Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 667 The Darkness Before Dawn

Chapter 667 The Darkness Before Dawn
These four people are all top-notch masters in the world today. If they are allowed to enter the army, with their fighting power, they can be the generals of thousands of people.

As a human being, there are no absolutes. After all, not everyone is willing to join the army, nor does it mean that everyone in the army is a master.

Achieving a high position in the army requires not only combat power, but also resourcefulness and combat experience.

A first-class player in the rivers and lakes enters the army, let alone a general of [-] people, even a general of [-] people may not be able to do it.

Similarly, generals of ten thousand people in the army, or even higher-level generals, may be nothing at all when they come to Jianghu, or even have no combat effectiveness at all.

For example, Zhang Liang, he is a civil servant, but he is in the army, but he can govern the world's soldiers and horses, and even the generals have to listen to him, but he himself has no combat power, and his combat power is even better than half of the soldiers. not on.

Therefore, there is no absolute in everything, everything is just an estimate.

Of the four, the one who is the obvious leader is named Song Botao, and the other three are named Dou Huandan, Mu Qiankui, and Hu Yangmin respectively.

It was Hu Yangmin who asked if the Red Emperor would come.

After Hu Yangmin asked this question, the others also looked at Song Botao at the same time, wanting to get a definite answer.

After all, Chidi's letter was handed over to the leader, and the leader only gave the letter to Song Botao to read. As for the others, they didn't know the truth.

"Don't worry, the Scarlet Emperor has ordered to kill Qin Huang in the South China Sea. Qin Huang is afraid of water, this is the best battlefield, and this time, he will personally fight here, Qin Huang will definitely die!"

Song Botao smiled coldly, and couldn't help but look outside.

In this sea, the wind and waves are attacking, and the voices are noisy. Even if a person has a strong hearing order, he does not believe that Ying Shou can hear their conversation even if they are so far apart. Therefore, they are not afraid at all.

"If Emperor Chi made the move himself, the matter would be considered a sure thing. But we have been circling the sea for so long, and Ying Shou is still sitting there like a mountain. Will he not be afraid of the water at all, and deliberately show the enemy? To be weak?"

"Or, although he was seasick at first, he has adapted to it now!"

Everyone nodded, and immediately, the man named Dou Huandan couldn't help questioning.

"Yes, for some reason, I always have a feeling of uneasiness in my heart. As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of ten thousand, you are afraid of what happens. This Ying Shou is obviously difficult to deal with!"

Another person, Mu Qiankui also spoke.

"Don't worry, I observed carefully before, Ying Shou's seasickness and seasickness are definitely not faked. No one can pretend to this level."

"As for adapting, don't be joking. Seasickness and seasickness are natural. No matter how strong the willpower is, some people can't restrain themselves and adapt to it. do it!"

"He seems to be ignorant now, but he is actually using meditation to fight against all discomfort and try to maintain his physical strength."

"In the final analysis, when he is asleep, he won't be able to notice anything. Naturally, he is fine on the surface. But in fact, his physical strength is losing at any time. He meditates, and at most he can maintain some sanity and wakefulness."

"As long as he opens his eyes and faces the sea, all his will will be destroyed in an instant. On the contrary, even if we can't deal with him, if the Red Emperor makes a move, he will definitely die!"

Facing everyone's questions, Song Botao sneered, looking as if he was sure of winning.

Outside, although Ying Shou's hearing ability is excellent, he really couldn't hear the conversation of several people.

As time passed, Ying Shou never closed his eyes this time, but stared at the sea in front of him.

Just as Song Baitao expected, even if he fell into meditation, the only thing he could protect was his consciousness, but his body was instinctively resisting the uncomfortable feeling brought by the sea.

This resistance is purely instinctive, without any thought.

Just like a person hates something, no matter how hard he tries to restrain his thoughts and let himself accept it, his body will still resist.

To put it bluntly, it’s like a food. I don’t say disgusting food, but I like the food that everyone eats. After getting tired of eating, even if a person swallows it forcibly, he will find that his throat does not listen. control.

For example, the taste buds accept the instant noodles of later generations, but sometimes the throat may not be able to accept it. This is the body's instinctive resistance.

At this moment, Ying Shou's body felt this way about the sea.

Faced with such a feeling in the body, the harder a person pushes on, the faster the physical strength will be consumed, which is also a kind of instinctive consumption.

In this short day, on this boat, it was a huge test for Ying Shou, both mentally and physically. One day seemed as long as a century in the past.

Especially when he opened his eyes and faced the sea directly, the mental crush made him even more dizzy, and within an hour, he passed out two or three times in a row.

This kind of feeling is difficult for people who are not seasick or seasick to understand.Perhaps people with motion sickness can experience a little bit more.

But it's just a little bit, motion sickness, compared to seasickness and seasickness, it's really not worth mentioning.

Ying Shou didn't know how many times he passed out, and even the time, after waking up after passing out, and then again, and again.

It's just that under the reminder of Nan Yan and Xue Ning, it seems that two or three hours have passed since he knew such a challenge.

At this moment, the sky is even darker.

This is a sign before the dawn. Before the dawn, the world will be dark to the extreme, which is called the darkness before dawn.

At this moment, Ying Shou could be said to be extremely weak. Now, even if any one of the four masters made a move, he would find it difficult to resist.

But even at this time, the person he was waiting for hadn't appeared, and the result he had been waiting for hadn't appeared either. This made Ying Shou's already confused consciousness confused for a while as to what to do.

"Your Majesty, if you can't do it, take a good rest!"

Nan Yan watched Ying Shou's face turn from pale to yellow wax, like gold paper, knowing that Ying Shou had reached his limit, so she couldn't help persuading him.

"No, I don't need to rest now!"

Ying Shou waved his hand, pointed behind him suddenly, and said in a low voice: "Yan'er, look behind clearly, if it happens, don't fall into the water, remember, hope is behind!"

This is the second time Ying Shou has reminded Nan Yan that the longer he stayed on this boat, the more powerless he felt.

He didn't have the idea of ​​entrusting his life to others to decide, and he didn't even want to entrust his life to others to save, because only relying on himself was the safest.

Previously, he said these words to Nan Yan just as a precaution.

But this time it was brought up again, it was not just about taking precautions, but that he was really powerless and could only rely on Nan Yan.

(End of this chapter)

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