Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 664 King's Dignity Inviolable

Chapter 664 King's Dignity Inviolable
"Bold, how dare you speak to His Majesty the Emperor like that!"

Faced with the irony of the man with the mustache, Nan Yan was furious.

The emperor is the son of heaven, and Daqin ruled the country with Zhou etiquette. The so-called etiquette means that even if Ying Shou sees the king of another country, no matter how powerful he is or how he oppresses others, he will never sarcastically or ridicule him face to face. This is etiquette.

Just like this before, when he went to the 36 countries, Ying Shou clearly overwhelmed all the kings, but there was never any rudeness in his words. This is the etiquette of the Great Qin Dynasty, which was inherited from the Zhou Dynasty.

Of course, like King Yelang, it wasn't that Ying Shou was really rude to humiliate a king.

As the saying goes, scholars can be killed but not humiliated, and even scholars are like this, let alone kings?As a king, you can kill another king, but you must never insult another king.

Death may be painful and regrettable, but it will not let its majesty be tolerated, it can be tortured, humiliated, and it will lose a king's personality.

Ying Shou understood these principles very well, but King Yelang did not.

Back then, he shouldn't have pleaded guilty, let alone listened to Han Xin's words.

That way, even if Ying Shou killed him, Ying Shou would still respect his generation of heroes.

It's a pity that he abandoned his dignity and just wanted to live. It sounds nice to learn from Goujian, the king of Yue. However, in Ying Shou's view, this is degrading himself.

If you don't respect yourself alone, how can you make others respect you?

You yourself have retreated to the cliff of dignity and nailed yourself to the pillar of shame. If others don't help you achieve your wish, won't you fail you?
That's why there was a scene where Ying Shou abused and humiliated King Yelang in the first place.

But King Yelang went to King Yelang, and Ying Shou went to Ying Shou. He has been domineering all his life, and the air of an emperor has ever been humiliated by others?

If one day even he degrades himself and others ridicule and humiliate him, Nan Yan may be disappointed and desperate, but she will never protect her like this, because he is not worthy of being an emperor.

But now, even though he is on a pirate ship, he is still the Great Qin Emperor, how can he allow others to humiliate and ridicule him?

"Why, can't you listen to just a few words?"

"Hehe, it is said that the emperor of Qin has a heart like the sea and is tolerant, so he doesn't look very good!"

The man with the eight-character beard smiled disdainfully. At this moment, the three thief boats started together and gradually left the shallows. The sea below was at least ten feet deep, and the wind and waves were strong. He was not afraid that these people would escape.

Especially the situation of Ying Shou at this moment gave him a sense of immediate control over everything. Therefore, he was not worried at all that these people could escape, and his words became more and more impolite.

It was as if the one standing in front of him was not a generation of emperors, but an aggressive general begging for mercy and begging for his life.


Nan Yan's face darkened, such a humiliation is unbearable for ordinary people, let alone a generation of emperors?
Now Ying Shou couldn't even take care of herself, so she couldn't refute it, but as a queen, how could she tolerate it?

As soon as she moved her footsteps, she stepped forward and wanted to teach the bearded man a lesson.

However, at the moment when her figure moved, there were clanging sounds in all directions.

In an instant, more than 130 people on the thief boat drew out their swords at the same time, and pointed straight at Guiyan.

Although Nanyan has some combat strength, it is only three or four thousand. This is the strength of many years of collecting herbs in the mountains and putting it in the army.

Maybe he can be a general who is not too big or too small. On the battlefield, he is enough to fight against a hundred people.

But those who faced were only ordinary soldiers, and the ones in front of them were indeed the elite among the more than 100 elites.

These people, no matter in terms of momentum or strength, are not inferior to the Tiger Army, the only thing they need is formal military training, otherwise, it is not impossible to create another Tiger Army.

Facing such a group of elites, relying on Nanyan's reaching out, it is impossible to defeat more than 100 people.

Moreover, among the more than 100 people, there are several hidden masters. None of these masters is inferior to Nanyan in combat power. If there is a real fight, the only one who will suffer is Nanyan.

Seeing that the scene was tense, Ying Shou vomited out again. This time, he even vomited a lot of acid water.

His whole body's strength seemed to have lost most of it in an instant, his whole body was shaking, and he was almost unsteady even standing up.

But he still forcefully raised his hand and shouted in a low voice, "Don't be foolish!"

Nan Yan turned her head abruptly, only to see that Ying Shou had also turned around at this moment, his face was as pale as white wax, it was shocking, but he couldn't help feeling distressed.

Where is this still the majestic and invincible emperor of the past?He was clearly a crumbling sick man!
"Your Majesty, how dare this thief insult His Majesty!"

Nan Yan was short-tempered. It's not that she doesn't know how to take a step back, but this sentence can be applied to anyone, except that it cannot be applied to the king forever.

As a king, no matter what the reason is, you can never retreat.In the face of provocation, no matter how powerless you are, you can only wait and fight back.

Fight if you can beat it, fight if you can't beat it, no matter what is lost in the end, even if it is life.

Because if you retreat, you may save your life, but what you lose is the face of the king and the country.If a king is so oppressed that he can't hold his head up and doesn't even have the courage to fight back, what hope does this country have?

Therefore, the king cannot retreat.

"I... know..."

Ying Shou's face was pale, his footsteps were weak, and he looked at Nan Yan comfortingly. Then, he gently pushed Xue Ning's support away, and walked towards the bearded man step by step.

Facing the extremely weak Ying Shou at this moment, the Emperor Daqin, the man with a mustache had no fear at all. He didn't think that Ying Shou at this moment could cause much trouble.

If it wasn't for that person, he should have been more careful and swayed more until Ying Shou completely lost all power to fight back.

Even when he was on the verge of death before making a move, he was sure to win with one blow, and now he wanted to kill Ying Shou directly.

Although he can't do anything now, it doesn't mean he will let Ying Shou walk on the road to death easily.

His legs were broken, his dignity was lost, and he had to get it back bit by bit.

"What, Ying Shou, do you still have the strength to deal with me now? Or, do you think now, you can still be as aggressive and arrogant as before?"

Looking at Ying Shou who was approaching step by step, the bearded man curled his lips in disdain. He no longer took the previous warning to heart, and just said Ying Shou, what is the emperor of Qin? He didn't bother to pay homage or compliment .

This is nothing more than a dying person!
Facing the current Ying Shou, he doesn't even need others to stop Ying Shou from coming to him, he wants to see what else Ying Shou can do, and what he wants to do!
(End of this chapter)

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