Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 663 Seasickness

Chapter 663 Seasickness
"Okay, I'm waiting for your arrival!"

Ying Shou stared at Shi Potian with an indifferent voice. After finishing speaking, he turned around and went straight to the big boat with the support of the two women.

On the thief boat, a sneer flashed in the eyes of the man with the mustache, with a ferocious look on his face. After all, Ying Shou was still in the trap.

As long as Ying Shou falls into the trap, he has plenty of ways to make Ying Shou helpless to fight back.

Although not many people know about Ying Shou's fear of water, with the power of Tianmen, it is not difficult to know.

Today, this sea is the place of Ying Shou's burial.

Fantasizing that a generation of invincible kings would die by his own hands, although he was in excruciating pain and suffered endless humiliation just now, he still felt an inexplicable pleasure in his heart.

"Concubine Xue, how is your water quality?"

Coming under the thief boat, Ying Shou turned his head and asked Xue Ning.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, my concubine knows a little water, but I don't know if it is useful in this sea!"

Xue Ningxiu frowned slightly, and replied with some hesitation.

In fact, she doesn't understand water at all, but she is afraid that if she speaks out, the emperor will refuse her to follow.

But if she wanted to lie, she couldn't do it, so she could only forcefully break through her inner limit, saying that she knew how to drink a little water.

"Just a little water?"

Looking at her expression, Ying Shou couldn't see what she was thinking?
But Ying Shou didn't care at all, and just listened to him: "Tell me, if you are in danger, will your father really sit idly by?"

Xue Ning couldn't help being taken aback when she heard this, she didn't understand why Ying Shou suddenly mentioned Haotian.

Naturally, she wouldn't think that Ying Shou was talking about Modu, after all her real father was Haotian.

Now, Ying Shou also understands that his biggest enemy is not Mao Dun, let alone King Donghu Khan, but Haotian, the mysterious existence who secretly controls endless rivers and mountains.

When Ying Shou asked this, he just wondered if behind Xue Ning, there was still a power to save people at any time.

After all, as the saying goes, the poison of a tiger does not eat its offspring, and there is no father who does not protect his calf. Xue Ning entered Daqin, and it was a narrow escape. He didn't believe it, Haotian really didn't make any preparations.

If he was killed this time, he never thought of asking Haotian's people to save him. After all, as an opponent, it is impossible for others to save him, and as an emperor, he doesn't need anyone's sympathy.

But Xue Ning is different, if someone from Haotian secretly helps, Xue Ning will be much safer.

The emperor does not rely on others, but if Xue Ning relies on her father, it is fine.

"The concubine doesn't know!"

Facing Ying Shou's question, Xue Ning hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice: "Perhaps he never thought about the life and death of his concubine!"

While speaking, Xue Ning couldn't help but look sad.

Up to now, not only has she not been able to figure out Haotian's thoughts, she has never even seen Haotian, and she has no idea whether she is a chess piece that can be discarded at any time in Haotian's heart, or a daughter with some family affection.

But in her mind, perhaps it is more likely that Haotian will not care about her life or death.

"It's okay, if you encounter any danger, you can just grab me. With me here, no one can do anything to you!"

Seeing her dejected, Ying Shou couldn't bear it, and said with a smile.

"Also, Yan'er, you are the best at swimming here, if something happens later, take care of Ning'er first and leave me alone."

"Behind me, I have arranged for a sea boat to follow. As long as you get on the sea boat, you will be safe!"

Immediately afterwards, Ying Shou whispered instructions to Nan Yan.

"Is there help?"

Nan Yan's eyes lit up when she heard the words, she knew that the emperor would not act impulsively, and sure enough, the emperor had already prepared everything.

But, when did the emperor arrange the rescue, why didn't she know?
"Just listen to me!"

Facing Nan Yan's question, Ying Shou smiled slightly, and then stepped up the long ladder step by step to the deck of the big ship.

The hull of the boat shook under the impact of the waves, and Ying Shou almost lost his footing and fell.

Fortunately, Nan Yan climbed up after him and quickly supported him.

"Welcome His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor. Now that His Majesty has boarded the ship, can we go?"

When Xue Ning also climbed up, the bearded man suddenly smiled, sat on the chair, cupped his fists at Ying Shou.


Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, with the legs of the bed spread out, trying his best to stand on the deck without shaking, and said coldly.

Hearing the words, the man with the eight-character beard said nonsense, waved his big hand, and gave an order, and the thief boat started immediately and sailed into the deep sea.

"Come here, His Majesty the Emperor is here, don't move the chair over here, let His Majesty rest!"

As the thief boat drove, the severe dizziness continued to hit, making Ying Shou's body shake no matter how hard he tried.

What's more, the harder he tried, the more he shook himself. For a while, even if Yinyue and Nanyan joined hands, they could hardly support him. It's just a short clip that shows that the thief boat can only move within a mile, and Yingshou's His face had turned pale.

Seeing this scene, Nan Yan immediately scolded everyone.

"The empress is ordering me to wait?"

The man with the eight-character beard sneered, this was all on his boat, and he could see that Ying Shou couldn't even stabilize himself at the moment, so how could he care about Ying Shou and others?
"You slave, how dare you be so rebellious. If you didn't see that your legs are disabled and you can't kneel down, I would have killed you just now. Now I order you to serve the emperor and sit down immediately, otherwise... ..."

Nanyan's aura exploded in an instant, and the aura that belonged to the mother of the country made people dare not rebel.

Now, on this boat, all the emperor's powers will completely disappear, and he can't even take care of himself. As for Xue Ning, she is weaker, and she instinctively stood up and carried the beam.


The man with the eight character beard heard her scolding, his face changed, and he became angry.

But at the moment, he was still in the shallows, and he couldn't do things too extreme, otherwise, once these people jumped down, the plan might fail at any time.

Immediately, the anger returned to anger, he took a deep breath, he still waved his hand, and said: "Your Majesty, don't neglect His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor and the two empresses!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone moved a chair.

Xue Ning and Nan Yan quickly supported Ying Shou to sit up, only to hear Xue Ning ask quickly: "Your Majesty, what do you think?"

Ying Shou didn't answer, but forcibly raised his head, looking at the endless, shimmering sea, he felt even more dizzy, his mind was spinning, and his stomach was overwhelmed.


Ying Shou stood up abruptly, throwing up at the sea.

"His Majesty……"

"His Majesty……"

Xue Ning and Nan Yan exclaimed, and hurriedly stepped forward to support Ying Shou with worried expressions on their faces.

"Hey, His Majesty the Emperor will be seasick? This is unimaginable. It is said that His Majesty the Emperor is an eternal king, no one can beat him. I didn't expect that there will be such unbearable times!"

In the back, the man with the mustache couldn't help but mocked when he saw this.

(End of this chapter)

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