Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 656 Two big ships

Chapter 656 Three Big Ships

Ying Shou walked up to the rock, and stood at the place where Yinyue had been standing, looking far away, looking at the endless sea in front of him, and said in a low voice.

"That's right, at sea. Your Majesty, not far from here, there is a huge uninhabited deserted island. The dark net suspects that the thief is on that deserted island. The main search target of the people sent this time is also that A desert island!"

The fisherman stood under the reef and said solemnly.

"Not far from here, a big deserted island!"

Ying Shou murmured in a low voice, suddenly thought of something, and looked over with sharp eyes.

"It's Hong Kong Island..."

This place is the south of the Great Qinling Mountains, and in later generations, it is also called the land of Guangdong and Guangxi, and the largest and closest island to this place is the very prosperous one in later generations.

This small island will also be one of Yanhuang's economic centers in later generations.

Never thought that such a prosperous island, in this era, turned out to be just a deserted island.

"Your Majesty, in fact, this island was not considered a desert island before, and it was still inhabited."

"But before, for some reason, Zhao Tuo moved everyone here. After more than ten years, no one lives on the island, and it is completely deserted!"

"Additionally, over the past few years, the seaside has been extremely dangerous. There are rumors that there are water ghosts making trouble in the sea. The sea stretches for thousands of miles. No one dares to set foot on the sea. Even half a year ago, no one dared to fish at the seaside!"

"Originally, when Master Di Renjie was in charge of the southern border, he wanted to restart the island. After seeing this situation, he gave up for the time being. He only waited to stabilize the southern border in the future, and slowly planned!"

The fisherman also looked into the depths of the sea and said in a deep voice.

"Zhao Tuo?"

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, could it be Zhao Tuo's remnants?"

On the side, Shi Potian took a sudden step forward, said with cupped hands.

At this moment, under the explanation of the fisherman, they already understood what happened.

Someone dared to attack the emperor's woman in broad daylight. This was simply slapping the emperor in the face and provoking the imperial power of the Great Qin. At such a moment, as a minister of the Great Qin, Shi Potian naturally had to speak.

As soon as Shi Potian said this, Nan Yan and Xue Ning also quickly looked at Ying Shou.

This South China Sea was originally Zhao Tuo's stronghold for rebelling against the Great Qin. Now that Zhao Tuo is dead, it seems that all of Zhao Tuo's people have been killed, but in fact, who knows if they have all been wiped out?
If Zhao Tuo still arranges a backup, this is not good news for Daqin.

Ying Shou didn't speak, but the fisherman nodded and said, "It's very possible. After all, the people on the island were evacuated by Zhao Tuo and sealed off."

"It's normal to say that Zhao Tuo arranged something on the island. However, this is only a preliminary suspicion. After all, Daqin has not set foot on the deserted island so far after taking over the southern border. It is still unknown what exactly happened. , cannot be said!"

Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, letting the sea breeze blow his long-haired gown, and just stood there, motionless. After a long time, when the hundred people not far away had already boarded the fishing boat and started heading towards the small island, Ying Shou said:

"I don't want unknown numbers. From now on, I want the territory of Daqin to become transparent in front of me. For all the unknowns, I want to implement the news!"

While speaking, Yin Shou's tone was cold.

What happened now seems to have sounded a wake-up call for him. He must not tolerate Daqin having a second force against him. Any such force, even if it is immortal, must be under his supervision and control. OK.

"for example……"

Ying Shou glanced sideways, but did not speak.

Facing the emperor's words, the fisherman scratched his head and smiled, not knowing how to answer.

The land under their jurisdiction is only more than a hundred miles away, and they dare not take care of the affairs of the world. The emperor's words can only be useful to the master of the dark net, the Black Ice Terrace Hawkeye. As for other people, even if Iron Eagle Swordsman can't be the master either.

"Your Majesty, look!"

At this moment, the fisherman seemed to see something, and quickly pointed to the depths of the sea, exclaiming.

In fact, he didn't need to remind him, Ying Shou's eyes kept staring in that direction, only to see that at the end of the sea, three black dots had appeared from the very beginning.

As time passed, it gradually enlarged, and when it was less than ten miles away from here, it could barely be seen clearly.

That was three ships, three larger ships.

Each ship, judging from its size, can accommodate thousands of people.

The appearance of such three large ships immediately attracted people's attention.

Nan Yan, Xue Ning, Shi Potian and the others turned their heads to look at the same time after hearing the fisherman's exclamation.

"What a big fishing boat!"

Xue Ning exclaimed, she had never seen many ships in her life, and this was the first time he had seen such a huge ship,

As for Nanyan, such a large ship is rare.

You know, with the power of today's era, a thousand-person ship is already the limit of manufacturing.

After all, the big ship sent by the first emperor to the East China Sea was just a special case, and it was built only after spending countless manpower and material resources of the Qin Dynasty.

Besides that big ship, such a big ship that can hold thousands of people without hesitating to be crowded is already a top-level existence.

Under the gaze of everyone, the three big ships were moving at an extremely fast speed, and they kept coming back to this side. After a while, they collided with more than 100 dark net member ships that had just launched into the sea.

The dark net fishing boat was about to give way, but at this moment, countless arrows were shot out from the three big boats in an instant.

On those fishing boats, before the members of the dark net could react, they were instantly submerged by the rain of arrows. Most of them screamed and fell directly into the sea, dead beyond death.

And there are some who reacted faster, basically jumped into the water at the first time, but they could not escape death after all without any precautions.

Soon, big waves hit, and the place suddenly became calm.


Beside the emperor, the fisherman was furious when he saw this scene.

There is no need to doubt, at this moment he has already determined that this is a thief ship, and the thief actually made another move at this time.

"Your Majesty, these thieves are deceiving people too much!"

Shi Potian's eyes were gloomy, and he roared angrily.

As a general of the Daqin Military Plane Department, how can he just watch Daqin's people being killed like this?
But even though he didn't want it to be far away from the place where the incident happened, and it was even close in front of him, the beach was far away from the place where the incident happened. After all, there was a sea two or three miles away, so what could he do?
After all, I could only watch this scene happen.

At this moment, it wasn't just him, Xue Ning and Nan Yan also had very ugly faces, with anger in their eyes.

This is an exemption in front of the emperor. Killing people in front of the emperor is so unscrupulous, and it is the emperor's people who kill. This group of people is simply audacious.

(End of this chapter)

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