only a weak scream, and everyone looked at Sima Xun at the same time, all showing shock.

It seems that none of them thought that someone would make such a quick move and be so unreasonable.

Although they didn't come here for any good deeds, the person who made the move must be an official of the court, right?

Didn't Daqin always treat people with courtesy, persuade people with reason, and never punish people with laws?
Knowing that other people have evil intentions, but as long as it hasn't happened, they will never be convicted.

But they just arrived, and they haven't done anything yet, so killing people at every turn, isn't it too ferocious?

And just as these people were shaking, a scream suddenly sounded from the other side.

Ning'er, who followed Yinyue to the reef and was squatting beside her, changed her face instantly, showing a look of horror.

She grew up with the doctor's Miss Zhou Mansion since she was a child, and she has seen many times of saving people and curing diseases, but it is the first time when it comes to killing people, and it is so inexplicably so.

Seeing the blood splattering and a living life falling in front of her like this made her terrified, and she jumped up.

On the contrary, Yinyue in front of her, awakened from her meditative state by her exclamation, indeed looked at the murdered man and Sima Xun with a strange expression on her face.

She couldn't see the slightest panic on her face. Although she frowned slightly, she was just puzzled, as if wondering. Isn't this Sima Xun who has been secretly following her?Why did he suddenly kill someone for no reason?
Just when Ning'er was yelling in horror and Yinyue looked puzzled, on the other side, only twenty figures approached.

Instantly surrounded Yinyue and Ning'er, each of them drew out their long swords and looked warily at the hundreds of people on the boat in front of them.

"I don't care who you are, from now on, entry and exit are prohibited within a radius of three hundred feet, and those who dare to disobey will be killed without mercy!"

On the deck of the big ship, Sima Xun pulled out his long sword suddenly, blood dripped down along with the blade of the sword.

It seemed that this life was a warning to him.Whoever dares to disobey his order will end up the same as the dead man.

"Clang clang..."

At this moment, hundreds of people on the big ship also reacted. For a moment, they only heard the sound of long swords being unsheathed. In an instant, hundreds of people directly surrounded him on the deck.

"Okay... You are indeed the leader of the Imperial Army of Ying Shou. You are indeed decisive and powerful. It seems that you already know the purpose of our visit today!"

A sneer sounded, and everyone backed away, only to see three middle-aged men walking out slowly in a triangular shape.

The first person, that is, the one who spoke, had a white face and no beard, but judging from the wrinkles and weather on his face, this person was at least in his 40s.

The other two looked exactly like him, and they were actually triplet brothers.

At this moment, the three brothers were dressed in plain clothes like everyone around them, like a group of funeral procession, giving people an unlucky feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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