Chapter 671 Escape
Ying Shou's resoluteness made Chidi lose the chance to kill with his own hands. As long as he didn't die in his hands, maybe the body was taken away by him, there would be a contingency situation.

If Ying Shou survived, his plan would be completely thwarted.

But Xue Ning's jumping into the sea at all costs has become a shield for Ying Shou, who dares to shoot?

"Hurry up and save the heavenly girl, and arrest Ying Shou. If you are born, you must see a human being, and if you die, you must see a corpse!"

Chidi roared wildly. At this moment, even his voice changed, as if he had become another person.

At this moment, the only thing he can do is to watch Ying Shou die in person at all costs, even if he dies, otherwise, he will never feel at ease.

However, the moment Xue Ning jumped down, Ying Shou had already turned on the oxygen cylinder exchanged from the system mall.

At this moment, he was four to five feet deep from the sea surface. As soon as the powerful air gun was opened, a huge air wave rushed out behind him, pushing his and Nanyan's bodies, and the air gun was several feet away. In the deep water, it rushed out several miles away like a rocket in an instant.

After running sideways for more than ten miles, the oxygen in the oxygen bottle had just run out and fell from Ying Shou's hand.

Nan Yan could only watch this scene happen stupidly, and stayed in peace. They were already far away from the four big ships. From this distance, the fires on the four big ships converged, and only pinpoint-sized dots could be seen.

Nan Yan looked at the bloody Ying Shou in the sea, swallowing the sea water. He knew that at this moment, the severely injured and exhausted Ying Shou had no ability to hold his breath, so he immediately broke free from Ying Shou's embrace , hugged Ying Shou, and frantically swam towards the sea.

As soon as she was about to rush to the surface of the sea, a wave came and immediately separated her from Ying Shou's body.

She rushed out of the sea and took two big breaths, but Ying Shou fell towards the bottom of the sea again.

Before she had time to breathe too much, she quickly dived into the water, grabbed Ying Shou's ankle which had not sunk much, pulled hard, and rushed up to hug Ying Shou.

Seeing that Ying Shou was swallowing more and more water, she hurried up to him, gave Ying Shou the undigested oxygen in her mouth and lungs, grabbed him and floated towards the surface of the water again.

Finally surfacing again, she quickly hung Ying Shou on her back, looked up and looked around, at first she saw vaguely in the distance.

The needle-point light of the flames of the four large ships that had almost disappeared at the end of the line of sight, turned around again, only to find a fishing boat floating about half a mile away not far from here.

"Is it a fishing boat?"

At this moment, in the sea, with no one to rescue, Nanyan was almost desperate.

But when she saw this fishing boat, she snapped her eyes once or twice, and Ying Shou reminded her one after another in her mind.

In the rear, there is rescue.

It turned out that this was Ying Shou's so-called rescue.

It was a boat, a fishing boat that appeared at an unknown time. There was no one on the fishing boat, but it carried all of Nanyan's hopes.

With all her strength, she frantically swam towards the fishing boat.

It was only half a mile away, a distance of several hundred meters, but during this distance of several hundred meters, she was beaten by waves several times, and she was separated from Ying Shou. She used all her strength to bring Ying Shou under the fishing boat. , and finally pushed Ying Shou onto the fishing boat.

At this moment, Ying Shou had already fainted due to serious injuries and weakness, coupled with the impact of sea water.

Fortunately, at the last moment before he fell into a coma, he was prepared for everything, otherwise, he would surely die.

And his reaction was also very fast, if he didn't react fast enough, even if he was prepared, it would be too late for the final escape, because at that moment, time would not allow him to slow down.

Once you slow down, you are courting death.

At the critical moment, there is only so much Ying Shou can do. Position the exchanged fishing boat in this position, and use up his last strength and consciousness to open the oxygen cylinder and rush here.

If it wasn't because of time constraints, even if Ying Shou wanted to challenge the sea, he would not take such a risk.

At least he will also prepare the diving equipment, oxygen cylinders, oxygen tubes, etc. for future generations to wear, which will be much safer.

But at that time, he really didn't have time to put on the equipment slowly, so when the oxygen cylinder was taken out, he could only use the thrust generated by the gas in the water to leave.

This was the first time in Ying Shou's life that he had escaped, or to be more precise, it was not an escape, but a strategy, a strategy that had been formulated before he boarded the ship.

After all, the most important thing for him to get on the boat was an answer, but now that he had got the answer he wanted, how could he foolishly let others slaughter him on the boat?

Climbing onto the fishing boat, Nan Yan lay beside Ying Shou and took a few deep breaths. She rested for less than half a moment. In order to escape the danger sooner, she picked up the paddle beside her, paddled frantically, and escaped with all her might.

But at this time, in the distance, under several large ships, the people from Tianmen had already salvaged Xue Ning, and at the same time, everyone dived into the water and started looking for the traces of Ying Shou and Nan Yan. They really wanted to meet people. To die is to see a corpse.

But when they frantically salvaged the place, it was hard to find that Ying Shou and Nan Yan had escaped for more than ten miles, and were constantly leaving in the opposite direction.

On the boat, Xue Ning, who didn't know how to swim, but tricked Ying Shou to know how to swim, had already passed out due to lack of oxygen when she fell into the sea and was picked up.

Everyone salvaged the water for more than half an hour, but they still couldn't find the trace of Ying Shou and Nan Yan, so they couldn't help but search deeper.

When the sky was completely bright, everyone finally returned, but Ying Shou's body was not found. For a moment, Chi Di was furious and furious.

"Waste, a bunch of trash. Such a plan was destroyed, what a bunch of trash!"

Chidi hissed and roared, raging with rage, as if he was going to burn for nine days.

"Chidi, Ying Shou is afraid of water. Now, even if his body cannot be found in this boundless water, he can only be a dead man."

"Perhaps it is because he is dead and has sunk deeper into the bottom of the sea, so it is impossible to find him! Please don't worry about it, Chi Di!"

Seeing that Chidi was so angry, Song Botao couldn't help but stepped forward to comfort him.

"That's right, Red Emperor, there are many dangers in this sea, and Ying Shou will surely die in the belly of a fish, so there is no need to worry too much!"

Hu Yangmin took a step forward and followed suit.

"Hehehe, don't worry?"

Chidi laughed immediately when he heard the words, and said coldly: "If you tell me not to worry, will I really not worry?"

"Remember, in this world, unless you see it with your own eyes, nothing is absolute. Don't be afraid of [-], just in case. You wait for all kinds of possibilities, but have you ever thought about what will happen if Ying Shou is still alive? "

"He is the biggest obstacle to Tianmen, he must die, do you understand? What a bunch of trash, go back immediately and prepare for the next step!"

While speaking, Chidi gave an order, and everyone turned the boat around and left the place straight away.

(End of this chapter)

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