Chapter 660
At the beginning, everyone in the emperor's mind was finally disheartened and retreated in disappointment.

But in the final analysis, how could Ying Shou be willing to do this?He seems to let go of everything, but in fact, why hasn't he been secretly planning?

Today, although the Great Qin and the Huns have not yet completely fought, they are already at war.

The emperor's character is like this. No one can touch his things. If he wants to move, it is he who moves others.No one can hurt his people, and if he wants to hurt, it is he who hurts others.

Even if the common people are like this, there is no doubt about her woman, so at this moment, everyone is worried that the emperor will make a fool of himself.

"Are you teaching me how to behave?"

Facing everyone's reminder, Ying Shou snorted coldly and said coldly.

"His Majesty……"

Everyone was startled. It could be seen that the emperor seemed calm at the moment, but he was in a bad mood. A raging lion was awakening deep in his heart. At this time, who dared to talk too much?

"That's right, the Great Qin Emperor is so wise and mighty, do you want you to wait to teach the emperor how to behave?"

"Furthermore, the leader of my family said that only the Emperor Daqin is invited for this trip. Of course, if the two empresses are interested, they can also be our honored guests. As for others, we don't welcome them!"

At this moment, the man with the splayed beard also struggled out of the pain. Although his legs were disabled and he could only sit on the shallows of the sea, he sneered and agreed at the first moment.

These words are very straightforward, this time, only Ying Shou can go alone, if you need to bring other people, the two women of Ying Shou can do it, but Qin's generals and guards are all out of the question.

Whoever dares to go forcefully, it is best to consider the safety of the Yinyue Empress first.

This is a threat, an obvious threat, and an obvious conspiracy against Ying Shou.

Ying Shou could see it, and so could other people, and this person was not hiding his clumsiness, as if he deliberately proposed it for Ying Shou to consider.

You can agree to go, or you can not agree to go.

Even, you can kill all the people here, but you'd better think about the life of that Empress Yinyue.

That was a bargaining chip. As for this bargaining chip, whether Ying Shou valued it or not, they didn't care.

Although he did not expect to be treated so humiliatingly by Ying Shou this time, in fact, he was already prepared to die.

After all, the emperor has never been short of women. Even though according to the investigation, Ying Shou seems to treat his women very well, but it does not rule out that he will have the idea of ​​abandoning them.

Once this idea came true, Ying Shou really left Yinyue alone, and could kill everyone he brought with him in an instant.

Even though these hundreds of people can be called the elite among the elite, and the rain of swords, guns and arrows is aimed at Ying Shou, don't forget that as the Emperor of Qin, there is a big country behind Ying Shou.

And even leaving aside this big country, Yingshou's own strength is enough to make people frightened.

At least, in this world, he has not seen anyone who is his opponent.

Unless... maybe there is still the possibility and opportunity to kill this person.

And they came here this time to find out this opportunity and complete that step of the plan.

As long as Ying Shou doesn't abandon Yinyue, and as long as Ying Shou follows their path, they are sure that the so-called Great Qin Emperor is invincible and will surely die.

This was a gamble, and it was a gamble even more. With the lives of all the people he brought, the bet was to win and keep one life.

"When I was talking, who allowed you to interrupt? Get lost..."

After the man with the eight-character beard said something, he quietly looked at Ying Shou, as if he wanted to judge whether Ying Shou would be controlled.

However, under his gaze, Ying Shou's eyes suddenly turned cold. The next moment, he said something merciless, and then kicked him out. He flew out and hit the ground. In the waters in the distance, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and it took a long time to thump violently before sitting up from the shallow talk, so as not to be drowned by the sea water.


He looked at Ying Shou angrily, is this guy sick?
He is not angry when he threatens him with his woman.He didn't get angry when he put the knife on his woman's neck, but he wanted to beat himself for being rude, and he wanted to beat himself for interrupting a few words.

It seems that the focus of his thoughts is not at the same point as that of ordinary people.

"Remember what I said. If you have anything to say in the future, report it in advance. You can only speak when I let you speak. If you dare to interrupt, you will die!"

Ying Shou stared at the bearded man with cold eyes, and said in a lingering voice.

"Okay...ok...Emperor Qin, I will remember it. Since Emperor Daqin can't take it anymore, I will wait on the disembarkation."

"I hope that the Great Qin Emperor will not make me wait for a long time. My time is precious. If His Majesty is unwilling to board the ship for half an hour, I will leave immediately. I only hope that the Great Qin Emperor will not regret it!"

The man with the splayed beard took a deep breath, and his tone was serious. After saying something, he turned his head suddenly, raised his hand, and the long ladder was lowered on the boat immediately. Several people got off the boat and led him back to the deck of the big ship.

On that deck, someone brought him a chair, and he sat down on the chair. While being bandaged, he looked at Ying Shou, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"Think twice, Your Majesty!"

Under the watchful eyes of the man with the eight-character beard who seemed to be watching a show, Shi Potian suddenly knelt down on the table and said to Ying Shou.

"Yes, Your Majesty, think twice!"

Nan Yan and Xue Ning spoke at the same time, and also knelt down.

Although they knew that at this moment, it was best to keep silent in front of the emperor, since what the emperor said was what he said, just obey.

But they can't do it, because once the emperor is impulsive, he will surely fall into a catastrophe.

Unfortunately, they forgot that at this moment, it was they who were impulsive, not Ying Shou.

Ying Shou has never done anything impulsive in his life.Any seemingly impulsive move is actually the result of deliberation.

Either the result of impulsiveness is [-]% sure, or the result of impulsiveness is a trick for people.

And often, what he does impulsively will lead to the result he wants most.

Hearing what they said, Ying Shou stopped scolding at this moment, but looked at Nan Yan and Xue Ning, stared deeply at the two women for a long time, then turned his eyes and looked at Shi Potian again.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said: "Shi Potian, as a great general and a strong man in a hundred battles, has always had a special sixth sense, and this sixth sense often makes people predict danger."

"Tell me, based on your feelings, do you think it will be dangerous if I go this time? Is the danger big or not?"

Shi Potian's face changed, and he said quickly: "Your Majesty, I dare not peek into the will of heaven, let alone peep into the destiny of heaven."

"But there is one thing, I hope Your Majesty will think twice. If the thief is not sure enough, how dare he provoke Da Qin and His Majesty?"

(End of this chapter)

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