Chapter 644
In this collision, the swords of the second swordsman did not touch Sima Xun, and the swords of the great swordsman and the three swordsmen only cut through a layer of his skin, so he escaped a catastrophe.

However, following Sima Xun's dodge, his long spear also deviated from the track. The long spear that was supposed to hit the second swordsman's head instantly deviated from its position, landed on the second swordsman's shoulder, and smashed down heavily.


A crisp sound sounded, and the spear directly smashed the shoulder bones of the second swordsman, and the entire shoulder was broken abruptly, and flew out.


A heart-piercing sound sounded, and the second swordsman hurriedly hugged his broken arm. The intense pain made his eyes dark and he almost passed out.

The Great Swordsman and the Three Swordsmen moved and retreated immediately.

At the same time, Sima Xun was also repelled with one blow, retreating more than ten steps in a row before stopping.

He quickly raised his head to look at the direction the boat was leaving, but found that at this moment, the sea fog had not yet dispersed, it was very thick, and it was impossible to see anything beyond five feet away.

And that big ship had already disappeared into the mist.

"court death!"

Sima Xun's eyes turned red in an instant, an almost beast-like rage grew in his body, standing shoulder to shoulder with him, there was even a sound like the howling of a wild beast.

"Second brother, are you okay?"

"Second brother, are you okay?"

On the other side, the big swordsman and the three swordsmen rushed to the second swordsman and asked nervously.

"Respect Haotian's order, kill him!"

The second swordsman recovered from the severe pain, stepped forward suddenly, picked up the sword on the ground, and frantically charged towards Sima Xun again.

At this moment, there was only one word killing in his eyes, and he didn't care about anything other than killing people.

His left arm was broken because of Haotian. Today, as long as he can complete Haotian's order, even if he loses his life, he will not hesitate.

In this world, anyone who disobeys Haotian must die.


Seeing this, the Great Swordsman and the Three Swordsmen rushed towards Sima Xun without further hesitation, their eyes full of killing intent.


At this moment, Sima Xun has nothing to fear.

Just now, although he did not hesitate to live and die, he was still timid after all.

Because in less than hopeless situations, although he can go all out, he still wants to find a chance to save people.

But now, all the people he wanted to save had disappeared, and what would happen later was completely out of his control.

In this case, his life and death are completely indifferent.

Going back alive, there is no way to explain to the emperor, let alone save people, it would be better to die.

With the will to die in his heart, Sima saw the three of them coming back again, coaxing his eyes as well, and shouting loudly, his whole body burst out instantly like a thunderbolt.


His speed was unprecedentedly fast, and he rushed to the second swordsman in an instant.

The second swordsman took a step forward, but lost an arm. The severe pain and excessive blood loss eventually slowed down his speed and his brain could not keep up.

For a while, he didn't even see clearly how Sima Xun rushed to him, he only felt a sharp pain in his chest, and Sima Xun's spear had penetrated his chest.

Immediately afterwards, Sima Xun flicked his spear and threw the second swordsman flying, followed closely, and slapped the second swordsman's chest with the barrel of his gun.

A shattered heart was shot flying directly from the pierced chest of the second swordsman.

In an instant, the second swordsman was dead and could not die anymore.

As the saying goes, it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt one's ten fingers. Anyone who has been on the battlefield understands this truth.

These three brothers are like a complete arm. With their joint efforts, their strength is unimaginable.

Therefore, with this attack, Sima Xun recklessly killed the second swordsman, just like Cai just wanted to kill the three swordsmen at all costs.

The desperate Sima Xun cannot be stopped by anyone.

The Three Swordsmen were lucky enough to escape a catastrophe just now, but now, with no one to rescue him, he can only die.

However, when Sima Xun focused on attacking the second swordsman, on the other side, the three swordsmen and the great swordsman were not idle either. They came after them and watched the second swordsman being killed, completely arousing their madness.

At the moment when the hearts of the two swordsmen were slapped, the long swords of the two men directly locked on Sima Xun's retreat.

When the second swordsman died, Sima Xun had no way out.

The sword of the great swordsman locked on his heart, and the sword of the second swordsman locked on his waist and abdomen.

Faced with this kind of attack, Sima Xun didn't think about retreating any further. He stepped forward and took a step forward. Before the great swordsman could completely kill him, he handed his long spear and forcefully penetrated the great swordsman's chest. Pierce the great swordsman's heart completely.

However, the great swordsman who was hit hard continued to charge forward as if he didn't feel any pain, letting the spear rub against his body.

In the end, he rushed to Sima Xun, handed over the long sword, and directly slashed at Sima Xun's heart.

Sima Xun turned his body slightly to avoid his heart, but the long sword still pierced through his chest, exposing the bloody hole.

At the same time, on the other side, the sword of the Three Swordsmen pierced Sima Xun's waist at the same time.


Sima Xun spat out a mouthful of blood, endured the severe pain, and with a wave of his hand, he drew the spear from behind the great swordsman, turned around and thrust it directly through the neck of the three swordsmen.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to be at peace, and the three of them stood close together like this.

The sword of the Great Swordsman completely pierced Sima Xun's chest, and the sword of the Three Swordsmen completely pierced Sima Xun's waist.

The two brothers held the long sword tightly, and when their bodies arrived, they directly lay on Sima Xun's body.

Sima Xun also felt all over his body, as if all his strength had disappeared in an instant.

There was darkness in front of his eyes, he was unable to stand up, and fell straight down, his body and the brother were forming corners, leaning on each other.

The three of them stood on the spot like this, gradually being shrouded in clouds and mists.

When the sea fog cleared, the sky began to drizzle, and the rain gradually became heavier, and finally turned into a torrential downpour, sweeping over.

This heavy rain lasted for three days and three nights in a row. In the heavy rain, a strong storm ushered in and swept up the sky. In the past few days, the fishermen by the sea did not even dare to stay at home, let alone go to sea. fish.

The city closest to this sea area is called Sea Exploration City.

As the storm hit, every household in the city hid in their houses.

In this era, although the porcelain industry is not bad, there are still very few people who can use tiles to build houses.

Even in Daqin, only a few percent of people can use tiles to build houses, and most of the rest basically use wool.

And in such a small border town, except for the government and some wealthy families, looking in all directions, it is basically a house built with thatch.

(End of this chapter)

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