Chapter 668 Pattern
"Your Majesty, ministers and concubines, please remember!"

Nan Yan didn't know what rescue they had at this moment, but she would not doubt the emperor's words.

Even if the emperor just lied to her, made a joke, and gave her an unfounded hope, she would take it seriously and choose to believe it.


Ying Shou nodded, his eyes were on the sea.

The darker it is, the stronger the terror brought by the sea, which is mind-shattering.

Just when he challenged again, suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something.


That's right, it was a flame, approaching the three ships from afar.

Ying Shou narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a low voice, "Here we come!"

Xue Ning and Nan Yan were taken aback for a moment, and said in a puzzled way: "Your Majesty, what's going on?"

Ying Shou raised his hand, pointed at the approaching flames in the distance, and said, "The traitor, here we come!"

At this moment, Ying Shou's voice was icy cold, and there was an invisible anger in this voice, which was unprecedented anger, and it scared Nan Yan and Xue Ning unintentionally.

In Nan Yan's memory, the emperor was only so angry when he got the news of Yinyue falling into the water. Except for that time, Ying Shou was always calm, maybe sometimes tempered a little, but definitely not angry.

Similarly, in Xue Ning's memory, Ying Shou seemed to be so angry that night when they had sex, but since then, she has never seen Ying Shou so angry.

But now, Ying Shou, who was rarely angry, showed such a behavior, which immediately made the two women feel deeply uncomfortable and even a little scared.

"The traitor..."

Nan Yan and Xue Ning also turned their heads to look over, and read these two words very puzzled.

Rebels, this is obviously not used to describe those thieves. It is usually said from the mouth of the king, and it describes rebellious subjects and rebellious subjects.

But why, the emperor would describe it like this, could it be...

While talking, the two women also saw the fire, and when the fire got close, they realized that it was also a big ship.

On the deck of the big ship, under the light of the fire, I saw a figure standing there quietly, wearing a crimson robe, and the crimson cloak was constantly shaking with the strong wind, coupled with his tall and straight body, It gives people the feeling that it is so majestic.

It's just that this person is wearing a mask, a flame mask, but he can't see his face clearly.

As the ship continued to approach, everyone on the three ships stepped out at the same time, stopped, and faced the approaching ship.

"It's the Red Emperor..."

The next moment, under the leadership of Song Botao, Mu Qiankui, Dou Huandan, and Hu Yangmin, hundreds of people on the three large ships knelt down on the deck at the same time, shouting loudly: "See Chidi , Long live the Red Emperor, Haotian is immortal!"

The moment they heard Chidi, Ying Shou, Nan Yan and Xue Ning couldn't help but be taken aback.

Red Emperor, what is it?
They have never heard of such a person, could it be that the Red Emperor is the leader of these people?

But at the moment when Haotian was immortal, Nan Yan still didn't understand, but Ying Shou and Xue Ning thought of something instantly.

Haotian, these people are from Haotian.

At this moment, Ying Shou didn't know whether he should be happy or angry.

Sure enough, Haotian's power has also set foot in Daqin, and this Tianmen really has no space to enter.

Even he couldn't help wondering whether Tianmen was involved in many things.

He still has no way of knowing the answer, but he believes that someone will reveal it to him soon.As for how much can be revealed, it is still a mystery.

As for being happy, he is weak now and can't protect anyone at all, even he has to rely on others to save him, so Xue Ning will be in danger.

He was even thinking that after Ruoxue Ning died, it might be better for Haotian to take care of her.

But at this moment, Ying Shou was no longer worried.

These people are all from Haotian, so they can't kill their young master, right?

As the saying goes, a tiger's poison does not eat its children, he never thought of relying on Xue Ning's identity to protect himself, but protecting Xue Ning is basically no problem, which made him secretly relieved.

As long as Xue Ning is safe, the chances of him and Nan Yan getting out will be much higher.

In this short moment, Ying Shou's chaotic mind seemed to wake up a lot suddenly, and he thought of many things.

But at this time, he saw that the boat was approaching, not more than ten feet away from the boat he was on, and then stopped.

The man called Chidi leaped vertically, jumped onto the big ship, came to Ying Shou, raised his hands, his voice was a little hoarse, as if someone had pinched his throat, and said: "Flat body!"

While speaking, he used the emperor's language, as if he, the Red Emperor, was the real emperor.

Everyone kowtowed and stood up, only to see the man named Song Botao stepping forward, cupping his hands and saying: "Chidi, everything is going according to plan, this is Ying Shou!"

As soon as Song Baitao finished speaking, the Red Emperor raised his hand and slapped him directly, shouting: "Bold, Ying Shou is also your name? According to etiquette, he should be called Emperor Qin! Or Emperor Wu!"

Song Baitao was taken aback for a moment, unable to bear the grievance.

What Emperor Qin, what Emperor Wu, they have all been captured, and the emperor is a skin!

But when Chidi said that, he didn't dare to resist at all.

Because the Red Emperor is one of the four emperors, he is in the gate of heaven, and the God of Good Heaven sits down the four emperors, and no one dares to resist in the gate of heaven.

"'s Emperor Qin, it's Emperor Qin!"

As a first-class master, Song Botao was submissive at this moment, not daring to resist at all, like a dog, a begging slave.

"That's right. The Qin State governs the country according to the law. The future Qin State is the Qin State of this seat. The etiquette and laws cannot be abolished, and the king cannot be humiliated. If you dare to be so rude again, you will be killed without mercy!"

The Chi Emperor nodded, and spoke with great indifference.

"Yes... the law of etiquette cannot be abolished, the law of etiquette cannot be abolished!"

Song Botao quickly agreed, nodding in agreement.

Ying Shou watched this scene quietly, and couldn't help but rate the Red Emperor in his heart.

It seems that I really met an expert today, and his ambition is not small!

Based on his words, it is enough to prove that his strength can match his ambition.

Sometimes, a person's strength does not depend on how big a plan he has. For those who are in this realm, it depends more on the person's heart and pattern.

As big as this person's heart is, the pattern will be as big and the achievements will be as big.

In front of the heart, everything else is not worth mentioning, because only a big enough heart can accommodate enough things, such as knowledge, the world!
On the contrary, a narrow-minded person, no matter how strong he is, will never become a big climate.

Therefore, based on Chidi's words, Ying Shou can determine his realm.

If a person has the heart to fight for the world, he must first be able to accommodate the world.If he can't even tolerate the dignity of other kings, how can he be worthy of the word "king"?
(End of this chapter)

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