Chapter 653

Prior to this, Nan Yan was the Queen of Great Qin, and Xue Ning was the Imperial Concubine, and the harem was not allowed to interfere in politics. They dared not and could not interfere with the affairs of the court, but it did not mean that they would not think about it.

Sometimes, they don't want civil and military officials to fight against the emperor, but sometimes, they don't want to see war break out either.

After all, based on emotion and reason, the outbreak of war will not do them any good, but will waste national strength.

In their view, the reason why the emperor can't wait to start a war against the Xiongnu and even the Donghu anytime and anywhere is because he wants to establish his prestige, beat these people to the ground, or wipe them out, so as to eliminate future troubles for Daqin, fearing that Daqin will be beaten passively one day.

But now after hearing Ying Shou's words, they realized that they were wrong.

The emperor was not afraid of being beaten at all, but he wanted to do what he wanted to do more. He had an independent goal that was different from other schools of thought.

After thinking about it now, although the emperor's thinking is a bit extreme, it has to be said that it does have its own reasons.

Instead of letting others bully you, why not take the initiative to purify your sins?
"According to your majesty, if one day the Huns are defeated, your majesty will treat the people of the Huns kindly?"

After a long time, Xue Ning raised her head, looked at Ying Shou and asked.

She doesn't have much affection for the Xiongnu, and even has a deep hatred for the Xiongnu Shanyu, but she is kind by nature, and she doesn't want to see war.

In addition, how can she say that she was also raised by the Huns, so how can she see the corpses of the Huns strewn all over the field?

"Of course!"

Facing Xue Ning's question, Ying Shou answered it as a matter of course.

"Even if the Huns are cruel and bloodthirsty by nature and cause irreparable damage to Da Qin, His Majesty will not anger them?"

Xue Ning said again.

"The damage caused by the Xiongnu to the Great Qin will naturally be recovered. As long as the Xiongnu does not surrender for a day, I will beat him for a day. If one person does not surrender, I will kill him."

"But I also said that as long as my power is shrouded, they are all my people. Before surrendering, I will liquidate all kinds of hatred."

"After surrendering, whether they hate me or resent me, I will treat them kindly!"

"As the saying goes, brothers fighting tigers, father and son soldiers in battle, husband and wife fighting at the bedside and at the end of the bed, they are not a family, no matter how they fight, the Great Qin is unified, the world is one family, as a family, how can they hold grudges in every possible way?"

Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back and said indifferently.

"But what if the people of Daqin don't agree?"

Xue Ning spoke again.


Ying Shou's answer was very simple. He opened his arms and said, "The world will be unified, sooner or later."

"The Six Kingdoms used to fight you to death, but now, my Great Qin, have I ever angered anyone? Have my Qin people ever angered anyone?"

"As I said, I want to rule evil with the law. Anyone who destroys the unification of the world and the integration of the world's nationalities is treason and cannot be forgiven!"

As soon as these words came out, Xue Ning's delicate body trembled slightly. At this moment, the way she looked at Ying Shou completely changed.

In the past, she just tried to ignore herself as much as she could, and did not participate in the war between the two countries.

But in the end, she still has some knots in her heart, don't mind.

But now after listening to Ying Shou's words, all the bumps and grudges have completely disappeared.

She looked in front of her, people were busy with their work, everyone supported and helped each other, this harmonious scene made her yearn for it.

She couldn't help but think again in her mind, if one day, under the rule of Great Qin, the nomadic Xiongnu people living everywhere can live and work in peace and contentment, and if you help me like this, how great would it be?
What is a prosperous age, this is the real prosperous age, right?

For a while, Tanhai City, which was originally barren, became what Xue Ning imagined, what it should look like in a prosperous age.

Maybe the material here is poor now, but everyone's thoughts and spirits will reach an unprecedented abundance. Isn't this a prosperous age?
While Xue Ning was thinking about this, at the end of the street in the distance, Lin Qianhai also saw Ying Shou, and immediately trotted over, knelt down and paid homage: "I see the emperor! See the empress, see the empress!"

Then, he raised his head and yelled loudly: "Everyone put down what you are doing first, and come and pay respects to His Majesty the Emperor!"

As soon as Lin Qianhai's voice came out, everyone immediately looked in this direction.

For a moment, everyone looked excited, and hurried forward, knelt down to pay homage, and shouted loudly: "Greetings, His Majesty the Emperor!"

After the words fell, everyone knelt down on the ground, not only looking at Ying Shou, but some even whispered.

"This is His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor today? So majestic, so domineering!"

"That's great, I didn't expect that one day we would be able to meet His Majesty the Emperor. His Majesty the Emperor is a blessing for everyone in the world!"

"Who says no, now we can finally settle down, all thanks to His Majesty the Emperor. Lord Lin said that His Majesty the Emperor has worked hard for us. Within three years, everyone will be fed and clothed, and we will no longer have to worry about living Worry, this is a good master!"

During the conversation, some people couldn't help but say the word master.

In their view, the emperor, as the king of the world, is their master, and they are also slaves.

But now, under the emperor's rule, they are not treated like slaves, which makes their original resentment towards the emperor have long since disappeared, and some of them just support it.

Seeing this scene in Ying Shou's eyes, Ying Shou couldn't help but nod again.

This is the people of the world.

In fact, it is very simple to resolve the hatred of the people of the world towards a country. Even if we talk about the hatred of destroying the country, in fact, what does it matter if a country is not destroyed or not, and the people?
The most important thing is to let people live with dignity and hope.The reason why everyone wants to defend their home and country is not because they have much affection for this country, but because they don't want their relatives to be harmed and their homeland to be harmed.

But now, Daqin did not cause much harm to these people. Instead, saving people is the most important thing. What reason do they have to continue to resist Daqin and Yingshou?

And all of this is the best ending brought about by Lin Qianhai's actions.As long as this goodwill radiates, why worry that the people in the southern border will not follow?

"Okay, flat body, all flat body!"

Ying Shou smiled in satisfaction, quickly opened his arms, and said with a smile: "Everyone, please forgive me. Now that your home is damaged, you don't have to worry about me. Get up first, and settling down is the most important thing."

"You are all my people, and I don't want to see my people being hit by wind and rain every day. What I want is for you to be safe, happy, have a good harvest every year, and have more than enough every year. Get up!"

Everyone was moved when they heard the words. Sure enough, the emperor is really a sage and sage king, who thinks about and worries about the people of the world all the time.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, Your Majesty, rest assured, we will not disappoint the Emperor!"

Everyone kowtowed and yelled loudly, then turned around and continued to work.

(End of this chapter)

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