Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 669 Red Emperor

Chapter 669 Red Emperor
"Qin Emperor, are you satisfied with the final dignity that this Emperor has reserved for you today?"

Chidi turned around happily, finally looked at Ying Shou, and said with a smile in his voice.

"Oh, what do you mean, after today, I will no longer have any dignity at all?"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth raised slightly, and he sneered.

"People who are about to die, no, what's the point of talking about dignity for people who have already died?"

Chidi replied with a sneer.

"Are you so sure that I will die?"

Ying Shou looked at Chidi with interest. At this moment, he stopped looking at the sea and focused all his attention on Chidi. For a while, he didn't feel so dizzy.

"That's right, you will die today, and no one can save you. Similarly, your country will also be destroyed, and you will become the next king of Great Qin!"

Chi Di nodded, and answered Ying Shou's words very seriously, as if he planned to have a heart-to-heart talk with Ying Shou at this last moment.

I just heard him say: "So, today, this emperor wants to have a good chat with you. After all, sometimes, this emperor admires you very much. He can save the world from defeat by himself. The reconstruction of Daqin has left a great world for this emperor, and this emperor may have to say thank you to you!"

Ying Shou said with a smile, "Thank you so much, you don't have to. Since you are so confident in destroying me, I am very pleased and happy for you."

"In this world, no one has ever dared to take me seriously without saying something like this. If you say that you are the first one, you will also be the last one. Since you are so sure that you will kill me, why don't you answer a few questions for me, how about it?"

The Chi Emperor was taken aback, and said with a smile: "It's kind of interesting, since that's the case, Emperor Qin, if I ask you, I will fulfill your last wish as the Emperor!"

Ying Shou didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point, saying: "The southern border of the Great Qin, the land of Baiyue, the first emperor thought it was calmed down, but his general rebelled."

"I thought it was calmed down, but now, something happened, and you, the Scarlet Emperor, appeared. If I'm not mistaken, the southern border has actually been controlled by Tianmen all along, right?"

Chidi beckoned and had someone deliver a chair.

Then, he sat down in front of Ying Shou and said with a smile, "That's right, the southern border has always been the southern border of my Tianmen. You thought you destroyed Zhao Tuo and ruled the world, but in fact, Zhao Tuo is just a pawn in Haotian's hand." , just an abandoned pawn."

"He used to be the Red Emperor, but there can only be one real Red Emperor, and it is this Emperor!"

Chidi's answer made Ying Shou's heart tremble, and at the same time, he was surprised, and at the same time solved the mystery in Ying Shou's heart.

No wonder, even Zhao Tuo dared to rebel. It turned out that standing behind him was Tianmen, that Haotian.

Otherwise, just rely on Zhao Tuo, give him ten guts, he would not dare to commit a crime.Furthermore, with his ability, how could he keep so many masters in captivity?

I am afraid that those masters have already arranged the Tianmen.

However, when Ying Shou wiped out all the masters under Zhao Tuo, he didn't expect that there was a group of real secret forces hidden in the seaside islands. Presumably these are the forces that Tianmen can handle most easily.

"Okay, the second question, to be honest, I only recently learned about the existence of Tianmen, and I also only recently heard about Haotian. You are called the Red Emperor, and Haotian is called God. Your position in Tianmen should not be low, right? "

"Can you tell me about this Haotian? I'm really curious about who this Haotian is. Some people even rumor that he has lived for hundreds of years, and has a longer history than Guiguzi!"

"I have always suspected that Guiguzi is an inheritance, not just a person, because it is impossible for anyone in this world to live hundreds of years without dying."

"Guiguzi can't do it, and Haotian probably can't do it either, but the rumors can't be groundless, so I need an explanation!"

Ying Shou was silent for a moment, then said with a smile.

"Qin Huang, Qin Huang, you are really admirable. The end is approaching, and you are not afraid of life and death, but instead pursue these unfounded answers. Since you want to know, for the sake of your dying, this emperor can tell you Answer!"

"You don't have to doubt, Guiguzi is indeed a person. Peng Zu can live for eight hundred years. In this world, living hundreds of years may be a legend, but it is not impossible. And Haotian will live longer than any of them longer!"

"Lao Tzu of Taoism has pursued the Dao all his life and emphasized health preservation. In fact, he has also done it, and he is still there today."

"Zhuangzi also did the same, but it's a pity that these two people are not willing to obey Haotian. Even if they do, they can only be like Guiguzi, who dare not show up for the rest of their lives!"

"This is the world of Haotian. Those who follow me will prosper and those who oppose me will perish. Anyone who disobeys Haotian will never see the sun and the moon again. This is the case for Guiguzi, and so is everyone else!"

Chi Di chuckled. At this moment, he knew everything about Ying Shou and said everything.

The overall situation is completely under his control. In this sea, no one will come to rescue.

And Ying Shou was afraid of the water. At this moment, there were seas in all directions, he was in an ambush from all sides, and he was doomed to have no way to escape. Therefore, Chi Di was very relieved and had no worries at all.

"Okay, the third question, you said that Guiguzi will never see the light of day again, what do you mean by that?"

Hearing Chidi mention Guiguzi repeatedly, Ying Shou asked another question and asked again.

"Guiguzi, it's just a rebellion from Tianmen. He thought he was the savior, he thought he could break free from the shackles of Haotian, and be number one with Haotian. In the end, it was nothing but whimsical. He left Tianmen for hundreds of years, but he could only flee everywhere."

"If it wasn't for Hao Tiannian's love in the past, he would have died long ago, and he still wants to control the world, which is ridiculous!"

Chidi sneered, and when he mentioned Guiguzi, his face was full of disdain, as if Guiguzi, which frightened the princes of the world, was like a clown to him, not worth mentioning.

Ying Shou didn't stop his arrogance, but said with a smile: "The next last question, I don't know whether to ask it or not, maybe if you ask it, you won't be able to answer it!"

Chi Di smiled and said: "It depends on the question, as long as it is possible, I don't mind answering for Qin Huang!"

Ying Shou's expression froze, and he said, "I want to see your true face in Mount Lu. Since you want to take my life and take away my country, you won't be afraid to agree to this request, right?"

"If a person doesn't even dare to show his face, how can he have the face to take over the country?"

As soon as this remark came out, Chidi was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Ying Shou to ask this question in the end.

For a while, he sat there quietly, not knowing how to answer.

"As the saying goes, the king does not see the king, Emperor Qin, you are going to die today, it is fine, but this emperor, it is destined that you will not be able to see him!"

After a long time, Chidi replied in an indifferent and hoarse voice.

The implication is that Ying Shou has been rejected.

Ying Shou didn't care, as if he had already expected it.

He suddenly shouted: "Shi Potian obeys the order!"

As soon as his words fell, the Red Emperor suddenly stood up.

Around Chidi, everyone drew out their swords at the same time, looking in all directions, it seemed that everyone was frightened by Shi Potian's name, and they were all vigilant.

(End of this chapter)

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