Chapter 647
The government office in Tanhai City is not too big, facing north and south, except for the court in front, entering the back, there is a small courtyard.

There are no more than a dozen houses in the entire courtyard, and the north side is Lin Qianhai's residence. Lin Qianhai's study room where he usually handles official business, as well as the couch for rest, are all here.

Moreover, the entire courtyard looks very old and dilapidated. Although many places have been renovated, there are still many damaged places.

Especially under this gust of wind, many tiles have fallen, and in the yard, there are pieces of them.

Looking at this scene, Ying Shou couldn't help frowning slightly.

This coastal city developed extremely prosperously in later generations, but it is so backward in this era, which makes Ying Shou feel a little dissatisfied.

However, the area of ​​Baiyue has just been ruled by him, and has not fully accepted the assimilation of Daqin. It is not bad to be able to develop to this extent.

"Please sit down with your majesty and the two empresses for a while. There is no post house in Tanhai City. The only thing you can see is the county government office."

"On weekdays, even General Wuhuan and a group of soldiers stay in the government office."

"This is the place where I live with General Wuhuan on weekdays. I don't know His Majesty is coming tonight, and I haven't had time to prepare, so I will return some clean bedding for Your Majesty!"

At this moment, Lin Qianhai's voice sounded, beckoning Ying Shou and others to enter the room. After sitting down on the table and mat, Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan immediately got busy in the room.

The room is simple and simple, with two beds, and a table between the two beds. There are letters, water, inkstone and brush on the side of the table.

In addition, beside the bed on the right, there is a huge bookshelf filled with countless bamboo slips.

On the left side of the bed, there is a general see.

The entire room is not well furnished, even plain, but very spacious.

And in such a room, it is true that the scholarly brush and ink are accompanied by the general air, which gives people a different feeling.

Obviously, those two beds are the beds where Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan usually rest, and the two should often discuss something in the room.

Therefore, there is such a table case in the middle of the bed.

Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan stepped forward, removed the table and case, and placed it in front of the door, and then joined forces to put the two beds together to form a huge couch, which was very spacious.

Then, the two began to tidy up the bedding on the bed and so on, very busy.

Looking at this scene, Yin Yue and Xue Ning couldn't help frowning slightly.

This year, for Daqin, is a year of rapid development, and there are good news from cities in all directions.

The land they passed was considered prosperous, but they never expected that there would be such a poor place in Great Qin.

In a city, the general does not have a general's mansion, and the county magistrate does not have his own small house. Civil and military officials, military and political executors are all recorded in a small county government office, and how dilapidated the county government office is, it can't show the status of the Daqin government at all. atmosphere.

Ying Shou looked at the desk not far away, got up slowly, walked over, picked up a scroll of letters that hadn't been fully closed, and when he saw the contents inside, Ying Shou's eyes jumped.

"Exploring the Sea Three-Year Plan Outline!"

Ying Shou read these words in a low voice, and when he finished reading the content, he saw Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan who were busy not far away, and a smile unconsciously formed the corner of his mouth.

This three-year planning outline for exploring the sea is not a masterpiece, but a simple one-step outline, but such an outline is indeed more valuable to Ying Shou than any masterpiece.

Judging from the initial outline of this book, these two people should have entered Sea Exploration City this summer, and it should have only been four or five months since now.

This compendium was written as an inspirational goal. The two of them wanted to use just three years to completely change Tanhai City and even the surrounding environment.

This idea, for ordinary people, can be described as too crazy.

Don't look at the continuous three years, but what the two of them want to do is indeed a world-changing thing. Although this change is about exploring Haicheng and some surrounding environments, it is by no means an easy task.

As the saying goes, do small things with small energy, and do big things with great energy. The goal set by the two is no less than a reform.

The difference is that the major reforms use all the power of a country to change the laws of a country and change the world of a country.

As for the small reforms, like the two of them, with all their efforts, they can only mobilize the power of a city at most, and finally change the law of a city and change the world of a city.

After all, the power obtained is different, and the major reforms will be different from the minor reforms, but the painstaking efforts spent are the same.

At that time, Shang Yang reformed and encouraged for 20 years, but now these two have been encouraging for three years. I have to say that they are a little crazy, but they are also very caring and hardworking.

"His Majesty……"

Just as Ying Shou was meditating, Lin Qianhai and Wu Huan walked over with their quilts in their arms. Seeing Ying Shou holding the compendium, their expressions changed and they couldn't help shouting.

"Good book, good book, how about giving this book to me?"

Ying Shou turned his head and smiled, looked at the two of them and said.

The two trembled when they heard the words, put down the quilt quickly, knelt on the ground, and said: "Your Majesty likes it, and I am willing to contribute!"

Ying Shou nodded, and said with a smile: "Get up, if there are other similar books, such as the text of Da Gang Jing Jing, please show me. In my opinion, this is the real masterpiece!"

When the two heard this, they were overjoyed. The emperor valued their books so much, which was equivalent to valuing them. In the future, they will definitely do a lot.

Immediately, the two quickly kowtowed.

I saw Lin Qianhai pointed to the bookshelf not far away, and said, "Your Majesty, the slips inside are all written by the minister and General Wuhuan in the past six months. If Your Majesty likes it, you can read it at any time!"

Ying Shou heard the words, looked at the bookshelf, nodded and smiled and said, "I see, you guys go to work first!"

The two kowtowed, got up and continued to work.

A poor generation of generals, a county magistrate, doesn't even have a servant and maidservant to clean up the yard, and can only do everything by himself.

"Your Majesty, what kind of wonderful book is it that His Majesty loves so much?"

Nan Yan and Xue Ning couldn't help but walked over, looked at Ying Shou with puzzled faces and asked.

"See for yourself!"

Ying Shou smiled slightly, and handed the slips to the two of them.

The two women took it and read in a low voice: "The county prime minister, Lin Qianhai, and the guard Wuhuan, went to explore Haicheng in the summer of Emperor Wu. At this time, there were only a thousand people in the city, and it was deserted. Make an oath here, and change the world in three years!"

"After half a year, gather the nearby people, restore the order in the city, and open up wasteland in the city. Within a year, change the livelihood, and everyone has food and clothing!"

"One year later, a caravan will be formed to develop people's livelihood, go out to the coast, and lay the foundation for the future. Everyone will have enough food and clothing."

"Three years later, we will be self-sufficient, open up a new coastal world, and rely on local strength to build Tanhai City and become a large coastal commercial city!"

(End of this chapter)

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