Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 657 Killing and Provoking

Chapter 657 Killing and Provoking

On the three fishing boats, after killing all the dark net members who went to sea to explore with arrows, they stopped suddenly, and then, on the boat, everyone walked up to both sides of the deck.

There are more than 100 people on each of the three ships.

In total, there are almost 400 people.

The number of people is not too many. After all, although this large ship can accommodate thousands of people, it is under very congested conditions.

If you want to be less crowded, it can accommodate 500 people just fine.

But such a capacity is still not suitable for fighting. If you want to use such a ship to fight, it can accommodate 200 people, and the limit is 300 people.

And more than 100 people, that is the optimal number.

Obviously, the appearance of these three big ships is not here to play, but to kill people!

After stopping for a while, one of the three big ships started again and came straight towards Ying Shou.

Ying Shou has not spoken, but at this moment, his eyes are icy cold.

Killing people in front of his eyes, those who killed the people of Daqin, those who killed the people who worked under him, Yingshou, were provoking him face to face.

As the so-called clay figurines are still angry, as the Great Qin Emperor, how could he tolerate this scene.

Facing such a provocation, he didn't fly into a rage, let alone yell.

As an emperor, he should have his own appearance. These are not things he should do in this realm.

"Your Majesty, come here!"

cried the fisherman in a low voice.

Ying Shou didn't reply, just looked at the big ship quietly.

The speed of the big ship was very fast, and it rushed to the shore in a short while.

Immediately afterwards, on the battleship, a figure jumped down, stirring the sea water, and walked towards Ying Shou step by step.

The person had just walked not far from the reef when a burst of shouting suddenly sounded, shouting: "Looking for death!"

As soon as the words fell, Shi Potian rushed out, punched this person out of thin air, and smashed down on the forehead of this person.

Naren is a middle-aged man with a mustache and a strange iron sword in his hand. With a mocking smile on the beach, he looks at Shi Potian, who is about to kill him, and remains motionless. , it seems that he is not afraid of Shi Potian punching him to death at all.


Seeing that Shi Potian punched down, less than half a foot away from this person's forehead, Ying Shou's scolding sound suddenly sounded.

Shi Potian's expression changed, he couldn't disobey the emperor's order, he could only turn around out of thin air, and forcibly retracted the punch he had already punched.

After landing, Shi Potian clasped his fists violently and shouted: "Your Majesty!"

Ying Shou's eyes were cold and indifferent, he waved his hand and said, "Go away!"

Shi Potian's pupils shrank, his face was very ugly.

What did the emperor say just now?go away?

You know, the emperor has never said rolling words to anyone, and now this sentence can definitely be called the emperor's greatest punishment to a person.

At this moment, not only Shi Potian, but also Nan Yan and Xue Ning looked at Ying Shou in disbelief. It was hard to imagine that this was what the emperor said to a general.

"You don't understand what I'm saying?"

Ying Shou looked at Shi Potian with cold eyes, and said coldly.


Shi Potian clenched his teeth, promised, and retreated to Aunt Ang.

"Hehe, it is said that the Great Qin Emperor is sympathetic to the people's sentiments and courteous and virtuous corporals. Looking at it today, his reputation is indeed well-deserved!"

Looking at this scene, the man suddenly sneered, looked at Ying Shou with a sarcasm and said with a smile.

"Slap your mouth..."

Ying Shou's eyes fixed, and he shouted in a deep voice.

On the side, Shi Potian was stunned for a moment, and during this stunned time, the emperor looked at him again.

Shi Potian looked at the emperor in astonishment, before the emperor could speak again, he suddenly stepped forward, raised his hand and slapped the man.

"you dare!"

However, the man still didn't dodge or dodge at all, he just scolded.

Unfortunately, how could his scolding deter Shi Potian?

Shi Potian, as the former Huben Zhonglang General, a famous general in the Qin Dynasty, not to mention a mere thief, even the king of various countries, as long as he wants to, he can fight as long as he wants. Who can do anything to win him?


Suddenly, only a muffled sound sounded.

That's right, it was a muffled sound, not the crisp sound of clapping hands.

With the sound of this voice, the man's body flew out in an instant, and a mouthful of blood spurted out with a mouth full of molars.


The man fell into the water, got up quickly, and shouted angrily, "Ying Shou, don't you want Yinyue's life?"

"If you dare to attack me, believe it or not, I will have Yinyue killed right now!"

While speaking, the person's tone was full of threats.

In the whole world, no one dared to stand in front of Ying Shou without fear or trembling.After becoming Ying Shou's enemy, no one would dare to walk up to Ying Shou in such an open manner and provoke Ying Shou.

This is an act of courting death. Once committed, no one can save it.

And this person is so bold precisely because of Yinyue.

Yinyue is his reliance.As Ying Shou's woman, he did not believe that Ying Shou would trade his woman for someone else's life.

Furthermore, even if it is really changed, he will not lose money, because he is not afraid of death at all.

They are all the people of Haotian, so-called death is just a form for them.

Living in this world, they serve for Haotian, and after they die, they truly fall into Haotian's arms.

"Slap your mouth again!"

Facing his threat, Ying Shou remained unmoved and scolded him again.


Shi Potian responded for his whole life, and rushed forward again, he was about to slap his mouth when he raised his hand.


Seeing this, the man no longer sat waiting for death, he suddenly pulled out the iron sword in his hand, and shouted angrily: "Ying Shou, since you don't care about your woman so much, I'm here today for nothing, so do it yourself!"

As soon as the words fell, facing Shi Potian who was rushing forward, he slashed out with a sword.

Its speed was so fast that it was dazzling. It seemed that he only slashed with a sword. In fact, at this moment, his long sword was already covered with light, scattered in all directions, and strangled towards Shi Potian.

Shi Potian's figure flickered, and he immediately withdrew to avoid these sword lights.

The next moment, the man's figure flickered, his speed was extremely fast, and he rushed directly to the big boat not far away.

"Want to go!"

However, at this time, Shi Potian did let out a low growl, and his speed instantly increased to the extreme, more than three times faster than before.

The man obviously didn't expect Shi Potian to be so fast, when he reacted, Shi Potian had already rushed behind him, grabbed all his hair with a sudden grab, and threw him up.

The man was taken aback, just now he just wanted to go back, but now it was too late to think of the sword.

With a "plop", the man fell directly into the sea water.

The moment he landed, his hair, including his scalp, was ripped off by Shi Potian abruptly.

And he also reacted at this moment, shot suddenly, Jian Guang rushed out of the water, strangled Shi Potian directly.

(End of this chapter)

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