Chapter 672
Tianyue City, the Tuo City at the beginning, was a large city directly under the jurisdiction of Nanhai County, and it was itself the central city of Nanhai County.

After Yingshou recovered Hainan and took over Baiyue, from then on, the so-called Baiyue no longer existed, and was replaced by the Southern Territory of Great Qin.

Although it has been less than a year since all this happened, today's Tianyue City is not only the central city of Nanhai County, but also the central city of the entire southern region.

Almost all of Daqin's deployments in the southern border are gathered here.

Since Di Renjie and Tu Shi returned to the imperial court, the entire southern border has completely fallen under the control of Ren Xiao, and Ren Xiao can be called the king of the southern border.

On this day, above the main hall, Ren Xiao was discussing with the ministers of the southern region about the next development of the southern region, but at this moment, suddenly, a black light flashed across, directly hitting Ren Xiao above the main hall.

"who is it!"

A series of angry reprimands sounded, and in an instant, hundreds of guards rushed in at the same time outside the main hall.

On the main hall, Ren Xiaogao sat at the head seat, with a wave of his big hand, he caught the black light, opened it, and saw that it was a token, on which was engraved an iron eagle.

"Iron Eagle Swordsman!"

Ren Xiao's face changed, at this moment, the hall was already surrounded by people below, and only heard a very indifferent voice: "Ren Xiao, you still haven't accepted the order!"

Ren Xiao hurriedly got up and shouted: "Everyone back down!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, but Ren Xiao is now the general and sheriff of Nanhai County, and even controls the entire southern border.

Here, unless the emperor comes in person, he is the king, and no one dares to disobey his orders.


With a promise, all the guards retreated one after another, leaving the whole hall full of ministers looking at each other, not knowing why.

"Ren Xiao led the officials in the southern region to welcome His Majesty's servant, Iron Eagle Swordsman!"

Ren Xiao walked down from the high platform, stood respectfully in front of the main hall gate, cupped his hands and said.

"What, Iron Eagle Swordsman?"

When the officials heard this, their hearts trembled. This is the emperor's member of the Black Ice Platform, and no one can order it except the emperor.

It can be said that as long as these people are in contact with any officials, there is no doubt that they either serve as envoys of the emperor.

That is, the so-called imperial envoys in later generations, or the mission of delivering orders.

No matter what they are in charge of, however, civil and military officials, even the three public officials and six departments, must be treated respectfully.

Seeing the Iron Eagle Swordsman is like seeing the Great Qin Emperor.

"Congratulations, Iron Eagle Swordsman!"

All of a sudden, all the officials bowed to greet each other, stood up and shouted.

As the voices of the crowd fell, a figure was seen slowly walking out of the main hall, it could be said that it came and went without a trace.

He was dressed in a black outfit with a mask, and looked at all the people in front of him, and shouted: "Your Majesty the Emperor, please let me obey!"

"Ren Xiao accepts the order!"

Ren Xiao quickly knelt down, the words fell, and the officials behind him also knelt down on the ground.

"His Majesty the Emperor ordered that the land of the South China Sea should be pacified. However, the Yinyue Lady was captured by bandits in the South China Sea. She ordered Ren Xiao to immediately lead an army of [-] to Tanhai City to rescue her."

"Furthermore, let me think about it carefully, as the great general of the southern border, why haven't the hidden dangers been quelled yet!"

The iron eagle swordsman didn't talk nonsense, and directly read the emperor's oral instructions.

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of everyone at the scene changed drastically.

"What, the imperial concubine was captured in the South China Sea?"

"Who is it that dares to have such a big guts that you can't find death?"

"Impossible. Although the southern border is relatively barren now, it has long been peaceful. How could there be thieves hidden?"

All of a sudden, a series of low-pitched discussions sounded, and the officials were shocked, and they couldn't believe that the imperial concubine was actually captured.

You know, the southern border is not considered rich now, but with the destruction of all countries, there has long been no resistance in this southern border.

And it's been nearly a year. Except for the defected Han Xin and others, I have never heard of the existence of any thieves. How could such news pop up all of a sudden.

The imperial concubine was captured, thieves came and went, and the emperor was furious.Also, when did the emperor come to Nanhai County, why did none of the officials know?
Countless doubts filled everyone's hearts in an instant, but Ren Xiao shouted loudly: "Ren Xiao accepts the order!"

As soon as Ren Xiao's voice came out, everyone immediately turned their heads to look, and said nothing more.

"Ren Xiao, hurry up, His Majesty the Emperor is very angry now, don't keep His Majesty waiting!"

The iron eagle swordsman looked at Ren Xiao, and said coldly, the next moment, he saw his figure swaying, and he left here directly at an extremely fast speed.

After Iron Eagle Swordsman left, Ren Xiao finally got up, his eyes suddenly darkened.

"Thiefs, thieves...these thieves are really hidden. It's been a year, and Ben Shou doesn't even know they exist."

"Now, the imperial concubine is captured and the emperor is furious. Do you know what this means?"

Ren Xiao turned his head and shouted, staring at the officials in a cold voice.

"Master County Guard, His Majesty is furious now, this matter cannot be delayed, let's send troops first!"

A Confucian official in a civil robe stepped forward and cupped his hands.

"That's right, my lord, the thieves are making trouble. No matter what happens, now is not the time to investigate the cause. What should be done now is to obey the order and send troops immediately to save the empress and wipe out the thieves."

"As for the timing of rewards and punishments, please ask His Majesty the Emperor to decide before it is too late. Don't delay, my lord, send troops!"

Another man in armor stepped forward, clasped his fists and clasped his hands. While speaking, he begged for orders: "I also ask your lord to make an order. The last general is willing to lead the vanguard, destroy the dens of thieves, and strangle the thieves!"

During the conversation, everyone spoke one after another, and they were all urging Ren Xiao to calm down first, send troops first, or directly ask for a fight.

Ren Xiao took a deep breath, nodded slowly, and said: "Okay, what you said is correct, it's too late to investigate the cause now. Send the order, immediately mobilize [-] troops to wait outside the city, set off at noon, and rush to Tanhai City !"

"In addition, everyone should do what to do. Now that the emperor is on a tour to the south, don't let people talk about it. When the time comes, I will not be able to control how you die!"

When everyone heard the words, they hurriedly clasped their fists to make a promise, and then all of them left straight away.

Not long after, outside Tianyue City, in the only barracks with [-] soldiers, all the troops were summoned and gathered under Tianyue City.

At noon, Ren Xiao rode his horse out of the city, looked at the mighty army in front of him, waved his big hand, gave an order, and shouted: "Let's go!"

In front of the army, the two ten thousand generals turned their horses, led the army, followed behind Ren Xiao, and headed straight towards Tanhai City at the fastest speed.

Nanhai County, also known as the former Nanyue Kingdom, occupies a large area beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Although Tianyue City and Tanhai City are both in Nanhai County, it takes at least three days for the army to go from Tianyue City to Nanhai County.

It was Ren Xiao who traveled day and night at full speed, but it was only in the early morning of the third day that he arrived at Tanhai.

(End of this chapter)

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