Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 645 Exploring Sea City

Chapter 645 Exploring Sea City

Under the violent wind, even the tiles on those tile houses were taken away by the wind, not to mention the thatched houses in the city.

Looking up, the streets are almost covered with grass, while the roofs are already empty.

Fortunately, the wooden houses are fairly solid, and with the addition of a lot of mud and sand, the walls of these houses are still considered.

Although in the torrential rain for several days, almost most of the houses can no longer be used for shelter from the rain, but they are still good enough to block the wind.

That night, the city gates of Tanhai City had been closed, and the whole city was quiet, but outside the city, a carriage came quickly and finally stopped at Chenglou.

This carriage is very big, it is unimaginably big, and it can attract people's attention in an instant on weekdays.

However, at this moment, under the violent storm, there were not many soldiers in this city, and all of them added up, there were only dozens of city guards, and they changed their guards in turn on weekdays.

There are only a dozen people in each post to share the four sides of the city wall, and there are about five or six people on one wall, which is very rare.

Now, these people didn't even show their faces, and they hid in that corner, which made a very gorgeous carriage invisible.

"Open the door!"

On the city wall, a big man with a bearded face was the leader of the Hu Ben Army of the Great Qin Dynasty, Shi Potian, who jumped off the carriage and roared loudly.

His body stood on the spot, motionless as a mountain.

The raging wind made his clothes tremble, as if they were about to tear them apart, but it couldn't do anything to him.

However, although the gust of wind couldn't do anything to him, his voice was blown away as soon as he exited his mouth, and it couldn't be heard at all.

"Your Majesty, there are no soldiers guarding the city!"

After calling for a long time, the sound could not be transmitted, and there was no one guarding the night, so Shi Potian came to the front of the car and said respectfully.

In the carriage, Empress Nanyan and Concubine Xue Ning were lying on the huge Dulongtai. Although the body smelled bad and the strong wind couldn't blow it up, the two women still couldn't sit still, so they could only lie down.

Only Ying Shou, sitting quietly in the car, opened the window curtain first, and looked outside, frowning, thinking about something.

Nan Yan has been paying attention to him, obviously seeing a hidden tension in his eyes.

Nan Yan knew that the heavy rain had aroused his fear again.

Since the last time in the former capital city of Chu, after the violent storm and torrent in Yingdu, although the emperor seemed to be calm, he was still the invincible, powerful and invincible existence, but in fact, his heart had already been discussed. Discoloration.

Especially after Yinyue was submerged by the flood, the shadow brought by the word water has completely enveloped the heart of a strong man.

In his life, he may not be afraid of heaven and earth, but he is only afraid of water.

Water may be the only stain in his life.

At this moment, in the violent storm, he still forced himself to sit in front of the car window, and even kept looking out. This was not what he wanted to prove, maybe he just wanted to challenge the heavy rain in this way.

But during the challenge, the tension in his heart was always revealed unconsciously.

Suddenly hearing the voice outside the car door, Ying Shou took a deep breath and said, "It's hard for the soldiers in the city to let people guard the city in such a violent storm."

"Ordinary people can't even stand firmly, no wonder they are, you should find a way to open the city gate!"

Shi Potian outside the city heard the words, cupped his hands and said, "No!"

With that said, Shi Potian turned his head and looked up and down at the tower in front of him.

This city tower is not very high, after all, it is just a little-known frontier fortress city, the height is only a little over three feet, and the repair is not very good.

Rather than saying that this is a city wall, it is more appropriate to say that it is a walled village.

Shi Potian went straight to the city gate, under the tower, there was not even a moat.

He reached out and touched the city gate. The city gate was not very thick, it was just made of ordinary planks.

Shi Potian stretched out his hand to take out the meteor hammer, stepped back three feet, waved his hand and saw that the meteor hammer was swung into one piece by him, and in an instant, one hammer after another, the force was heavy, and each hammer was faster than the next hammer.

Eighteen hammers went down, and the city gate fell to the ground with a bang in an instant.


Sima Xun came back, drove the carriage again, and walked straight towards the city.

Just entering the city, not far away, a few soldiers who were sheltering from the wind at the city gate were obviously startled by the sound of the city gate collapsing, and walked over.

These people, all of them hunched over, under the ferocious storm, only in this way can they stabilize their bodies.

Even so, walking under the storm, they still staggered and fell several times before reaching the carriage.

Immediately afterwards, one by one, they forcibly held the halberds, stood on the ground, and stood in front of the carriage.

"Whoever is coming, stop immediately!"

The first person scolded coldly, although the voice was blown away by the wind, but Shi Potian was so close to him, he could still hear his voice clearly.

From this accent, Shi Potian could tell that this was a soldier of the Great Qin Dynasty. To be more precise, this was a soldier of the Qin people, not a local soldier formed in Baiyue.

These people are obviously the soldiers of the Great Qin who had entered Baiyue before.

But this is also normal. After Yingshou took Baiyue, he began to vigorously develop Baiyue's agriculture. The local army was completely withdrawn, and even the 60 army of the Great Qin Dynasty was withdrawn for 50 million.

There are only more than [-] people who have to work in the government and guard all parties.

In a small city like this, even the soldiers and yamen servants, there are no more than a hundred people at most, which is considered too much.

After one point, there are fifty or sixty yamen servants, and there are only thirty or forty soldiers left.

There are two rounds of guards, 20 people in each round, guarding the four sides of the city, and each side of the city wall, there are only four or five people at most, which is reasonable.

"Bold, you dare to block the emperor's chariot, so hurry up and bow down to your generals and local officials in Tongbing!"

Shi Potian was stopped by someone, his brows were slightly wrinkled, and he immediately scolded in a low voice.

"What? His Majesty the Emperor is here?"

When those people heard the words, their hearts were shocked, they looked at each other, and finally looked at the car in front of them.

Such a huge chariot, although there is no nine-horse chariot, but apart from the emperor's car, they can hardly imagine, who else in the world can afford such a car.

In front of this car, they didn't dare to doubt the authenticity of the emperor, but they also didn't dare to let these people in casually.

After all, the state owns the state law, the city has the city regulations, and it is their responsibility to keep the city safe.

Dang Gui, everyone hesitated for a while, only to see a person who was obviously the leader of this team come out, cupped his hands and said: "Please wait a moment, I will go to General Tong Bing and Lord Xian Cheng!"

Saying this, the person turned around and left in a hurry.

Shi Potian frowned, it was unreasonable for the emperor to wait for a small official under the tower in the heavy rain.

(End of this chapter)

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