Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 651 Maritime Silk Road

Chapter 651 Maritime Silk Road
Ying Shou looked serious, and began to appoint officials to reward him, saying: "On a certain day, I will personally send an order to Ren Xiao, asking him to send [-] troops over to General Wuhuan."

"In addition, General Wuhuan, from today onwards, I entrust you with an order. After the livelihood of the people along the coast is settled down, immediately build me a navy at all costs. I want an invincible navy!"


Wuhuan gasped, not understanding why the emperor wanted to build such a navy. You know, in this day and age, even a navy in the Central Plains is useless, so why build a navy?

"That's right, the navy. I want a navy. For the time being, the number is 30, but you have to remember that the 30 navy must be the elite of the elite. You must not pretend to be a fake and perfunctory!"

"The establishment of this navy is not a simple matter. The manpower and material resources required will be ten times, or even a hundred times that of the general army."

"But it doesn't matter. Since Lin Aiqing has decided to control the sea salt, [-]% of the salt tax revenue from the South China Sea will be kept in the South China Sea to develop the local area and build a navy. I believe that in ten years, we should be able to achieve something!"

Ying Shou nodded, and said with a smile: "Of course, the two lovers may be a little strange for a while, why do I want to build such a huge navy."

"But this point, I won't introduce much now, as long as the two of you know, work hard, and you will be a master of the navy in the future, and I will give you an unimaginable surprise."

"I want you to see a wider world, and I will tell you a more exciting path than now. You two have the confidence to fight with me!"

Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan looked at each other, for a while they really didn't understand what Ying Shou meant, but the emperor had already spoken, how dare they not follow?
"The servants receive the order!"

Lin Qianhai clasped his fists together, bowed and said.

"The commander's decree!"

Wuhuan hurriedly clasped his fists together, and said solemnly.

While speaking, Ying Shou's gaze drifted into the distance. For him, this trip to the southern border was really fruitful.

The appearance of Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan aroused his endless ambitions, and these two people will also become the most critical people to take that step.

As Lin Qianhai said, the treasures brought by the sea are unimaginable.But just asking for this piece of treasure, after all, was narrow for Ying Shou.

Before, after he summoned Zhang Qian, he had already thought about developing the Western Silk Road, using this as a foreshadowing, and eventually expanding the territory of Great Qin to the west.

Seeing Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan now gave him the idea of ​​launching the Maritime Silk Road.

You must know that his goal is not limited to Great Qin, or even Asia, there are even more distant territories waiting for him to conquer.

If you want to win them all, you have to rely on land warfare, which is completely impossible, and the navy is the most important thing.

Today, there is no maritime overlord in the world, but with the establishment of a 30-strong navy, it will be different.

Daqin is not only the overlord on land, but also the sole overlord on the sea. At that time, who can be the enemy in the world?
While several people were talking, Nan Yan and Xue Ning had already finished bathing, changed into their clothes, and came to the room.

"Your Majesty, the hot water is ready, please take a bath and rest!"

Ying Shou turned his head, stood up and said with a smile, "Okay!"

As he said that, he looked at Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan, and said with a smile: "You two loves, you should also hurry up and rest. This late-night disturbance has delayed your rest. You two must take care of yourself. After this storm passes, you can't say it." There are two busy people!"

Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan got up quickly, bowed and said with a smile, "Thank you Your Majesty, I will take my leave!"

After the words fell, the two turned and left the place.

And Ying Shou was also served by Nan Yan and Xue Ning, and came to the bathroom. After getting acquainted, he went back to the room to rest.

Ying Shou put his arms around the two girls, one in each hand, sighed a long time, and said with a smile: "I found a treasure during this trip, I really found a treasure!"

Nan Yan rolled her eyes at Ying Shou, and said with a smile: "It's been a long time since I saw Your Majesty so happy. It's really rare to have such an in-depth conversation with Master Lin and General Wuhuan today, and after the chat, His Majesty kept smiling from ear to ear. I haven't seen anything like this in two months!"

Ying Shou smiled and said, "It's a good thing. Naturally, you should be happy. This is the way in this world. Annoyances come at every turn, and good things come soon after!"

Xue Ning smiled at the side: "Your Majesty, since you are happy, don't think too much, just have a good rest."

"It's exhausting enough to go on the road for several days. The storm for several days has prevented the news from the Black Ice Terrace from being delivered, and I don't know how Sister Yinyue is doing now."

"After the storm is over, we still have to see Elder Sister Yinyue!"

Ying Shou nodded and said with a smile: "It makes sense, I have a hunch, tonight, I will have a good dream!"

While speaking, Ying Shou closed his eyes, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

That night, Ying Shou slept soundly, and when he woke up the next day, it was already Chen Shi.

At this moment, the typhoon had subsided, and Lin Qianhai, Wuhuan and the soldiers had already gone out to get busy.

Nan Yan and Xue Ning brought the fish soup and fish and rice porridge prepared in the county government office to the room. After Ying Shou had eaten, he walked out of the county government office with his two daughters, Shi Potian and others, ready to look around people's livelihood.

When they came out, several people were startled by the scene in front of them.

It was late last night, but I didn't see anything.

But at this moment, the streets are in a mess, in all directions, and the whole city is covered with fur and grass. Looking around, almost no house is spared.

This may be the land near the sea, the biggest natural disaster.

At this moment, everyone in the government office is busy, calling all the people.

Although these people suffered such a natural disaster, no one blamed the sky, or even complained. Instead, under the command of the government, they happily rebuilt their homes.

"Speed ​​up the process, speed up the process. We are not building a magnificent palace compound, we are building a shelter from the wind and rain."

"Don't be idle, everyone, do what you can, within three days, build the sheds and houses roughly!"

"This storm is really good, everyone can live in a new house again!"

Lin Qianhai directed and helped in the crowd, constantly inspiring everyone, and laughed loudly.

Everyone laughed loudly when they heard the words, and said: "Yes, although the new house is relatively dilapidated, this storm will allow everyone to live in a new house!"

Lin Qianhai said again: "After the storm today, it's time for me to explore the scenery of Haicheng. The scenery is beautiful, and I will see the sky after the strong wind."

"My Tanhai City is blessed by heaven and earth. After today, everyone will live and work in peace and contentment. There will be endless food, endless clothes, and endless joy. Are you ready to welcome it?"

While they were busy, everyone yelled loudly: "Get ready, follow your lord, we will have endless scenery, endless eating, endless drinking, endless wearing, and endless joy!"

During the conversation, everyone was full of energy and worked harder.

(End of this chapter)

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