Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 666 is waiting

Chapter 666 is waiting
"Qin Huang is really majestic, if that's the case, let's wait and see!"

Seeing that Ying Shou stopped talking, the man let out a cold snort. He really wanted to see what Ying Shou meant today.

The world seems to be revolving around Ying Shou, as if, it seems to be following Ying Shou's law.

Following Ying Shou's silence, there was no sound on the whole boat in an instant, only the sound of waves and wind.

Nan Yan and Xue Ning looked at each other, took chairs, and sat down beside Ying Shou, feeling the faint sea breeze, asking about the salty smell of sea water, listening to the sound of waves , allowing the hull to shake without any restlessness.

Time passed, starting at noon, according to the judgment of the dark net, Ying Shou has been set up, and the den of thieves should be on the Harbor Islands not far away.

It is a famous island in later generations, and it is also one of the economic centers of Yanhuang in later generations. Although Ying Shou is not very familiar with it, and he has never even been to it, he probably knows that it takes about an hour to take a boat in later generations. can reach.

Even in this era, ships do not have the same power as later generations, three hours should arrive, and if three hours cannot arrive, four or five hours should arrive.In terms of time, it was only a journey of more than two hours.

However, until it was dark, there was still no trace of the archipelago.

That place is said to be a huge island, but Ying Shou is still clear that it is actually a large island formed by connecting archipelagos.

And each of these islands has its own name.

The sum of all can be called Hong Kong Island, also known as the Harbor Islands.

In the middle of the night, the sea breeze was cold, and beside Ying Shou, Nanyan was fine, her physical fitness was relatively strong, and she could still withstand the cold wind, but Xue Ning's body seemed to be a lot worse. She was already shivering in the cold wind, but Shi Yin gritted his teeth tightly and didn't make a sound.

After three or four hours of meditation with his eyes closed, Ying Shou managed to regain some energy, and the sky was no longer dark in front of him. Even if he didn't look at the sea, he could barely adapt to the shaking of the ship.

Immediately, he looked at Nan Yan, and said softly: "How is the queen, is it cold?"

Nan Yan smiled slightly, and said: "It seems that Your Majesty's complexion has improved a lot. Don't worry, Your Majesty, my concubine was born among rivers and lakes since she was a child, and she has already gotten used to water."

"In addition to taking various nourishing medicines since childhood, and having practiced martial arts, this mere sea breeze can't hurt my concubine, but your Majesty, you should take care of yourself!"

Ying Shou nodded slightly when he heard this.

Although he could barely adapt to the shaking of the ship, the relaxation, the roar of the sea, and the sense of cohesion in all directions and the first line of the sky gradually made him feel dizzy again.

He resisted this uncomfortable feeling, turned his head again, looked at Xue Ning at the side, and said softly: "How does Aifei feel?"

At this moment, Xue Ning's pretty face was already blue from the cold, and her lips were trembling.

Hearing this, she did force herself to smile, and said with a trembling voice: "Your Majesty...Your Majesty has no worries...Chen...Chenqie...Chenqie is fine..."

Ying Shou shook his head and said with a smile: "It's all like this, and you still say it's okay, it's not a good habit to be brave!

With that said, Ying Shou got up, took off his robe and clothes, handed them to Xue Ning, and said in an orderly tone: "Get on the boat immediately, although the clothes were soaked before, but now they are also dried by my body temperature, on board, avoid the wind and cold." !"

Seeing that Ying Shou was naked, Xue Ning was startled, and said, "Your Majesty, you..."

Ying Shou was in his big hand, gently stroked her small face, and said with a smile: "Let's go on board, I'm never afraid of the cold. Besides, I'm a little dizzy at the moment, so I should wake up in this cold wind!"

With that said, Ying Shou handed all the clothes to Xue Ning.

Xue Ning hesitated, she knew that this was the emperor caring for her, but even though she was the emperor's woman, how could she compare with the emperor?

If something happened to me, there are still tens of thousands of people in the world who can be imperial concubines. Once something happens to the emperor, she will become the eternal sinner of Great Qin.

"Sister, take it. Your Majesty is afraid of water but not cold. Don't worry Your Majesty!"

On the side, although Nan Yan couldn't bear His Majesty's being so cold, she knew that no one could refuse the emperor's gift.

Rather than embarrassing both parties, it is better to accept it.

As for the emperor's body, she knew that as long as the emperor was not extremely weak, it would be difficult for all diseases to invade his body.

"Well, thank you, Your Majesty..."

Xue Ning nodded, she didn't dare to refuse the emperor, she could only reach out to take it, and put on the emperor's loose robes one by one.

All of a sudden, the thick layer of clothes made her a lot warmer, and her complexion also looked a lot better.

After Xue Ning put on her clothes, Ying Shou looked around.

Seeing the accident of the ship in this look, looking at the endless sea in the dark night like black water, the strong sense of dizziness once again used Ying Shou's heart, making him inexplicably terrified, and his face turned pale in an instant.

He didn't look away. He came here not only to save people, but also to deal with bandits. The most important thing was to challenge this endless sea.

He didn't believe it, he would always be restrained by water in this life.

If he can't defeat even water, how can he defeat the whole world?
While watching the sea forcibly, Ying Shou was also thinking about it in his mind.

More than four hours have passed now, almost five hours.

Soon it was late at night, which was early morning, but the three ships were still sailing on the sea, as if their target was not at all the islands that Ying Shou had guessed in advance.

But regarding this, Ying Shou didn't feel that he had guessed wrong. Perhaps, it had something to do with his other prediction.

These people, like themselves, are waiting.

Waiting for yourself, just to challenge the sea, waiting for a person.As for the people on board at the moment, he didn't pay attention at all.

As a strong man, he never had the idea of ​​entrusting his destiny to others to control, never before, and never in the future.

These people thought they used Yinyue as bait and successfully lured him into the bait.

In fact, in his opinion, the plans of these people are his real bait, and what he has to do is to bet on whether certain things he guessed are true or false, right or wrong.

Today, if the person he was waiting for really came, everything would be as he expected, if no one came, it would prove him wrong, and his attitude towards some things should change in the future.

But looking at the scene in front of him, maybe the person I was waiting for should be coming soon.

And while he was waiting for that person, the thieves on board were also waiting.

They were waiting for Ying Shou to be completely powerless, and they were also waiting for that person.

In the cabin, I saw those four masters gathered together, one of them frowned and said: "Will the Red Emperor really come?"

(End of this chapter)

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