Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 652 War Theory

Chapter 652 War Theory

Every place in Baiyue, once known as Baiyue, has its own dialect. However, after Qin Shihuang sent troops to the south more than ten years ago, although Zhao Tuo had ulterior motives for Daqin these years.

However, they are also trying to find a way to culturally resolve the various places. After more than ten years, there has been little achievement, but people from all over Baiyue can barely speak Qin's official dialect.

Although the tone of many people was a bit awkward, it also established a communication channel for the two places, allowing Daqin to assimilate the southern border and gain the greatest advantage.

Today, Lin Qianhai is taking advantage of this advantage to develop his own prestige in just half a year, taking a crucial step for Daqin to completely assimilate Baiyue.

"Your Majesty, I heard that for more than ten years, people from all over the southern border have hated me, Great Qin. Now, it seems that this is not the case!"

"Look, Master Lin is also an official of our Great Qin, and these people love him so much!"

Nan Yan stood beside Ying Shou, watching this scene, smiled from the heart.

"What you see is just in front of you. The hatred of the people of all ethnic groups in the southern border towards my Great Qin is undeniable. So far, I don't know how many people want to cut me into pieces and overthrow my Great Qin Dynasty!"

Ying Shou shook his head and said with a smile, "The more this is the case, the more it proves Lin Qianhai's virtue!"

After a pause, Ying Shou said again: "Now you should know why I want the world to be in chaos and peace again, right?"

Nan Yan and Xue Ning were taken aback, a little puzzled.

Only Xue Ning asked: "Your Majesty, why?"

Ying Shou laughed and said, "That's why!"

As he said that, Ying Shou pointed forward and said, "When the Great Qin ruled the Central Plains, the land boundary and the Baiyue region bordered each other. When the two collide, there must be a conflict of interests, and a war may break out at any time!"

"As the saying goes, the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit. For the sake of profit, war can never be avoided."

"Whether you are a strong person or a powerful country, your destiny can only be in your own hands. Instead of waiting for others to start a war, being passive and being beaten, it is better to strike first!"

"War is always the path that careerists must take, but in the eyes of the people of the world, this is the beginning of crime."

"It's actually the same. When the two countries go to war, the winners will always benefit, and only those who are in power among the winners. But what about the losers, and the people and soldiers of the victorious country?"

"What can they get? In the end, they are just victims of the war!"

"The interests of a small number of people are based on the sacrifices of countless people. This is the evil brought about by war!"

Xue Ning blinked and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is so reasonable, but His Majesty wants to launch a war after all, does it also prove that His Majesty is an ambitious man who creates evil?"

Ying Shou sneered, and said, "You're wrong, I'm not an ambitious man, I'm a great ambitious man, and my ambition will surpass any ambitious man since ancient times."

"What I launched is not a war of crime, but a war of purification!"

Nan Yan was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean? What is the battle of purification?"

Ying Shou turned his head, looked at the two women, and said with a smile: "I ask you, if the Xiongnu started a war against Daqin now, and the Huns won, what would happen to Daqin? What would happen to the people of Daqin?"

Nan Yan fell into deep thought, while Xue Ning hesitated for a moment, before replying: "Since ancient times, those who are left are kings and losers."

"If Great Qin becomes a defeated country, the people of Great Qin will naturally be reduced to slaves and serve the Xiongnu for generations. This has been an iron-like order for countless years. I wonder what your majesty thinks about this?"

Ying Shou shrugged and said with a smile, "I don't have any opinion, and it's true."

"Once the Xiongnu reach the pass, they will rob all resources immediately, and the people of Daqin will become farming slaves, taking whatever they want, whether to kill or cut, it all depends on the mood of each Hun!"

Having said this, Ying Shou's eyes suddenly became sharp, and he said, "This is the endless evil brought about by war, and it is a crime that everyone agrees with. It is exactly what everyone agrees with. Sometimes, people don't regard it as a crime." kind of sin."

"Actually, the reason for all this is that in the eyes of winners, this is what they deserve, and in the eyes of losers, this is also the punishment they deserve!"

"But I don't agree. Evil is evil. No matter how natural it is, it is also evil."

"The reason why human beings are born human is because everyone has their own thoughts. As human beings, we should have human consciousness and not be able to do what animals can do!"

"If the crime cannot be eradicated, then use my Great Qin's law to lock him up bit by bit. I want all the crimes in this world to be imprisoned in my Great Qin's law!"

"I want to launch a war, I want to take the initiative, I want to control the fate of the people in the world, and imprison the evil, instead of letting the people in the world control my destiny, the fate of the Great Qin, and finally release the evil!"

"Once upon a time, the six countries called my Great Qin the land of tigers and wolves, but now, my Great Qin dominates the Central Plains. I ask myself, and I have never done anything to offend the people of the six countries."

"I destroyed Baiyue, but I asked myself that I never treated the people of Baiyue as slaves. Everything under my rights is my people."

"It doesn't matter if you hate me or hate me, as long as they haven't killed me, I will still treat them as my children!"

"I sweep the world with force, control crimes with the rule of law, and educate people with etiquette."

"Now look in front of you, this is the Daqin I want. No matter how barren this Tanhai City is now, people's hearts will be united and sins will dissipate. Within three years, everyone will have enough food and clothing, and live a healthy life. Such peace is exactly Because of my war, my rule of law, and my etiquette education, do you think this is a war of crime or a war of purification?"

During the conversation, Xue Ning and Nan Yan were silent.

In fact, the two have always known the emperor's intention to start a war, not only them, but even the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty, almost everyone understands.

Everyone didn't understand how a wise man like the emperor could think about war all day long.

Nowadays, the civil and military officials of the Great Qin Dynasty basically come from a hundred schools of thought. Except for the military strategists, the rest do not want to fight.

For example, Confucianism pays attention to etiquette and rule of the world, and the outbreak of war will lead to the collapse of rituals and the destruction of music, which is left with Confucianism.

It's not that Confucians can't fight, but that they don't want to fight when it's not necessary.

Another example is the Mohists. The Mohists hold non-offensive thinking. In their view, war is evil. When evil comes, everyone can resist, but all Mohist people must not trigger evil wars.

In this way, naturally the emperor's desire to fight will be obstructed by his subordinates and even the common people all over the world at any time, and in the end nothing will be achieved.

(End of this chapter)

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