Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 648 History of Coastal Development

Chapter 648 History of Coastal Development

"Your Majesty, Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan are so ambitious. They dare to think about such a thing."

"It's fine if you dare to think about it. For three years, you actually thought about changing the emperor here without using the power of the court. This is simply unbelievable!"

Nan Yan looked up at Ying Shou and said in shock.

"Yes, Your Majesty, if this matter is successful, this person will be an unrivaled hero in the Qin Dynasty!"

Xue Ning also said with an unbelievable expression on her face.

The two women were not from ordinary families, and now they are the noble empresses and concubines of the Great Qin Dynasty. How could they not see the shocking ambitions set in this book?

"It's good to be ambitious. I like this kind of ambitious courtiers. Therefore, in my opinion, this slip of paper is a rare treasure through the ages."

"Whether these two can do it or not, at least, this is the ambition that my courtiers of Great Qin should have!"

"If the two of them can do it, in the future, they will definitely be the supreme heroes of the Great Qin. Even if they can't do it, but they can do what they can, they will also be role models for the officials of the Great Qin. I appreciate them!"

Ying Shou said with a satisfied smile on his face.

Soon, Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan cleaned up the bed in the room, and at this time, the hot water in the kitchen had already been boiled.

On the other side, a bathtub was also prepared, and Ying Shou let Nan Yan and Xue Ning take a bath first, while he called Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan over.

"General, Ai Qing, come and sit with me for a while, and I'm asking again!"

When the two heard the words, they were flattered and terrified, and knelt down in front of Ying Shou.

Ying Shou unfolded the scroll and said with a smile, "It's been almost half a year since you came to Tanhai City?"

Wuhuan cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, it has been exactly half a year since the last general and Lord Lin came here!"

Ying Shou nodded and said: "According to the letter, when the two of you came, the city was deserted, and the people were only a thousand people. I don't know how deserted it is. Now, how many people are there? What have you done in the past six months?" some what?"

When Wuhuan heard this, a happy smile appeared on his face, and he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, when you mention this, I'm afraid His Majesty will not believe it. This South China Sea is located in the south of Lingnan, and it is also one of Baiyue."

"Although Nanhai County has been controlled by Zhao Tuo all these years, there are a group of barbarians in Linhai, burning, killing and looting, and often contending with the local government."

"Not only the South China Sea, but also Minyue, Zheyue and other places near the sea, have not escaped such conflicts!"

"It's been a long time. The coastal land can be described as barren, and everyone is inexplicably terrified."

"After a series of wars, these coastal cities were completely turned into ruins, worthless. Among them, the city that suffered the most damage is this sea exploration city!"

"During the chaos, almost everyone in Tanhai City escaped. When we came, there were only 500 people in the city!"

"But speaking of it, Master Lin is really amazing. After he came here, he personally summoned hundreds of people in the city. Except for those who are unable to work, there are only more than 300 people left after investigation. !"

"At that time, including the soldiers and servants brought by General Mo and Master Lin, there were only more than 400 people in total. Under Master Lin's order, General Mo sent more than a dozen people to protect more than a dozen people to go fishing at the seaside!"

Speaking of this, Wu Huan paused, and said: "Your Majesty also knows that the people of the world rely on mountains to eat and water to eat, and since they are close to the sea, they must be supported by the sea. Unfortunately, the sea is dangerous."

"If it was only the sky, those people would not be afraid, but there are a group of dangerous people on the sea, and they usually come out to burn, kill and loot if they have nothing to do."

"So, for more than ten years, people by the sea have not dared to go near the sea. At that time, the last general even personally led the army, and those people who were almost starved to death dared to go fishing with the last general!"

"It's strange to say that those people who used to go ashore to make trouble seem to have disappeared in a flash. They haven't appeared for more than half a year."

"Now that you can fish, you will naturally have a certain amount of food, and the hundreds of people will be stable!"

Wuhuan began to boast, while Lin Qianhai sat beside him quietly, listening.As for Ying Shou, the more he listened, the happier he became.

This person's experience in Tanhai City for half a year can be called a wonderful political novel. It's about Ying Shou, and he can't help but listen to it with gusto, and his blood boils in his heart.

Under Wuhuan's explanation, the people here can finally get a chance to eat after harvesting at sea.

Then, Lin Qianhai began to send a large number of people to go fishing. After all, food is the most important thing for the people, and eating is an urgent need.

There are more than 100 people fishing, and there is more than enough to eat.Coincidentally, at this time, the army is also short of food. Although the ruling has lost more than half, there are still nearly [-] troops.

So Lin Qianhai turned his idea to the army. After all, everyone gets what they need. Under the emperor's politics, the army is also in poverty, and there is no meat at all.

Lin Qianhai seized this point and immediately made people fish like crazy. It was summer, and the fish was quickly dried, and then he personally sent it to Tianyue City, sold it to the army at the lowest price, or directly exchanged it for grains from the army.

In this way, the army has meat to eat, and the people here also have food. Gradually, this place has stabilized.

The next step is to renovate Tianyue City wantonly, and let more than 100 people bring enough food, leave Tanhai City, go to the nearby hundreds of miles, look for people everywhere, and tell people when they go to Tianyue City. A place to live and someone to protect! "

The people around are almost all refugees, who have food to eat, and all of them are coming this way.

One spread to ten, ten spread to hundreds, and gradually, not only hundreds of miles around, but even thousands of miles away, everyone was rescued by Tanhai City and gathered in Tanhai City.

The number of people exploring Haicheng is increasing day by day. Under Lin Qianhai's arrangement, they each perform their duties and do their own things. In just half a year, more than 9 people have gathered within the jurisdiction of Tanhai City.

Today's Tanhai City has been refurbished. The people in the city, and many people see that the seaside is no longer in danger, they also start to build fishing villages and start fishing. In this way, the food and clothing of the people here can be regarded as solved.

So far, more than half of Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan's one-year goals have been completed, and the rest will depend on the next year's development.

Ying Shou was shocked after hearing this.

All this sounds simple to say, but it is not so easy to do.

First of all, establishing prestige is not an easy task.

But from these words, Ying Shou also heard that in this coastal generation, within a thousand miles, this Lin Qianhai is already a well-deserved No.1.

At least, all the Baiyue people along the coast regard him as their backbone.

For Daqin, this is considered an extraordinary feat, at least he took the first crucial step for Daqin to merge with Baiyue!
(End of this chapter)

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