Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 650 Emperor's Award

Chapter 650 Emperor's Award
Facing Di Renjie's question, Lin Qianhai stood up and said with a smile, "Lord Di, after His Majesty the Emperor took Baiyue back then, this place is no longer Baiyue, but the Southern Territory of Great Qin."

"I remember that at the beginning, it seemed that the people were going to move into the pass and rebuild the Great Qin, but later, this plan seemed to be changed because of something!"

"If the villain is not mistaken, whether it is His Majesty or an adult, they all understand one thing. The future of the Southern Territory is the future of Great Qin. To create the future of Great Qin, you must first create the future of the Southern Territory."

"But now, after all, the southern border has just been unified, and many things are ultimately at a loss. This is the time when villains are needed!"

After a pause, Lin Qianhai said again: "Back then when the Seven Kingdoms were fighting for supremacy, Daqin was not actually considered the strongest. Even after Shang Yang's reform, it could only be regarded as a powerful country, but it was not invincible."

"The strength of the Great Qin lies in making good use of the Wei River, and its invincibility in the future is because it has won the land of Bashu!"

"After taking down Bashu, Bashu became the capital of the Qin Dynasty. From then on, the people of Qin have inexhaustible food and inexhaustible national power. Because of the blade, they can fight whoever they say, without any worries!"

"However, now that the villain dares to look around, the capital of the Great Qin is in Bashu, and the source of the Great Qin's power is in the Yellow River. However, the future economic lifeline of the Great Qin is all in the southern border."

"Daqin is now the only country in the Central Plains, but Daqin still has stronger enemies."

"There are barbarians in the northeast and Xiongnu in the northwest. If the Great Qin wants to develop better in the future, it has to look at the southern border. If the southern border is not good, the Great Qin will not be good. If the southern border is brilliant, the Great Qin will be brilliant!"

Di Renjie listened quietly, and said with a smile, "That makes some sense, but how should the southern border develop?"

Lin Qianhai grinned and said: "The southern border is near the sea, blessed by nature, there are too many treasures, just need someone who knows how to distinguish and use them, as long as this person appears, the southern border will definitely become the most prosperous place in the world for at least ten years. "

"For example, the food given by the sea, or the fertile fields in the south, which are most suitable for growing rice, or sea salt!"

At the end, Lin Qianhai narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Everyone in the world knows that sea salt is harmful to the body, but who can live without salt?"

"Therefore, since Guan Zhong, all countries have controlled Haiyan in the hands of the imperial court. This is a major source of the imperial court's national power!"

"For the past two years, the villain has been trying to make a kind of harmless sea salt. After several years, he finally succeeded!"

"Nowadays, the supply of sea salt in Daqin is in short supply. I don't know how many people can't even afford it."

"But the villain has a way. For at most three years, the salt tax will support more than half of our national power in Great Qin."

"And by then, this half of the national power will surpass the entire national power of Great Qin!"

Having said that, Lin Qianhai closed his mouth, stopped talking, and just looked at the enemy with a smile.

He has said enough, and the value he can achieve has already been said.

He was silent, and Di Renjie was also silent.

After a long time, Di Renjie turned and left, and Lin Qianhai followed suit.

Then, Di Renjie personally dispatched Ren Xiao's deputy, and Wu Huan led a hundred people to protect him, and he was canonized as Tanhaicheng County Prime Minister, and immediately set off to Tanhaicheng.

It's not that Di Renjie is stingy, Tang Tang Renxiao's lieutenant general can only lead a hundred soldiers, and most of them have to work as government servants.

At that time, Di Renjie had no other choice. Of the 60 troops, 50 to [-] were all laid off and went to cultivate the fields. The remaining [-] or so were distributed to various places in the huge southern border. As a yamen servant, every city can get this kind of people, which is already considered remarkable.

The most important thing is that out of the hundreds of thousands of troops, at least [-] to [-] must be left behind, ready to deal with unexpected situations anytime, anywhere.

So in the end, Lin Qian Kelp and Wuhuan, with a hundred people, came to Tanhai City.

And Lin Qianhai's ability did not disappoint Di Renjie after all.Now, in less than half a year, the situation in the potential area of ​​Tanhai City has been stabilized. There are still two or three cities nearby, and there are no government offices yet. These places have all been taken over by him.All the people, all defected here.

And he is like a parent, leading all the people and constantly exploring the value brought by this sea.

This year, thousands of miles have been developing, but thanks to bartering and trading, everyone relied on their hard work, and now they can be considered self-sufficient, which did not delay Daqin's retreat at all.

On the contrary, in this southern border, although under the intensive care of Di Renjie, Ren Xiao and others, many places have had a bumper harvest, but there are also many places where food, clothing and accommodation are extremely difficult, and many places are suffering from famine, all thanks to the Tianyue City granary relief.

Otherwise, it is unknown how many people will starve to death.

It can be seen from this that in just six months, what Lin Qianhai did has achieved great results.

Under Lin Qianhai's jurisdiction, not only did he not lag behind, even though the taxes were not paid in full this year, in the final analysis, a lot of taxes were paid, which is a credit!

Outside the house, it was raining heavily and the wind was blowing.

In the room, after hearing this anecdote, Ying Shou felt emotional in his heart, and said with a smile, "Lin Aiqing, you have given me a great surprise during this trip to the south!"

"Di Renjie also gave me a great surprise to retain such a talented person. Facts have proved that you did it. I am very pleased and more confident about the future of the southern border!"

"You're right. From now on, I will be the second land of abundance in Daqin, the second source of power in Daqin, and my greatest economic lifeline."

"Not to mention anything else, I am very pleased with your vision!"

"But now, your ability also proves your vision. I have always been very clear about rewards and punishments. You are not a general who exploited the land and expanded the territory, but you are definitely the supreme talent of our Great Qin to protect the land and stabilize the people!"

"As the saying goes, those with small abilities do small things, and those with great abilities do big things!"

"Those who are matched with virtue and ability will do the things of heaven. Now, I can see that you are matched with virtue and ability, and you deserve a higher position."

"From today onwards, I canonize you as the Great Qin's southern sea censor, and you will be in charge of all the places near the sea in the southern border!"

"On another day, there will be General Wuhuan. From now on, he will serve as General Huhai of the Great Qin. From now on, the duty of the General is not only to protect Lin Aiqing, but also to protect the sea area of ​​the Great Qin."

"You just said that the bandits in the South China Sea are making trouble. In the future, if there are bandits harassing you, I will beat you to death immediately."

"As the people of Daqin, I can never bear any bullying. If you return my people of Daqin, you will hurt me, Daqin, and you will not take me seriously, and hit my company. This kind of person will never be tolerated. How many people are there? How many kills!"

(End of this chapter)

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