Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 661 is advance or retreat

Chapter 661 is advance or retreat
"So, this is your answer and advice to me?"

Ying Shou laughed.

"I don't dare, it's just for the sake of my great Qin Dynasty, and my Majesty must not personally take risks."

"My Great Qin has tens of millions of people, all of whom will fight for His Majesty the Emperor, but as the King of all peoples and the King of the world, His Majesty must not take any risks!"

Shi Potian's expression was heavy. As a former general, and also a general of Huben, his greatest mission was to protect the safety of the emperor.

Even though he is no longer a general of Huben Zhonglang, he is still serving in the military aircraft department anyway, so he is still a general.

With the general in front, there are many difficulties and dangers, and the emperor must not be allowed to go in person.

"I understand what you said. In other words, as the emperor, my duty is not to protect the people of the world, but to hide behind and let the people of the world protect me, right?"

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, and slowly walked down the reef, stepped into the shallows, and let the seawater submerge his ankles.

He bent down, brought his face closer to less than a foot in front of Shi Potian, and said with a sneer:

"Shi Potian, once upon a time, you were the person I valued the most. In my heart, you are the only famous general who can compete with Generalissimo Wei Liaozi. You are not only a general, you can even To be a marshal is your own talent!"

"Maybe I don't care if these words came out of someone else's mouth today, but I am very, very disappointed when they come out of your mouth. If it was Wei Liaozi who was here today, he would never say that These words."

"Your current state is far worse than that of Wei Liaozi. You are no longer worthy of being my Great Qin General, let alone being my Great Qin Marshal. Do you know that?"

Shi Potian's expression changed, he couldn't help lowering his head, and there was a look of struggle in his eyes, as if these humiliating words had touched his self-esteem.

"His Majesty……"

Not far away, Nan Yan's pretty face was also a little ugly, and she couldn't help but yelled in a low voice.

Shi Potian is also the general of the Great Qin anyway, as the saying goes, the harmony between the monarch and his ministers, the country is peaceful and healthy.

In this regard, Ying Shou did a good job in front of other courtiers, but why did he suppress Shi Potian again and again?
Along the way, from the conversation between Ying Shou and Shi Potian, she had already noticed the disagreement between the monarch and his ministers.

To be more precise, it wasn't the discord between the monarch and his subjects, but Ying Shou's unilateral pressure and attack on Shi Potian.

Although Shi Potian was a minister of the previous dynasty, he is also a hero of the Great Qin Dynasty today. If he hadn't been born, he won the 10 heads of the Xiongnu army as a certificate of honor on the day of his attack.

As a result, when he returned to the court, he was not only rewarded with a mansion, but also deprived of his military power and held a idle position.

This matter has already attracted the attention of many people, but these people think that the emperor may have other arrangements, even Nan Yan thinks so, so no one said anything.

But during this trip, what Ying Shou did made Nan Yan a little surprised. Is this what Ming Jun said to treat a hero and famous general like this?
Along the way, his cynicism towards Shi Potian was really just another arrangement, not deliberate suppression?
Even if you don't care about what happened along the way, what does it mean for him to say these words to Shi Potian now?
I'm afraid that any normal person would not be able to stand such ridicule, right?Not to mention a generation of famous generals, a generation of invincible, invincible and invincible famous generals.

If this continues and Shi Potian, who has always been loyal and resigned, is driven mad to rebel, don't look at the [-] tiger and ben army now in the hands of Daqin.

But the real master of these people was the first emperor of the previous dynasty. After the death of the first emperor, they only recognized Shi Potian.

Shi Potian rebelled, these people must follow.

That's the Huben Army, only [-], but even if it is the Great Qin, no army can compete with it.

At the very least, even the 20 troops on the Great Wall might not be enough to destroy this army.

Knowing this, Nan Yan felt a little uncomfortable with Ying Shou's targeting of Shi Potian like this. Furthermore, for the sake of Daqin Jiangshan, she didn't want to see Ying Shou cut off his arms like this and make enemies everywhere, so she had to speak up, wanting to persuade.

But just as she called out to Your Majesty, Ying Shou turned her head abruptly, pointed at her and said, "Shut up too! If you think what he said makes sense, then you don't have to speak anymore!"

"Listen to what I said clearly, and keep it in your mind. I am the emperor, you are the queen, and even though you are the princess of the Xiongnu."

"But now, your identity is my Great Qin Concubine. I hope you will keep these identities firmly in your hearts!"

While speaking, Ying Shou pointed at himself, then at Nan Yan and Xue Ning, with a stern look, and said: "You must not think that being in the royal family, marrying into the royal family, being the emperor, or the emperor's woman, is the most important thing in your life. The most important thing is to enjoy the worship of all people, to be protected and respected by others. This is not a kind of enjoyment, but a kind of responsibility!"

"All the people bow down to me and the royal family just because they want to seek protection. Some people step forward and stop all dangers for me. It's not because my life is so important, but because my existence can protect more people."

"But now, if I can't even protect my own woman, what qualifications do I have to protect the world and the people?"

"In his position, seek his own government. This sentence is not only about civil and military officials, but also about me. I am the emperor of the world and the emperor of Yinyue. Therefore, I can't retreat, I can only protect."

"I am Yinyue's husband. As a husband, I can't retreat. Now, you tell me, should I retreat, should I enter?"

"Advance is extremely dangerous, retreat is shameful to the world, shameful to the people, shameful to Huang Wei, tell me, how should I choose?"

Those words, like iron nails, were fixed in everyone's hearts, making them tremble uncontrollably.

They were speechless, not knowing what to say.

This is the first time they have heard these remarks.

What other monarchs want is to stabilize the country, and the rest, all the people, are just tools for use.

Ordinary people are like cattle, horses and animals. Facing the nobles, they play the power of the king. Therefore, even the Legalists gave birth to a School of Legalism.

But Ying Shou doesn't seem to care about these things at all, he doesn't even care about Jiangshan, he only cares about one thing, protecting his weaknesses.

Protect your own people, protect your own people.If one's own person is wrong, no one else can touch it. If he wants to touch it, only he can touch it.

On this road, he went farther and farther, which was hard to dissuade.

"Why, stop talking?"

Ying Shou looked around the crowd, sneered, and said: "Today, no matter what the reason is, regarding Yinyue, I want to see people when I live, and I want to see corpses when I die. My people, even if they die, will return to my world. Can't stop it!"

After finishing speaking, Ying Shou turned around abruptly and headed directly towards the big ship ahead.

(End of this chapter)

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