Chapter 665

"What's your name?"

Ying Shou walked up to the bearded man step by step, his body swayed violently with the swaying of the boat, almost fell down countless times, his eyes stared at the bearded man, and asked coldly.

The more Ying Shou is like this, the more fearless the bearded man will be.

He sneered and said: "Why, do you want to know the name first, so that you can get back today's humiliation later?"

"Okay, I will help you, I hope you can have this opportunity. Remember, my name is Zhu Yanzhao, Ying Shou, this name will be the last you will hear in this life..."


Before Zhu Yanzhao finished speaking, he felt a sharp pain in his throat, and all the words were suddenly choked by Ying Shou.

Ying Shou's palm tightly clasped his neck, lifting him up from the chair little by little.

"what are you doing?"

"Stop immediately..."

Seeing this, the people around immediately pointed their swords at Ying Shou, and some even rushed forward.

However, before these people had time to take half a step forward, they saw Ying Shou's eyes flashing sharply like a sword light.

Under this look, everyone felt a chill all over, and everything disappeared in an instant.

In an instant, everyone stopped almost at the same time. Facing this look, their bodies trembled uncontrollably, their hearts filled with fear, and they actually took a few steps back step by step.

The centipede is dead but not stiff, and the dragon's power is not diminished even though it falls to the ground. This is probably what it means.

The life of a person, the shadow of a tree, the people of the world, hearing the name of Ying Shou, all prostrate, all fear, and all admire.

Even if you are down and out today, how can you let people spoil you as much as you want?
Seeing the crowd fade away, Ying Shou looked at Zhu Yanzhao with his cold eyes just now, and his voice was cold and indifferent:
"I haven't killed people for a long time. It's not that I don't know how to kill, but that no one in this world is qualified to let me do it!"

"Today, as long as any of my generals, no... as long as any of my soldiers are here, I will not even look at you. You are already a nameless ghost!"

"You are not qualified to die by my hands, but you are very lucky today, even if you die, you can be proud, because I killed you with my own hands."

"Today, at the price of your life, I will tell you why a king can die without destroying his dignity!"

"Although the tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by dogs, and the dragon swims in shallow waters and is teased by shrimps, but like you, in front of me, you are not worthy of a dog or a shrimp. You are at most an ant, a No matter how weak I am, I can easily trample ants to death!"

"Remember in your next life, call me His Majesty the Emperor, without my word of mouth, you are not qualified to speak. When you speak in front of me, you should prostrate yourself on the ground instead of looking up at me. You don't have the qualifications."

"Before, I used your legs to remind you, now, I have your life, and I will remind you one last time!"

After the words fell, under Zhu Yanzhao's terrified and struggling eyes, and on the palm of Ying Shou, a powerful and terrifying force struck.



First, there was the sound of the tibia breaking, and then, everyone heard a "bang", Zhu Yanzhao's neck burst instantly, blood spattered, and the body that was strangled by Ying Shou was divided into two parts, and Ying Shou's hand was still there. In the ocean, the dead cannot die again.


Everyone gasped at the same time. For a moment, everyone took a step back and looked at Ying Shou with fear.

They couldn't help wondering if Ying Shou's so-called weakness was just a fake.

If he is really weak to such an extent, how can he possess such strength?

"You don't need to question, I am indeed very weak now. I understand what you want to do, don't you just want to make me completely weak before you make a move? Hehe, a bunch of trash..."

"However, you are still wise. I am indeed very weak now, but it is nothing if I want to kill all of you present."

"Since you want to wait, then wait slowly. I will give you a chance, and it depends on whether you can seize it!"

Ying Shou's body swayed, and while he was talking, his body turned upside down, and he almost vomited several times. Although he endured it, acid water flowed out from the corner of his mouth uncontrollably, accompanied by saliva.

This scene looked disgusting and even more embarrassing.

But it is this disgusting scene that makes people dare not be disgusted, and this embarrassing scene makes people dare not underestimate it.

"His Majesty……"

Nan Yan and Xue Ning hurried forward, helped Ying Shou to sit down, with a look of concern on her face.

"Empress, Concubine Xue, remember, my Great Qin's etiquette is only for those who give courtesy, and only for my own people. Don't waste your time talking about clowns like this, just kill them, so as not to be an eyesore!"

Ying Shou took a deep breath, as if killing Nan Yan and Xue Ning, and said in a very low and calm voice.

"No, Your Majesty..."

The two women hurriedly agreed, although the emperor's move was bloody, but the two women did not feel the slightest fear at this moment, but were very relieved.

In a country, only such an emperor who is not afraid of everything can make the people feel at ease and find their belonging.

And in a home, only such a strong husband can make people feel protected, without fear of everything, and find enough sense of security.

"Qin Huang, what do you mean, if you don't give us a chance today, we won't have a chance at all?"

At this moment, the group of masters who had not dedicated themselves finally came out.

With Zhu Yanzhao's death, they had to take charge of the overall situation on this ship.

In this appearance, there were four people in total, and each of them had a combat power of more than [-]. They could be described as first-class masters in the Jianghu. All of them looked at Ying Shou with vigilance in their eyes.

The person who spoke first was a man in his 30s. He had a strong figure and a beardless face. However, his eyes gave people a very scary feeling.

It was very cold, as cold as being stared at by a poisonous tongue.

"Four first-class can try..."

Ying Shou looked at these people sarcastically and said with disdain.

"Qin Huang, you are putting your life on the test for us. Could it be that you are not afraid that the result will be out of your control?"

The man looked puzzled and said coldly.

In his opinion, as the emperor, Ying Shou is an invincible existence in Daqin and on land.

But when he set foot on this boat, it was already the greatest unwiseness.

Maybe he still has some ability to resist now, but he just didn't resist at this time, and insisted on staying until the end, which is even more stupid.

He didn't understand why Ying Shou was so stupid when he was considered a master of the generation after all.

"Hehe, some people think they are very smart, they keep plotting and plotting, they get a little result, they are complacent, they think everything is under control, but in fact, they are extremely stupid!"

Ying Shou sneered. At this moment, the sky was already dark in front of him. While talking, he leaned on the chair, closed his eyes, and carefully felt the involuntary feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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