Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 662 Challenge the Sea

Chapter 662 Challenge the Sea
As he walked out step by step, the sea water under his feet was getting deeper and deeper. Faced with the endless waves, Ying Shou felt dizzy for a while, and his steps trembled.

His pace kept slowing down, and even gradually, he stopped unconsciously.

But even so, looking at the oncoming water still gave him the feeling that the world was shaking, like an earthquake.

Even though he stood firmly in his body, he almost fell head-on on the shallows several times.

This is a kind of fear from the heart, and it is also a kind of innate maladaptation.

Some things may be incomprehensible, but in fact, although most people have no fear of water, when they really face the sea, they will have a feeling of insignificance and a sense of invisibility towards the sea. sense of awe.

That is the awe of nature, as if in front of nature, everyone becomes small and not worth mentioning.

This is good, but there are still some people who are naturally afraid of water. Even if they go boating on a small lake, they will feel dizzy and frightened in the face of the surging water.

On the sea, looking at the constantly swaying waves of the sea, it was even more serious, as if he was drunk and couldn't even control his own body.On the boat, it is easy to get seasick.

Ying Shou is exactly this kind of person.

He claims to be the overlord of the world, but in front of the water, he is really powerless.

Especially after experiencing a flood attack, coupled with the bad news of Yinyue's flood, it made him fear the water from the bottom of his heart.

No matter how deeply he suppressed this fear, it would be difficult to suppress whenever he saw big water, let alone the sea.

It was as if water was born to restrain him.

In this water, he has no sense of security at all.

Ying Shou slowly closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried his best to ignore the impact of the waves outside.

Today, he is like a den of thieves, not only because of responsibility, but also because of a challenge.

As an emperor, how can you be afraid?

Not to mention the sea, even the sky frightened him, and he had to challenge it until he trampled the sky under his feet.

The majesty of the emperor cannot be violated, neither can human beings, nor all things, nor can heaven and earth.Today, either he conquers this boundless sea, or this sea submerges him.

As for other people's schemes, he doesn't care at all, even, this is a trap he set for others, he just waits for some unknown people to show their talents, and then catch them all!
The waves hit his ears, and the waves were rough under his feet. Ying Shou couldn't calm down the feeling of sea dizziness for a long time, but he forced his eyes open and walked forward again.

"His Majesty……"

"His Majesty……"

At this moment, two voices suddenly sounded from behind, and Nan Yan and Xue Ning came to his side almost at the same time, supporting him on the left and right.

"What are you doing?"

Ying Shou frowned. At this moment, even when he looked at the two women, he felt that the two women were like fairies who had practiced the avatar technique, full of phantoms. This dizziness was more noticeable than being drunk.

"Since your majesty is going, how can you not have your concubine to accompany you? Your majesty has always hoped that the family and everything will be prosperous. Now that sister Yinyue is being held hostage, the concubine and sister Yinyue are serving a husband together. They are also a family. How can they retreat at this time? Please allow Your Majesty to let Xue Ning go!"

Xue Ning smiled slightly, looked at Ying Shou and said.

But she couldn't tell that the emperor was obviously sea-sick, just like some people get grass-sick on the grassland.

On the prairie, when the grass is fertile, when the breeze blows, the grass floats in waves one after another, just like the ocean waves.

Some people feel dizzy just looking at it, and some even pass out directly.

The waves of the sea, like the waves of the grass, made the emperor dizzy. If there was no one to serve her, she was really afraid that the emperor might have fallen into the sea before boarding the pirate ship. That would be really detrimental to the emperor. majesty.

Furthermore, even if he is on a pirate ship, no matter how powerful the emperor is, he will eventually be in the hands of others and unable to fight back.

Although the man with the mustache said that Ying Shou was not allowed to bring any generals and guards, he did not stop the two women from boarding the boat.

She is not capable of fighting, but she is still a princess of a country. On the grassland, ordinary cavalry guards are not necessarily her opponents.Only when she was by Ying Shou's side could she feel a little at ease.

At least, if it doesn't work, maybe she can still protect the emperor one or two.

"That's right, please allow your majesty to allow your concubines to go with you. Your majesty, your concubines are very clear. Your majesty is afraid of water. If your concubines are not by your side, don't worry. Besides, your concubines are definitely not weak women. , At this time, you can also protect the safety of His Majesty the Emperor!"

Nan Yan spoke a lot more straightforwardly.

Saying it in one sentence means: "You are so afraid of water. If you really want to get on a boat, you won't dare to fight back if someone beats you. I'm not around, so I don't feel at ease, so you must take me with you. You want to bless the world in your heart, But all I want is to bless you!"

What the two women said, and the gentle look in their eyes, immediately made Ying Shou's heart tremble, as if he had touched a soft place, and he couldn't help feeling a touch of warmth.

"Okay, worthy of being the emperor's woman, let's go!"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth twitched slightly. In fact, he didn't need the two women to speak, and it was impossible for him to keep the two women here.

Now at this seaside, his power is weak, and he is not at ease if he really keeps the two girls here.

Although he really got on the boat, he also knew that he had no power to protect himself, but it didn't mean that he really had no way to protect himself at all.

Only when the two women are by his side can he feel at ease.

The reason why he didn't open his mouth all the time was that he wanted to board the pirate ship himself, and then greeted the two women to come up together. This was his first challenge to the sea, and he didn't want anyone to help.

However, he obviously underestimated the oppression of nature on people, and also somewhat overestimated himself.

As the saying goes, food needs to be eaten one bite at a time, and the road needs to be walked step by step. In the end, he faced the sea for the first time with the company of his two daughters.

"His Majesty……"

Behind, Shi Potian's voice became hoarse.

Ying Shou and the two women stopped at the same time, looked back, and saw Shi Potian kneeling on the shallows, and suddenly bowed towards this side.

"The servants are useless and cannot protect His Majesty the Emperor and the two empresses. Here, the servants respectfully send your Majesty and Empresses off."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, even if Shi Potian does everything he can, he will gather his men in the shortest possible time. If His Majesty has not returned within three days, the servants will immediately lead the troops into the sea. All the thieves will not be left behind, and they will be killed without mercy!"

When Shi Potian raised his head here, the seawater soaked his whole body, and he yelled loudly at the top of his lungs.

This sound moved Nan Yan and the others deeply.

What is a loyal minister, this is a loyal minister.No matter how wronged you are in front of the king, what you think in your heart will always be the safety of the king.

He couldn't persuade the emperor, the only thing he could do was to obey, but apart from obeying, it didn't mean he was going to sit and wait for death.

(End of this chapter)

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