Chapter 673
The first time Ren Xiao's army arrived at Tanhai City, Chenglin Qianhai and General Wuhuan of Tanhaicheng County were already waiting far outside the city.

Dajun came to the two of them, and as Ren Xiao raised his hand, he stopped his journey immediately.

"My subordinate, Lin Qianhai, has seen the governor!"

"The last general, Wuhuan, has met the governor!"

Wuhuan and Lin Qianhai bowed at the same time, saluting Ren Xiao.

"Why are you two here?"

Ren Xiao gazed through the city gate and glanced inside, only to see that the city was full of smog, houses collapsed, and the thatch was scattered all over the place.

In that chaotic street, people came and went, looking very busy, they couldn't help frowning for a while, and asked in a deep voice.

"My lord, the two of us have been waiting here for a long time. His Majesty the Emperor rushed to the deep sea alone to rescue Lady Yinyue. Fearing that something might happen, in order to allow the army to go to sea in time, the lower officials ordered all the people in the city to cut wood and build ships."

"Combined with the fishing boats collected from all over the place, so far, there are [-] new and old fishing boats, and they can rush to the deserted islands in the sea to save people and help His Majesty the Emperor with an order!"

Lin Qianhai clasped his fists and said in a hurried voice.

"What, His Majesty the Emperor went into the sea alone, when did it happen?"

When Ren Xiao heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

As the lord of Great Qin, how could the emperor take personal risks?Once any accident occurs, Great Qin will be in chaos!

"Four days ago!"

Lin Qianhai said in a deep voice.

"Four days? How far is the deserted island in the sea from the South China Sea? How long does it take to go back and forth?"

Ren Xiao's face was extremely gloomy. Although he had already accelerated, the emperor's movements were too fast, so fast that he couldn't react at all.

He only received the emperor's oral order three days ago, but the emperor had already gone into the sea four days ago, so he didn't give himself a chance to stop him.

"Master, back and forth to the deserted island, one day is enough!"

Lin Qianhai replied again.

"No, something happened to His Majesty the Emperor!"

When Ren Xiao heard this, his whole body trembled.

He knew very well how decisive the emperor was.

With the power of the emperor, even if he went alone, if he could save people in one day's journey, he would return in two days at most.

If it can't be saved, the emperor will send another decree to urge him.

But now he has not received the emperor's imperial edict, nor has he seen the emperor come back, so there is only one result, the emperor can't save people, and he can't even get away now, or the emperor has something even bigger.

This is not a good omen. Once it comes true, the world will be in chaos and the people will be in dire straits.The most important thing is that the emperor doesn't even have a single heir, which will accelerate the demise of Great Qin.

"Hurry up, everyone enters the city, take all the fishing boats, and immediately follow this guard into the sea to rescue him!"

Without any hesitation, Ren Xiao gave an order, and the army entered the city.

At this moment, most of the fishing boats have already been transported to the seaside, but there are still hundreds of fishing boats in the city, Ren Xiao did not hesitate, and passed on the order, the army changed hands, taking these hundreds of fishing boats in turn, and headed straight to the seaside.

In the past few days, according to the plan, Lin Qianhai and Wuhuan were supposed to deal with the damage caused by the storm. However, the emperor's accident disrupted all plans.

It is important to solve the disaster caused by the storm, but the safety of the emperor is even more important.

This is not a distinction between high and low status, nor does it mean that the well-being of the people is not as good as the life of the emperor.

No matter how great the impact of the storm in the South China Sea is, it will only affect one side, but if something happens to the emperor, it will affect the whole world.

Compared with the whole world, not to mention some desolate small towns by the sea, even the whole Nanhai County is nothing compared to them.

Therefore, in the past few days, after Lin Qianhai learned that the emperor went to sea and Ren Xiao's army was about to arrive, the first thing he thought of was to prepare everything for the army.

But with all his hard work, he could only prepare [-] fishing boats. As for the big boats, he couldn't make them in a short time. Even if he collected more fishing boats, he could only make up these [-] boats.

"General Wuhuan, this county can't leave now. Your Majesty's accident has caused panic, and I must stay and take care of him. But relatively speaking, your majesty's safety is more important, and one more person can do more. "

"This group of thieves even dare to move the emperor, and their power is unfathomable. You should go too, if you can help a little, just leave the matter here to the county!"

Looking at the army passing through the city and rushing to the beach, Lin Qianhai took Ren Xiao's hand, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice.

"Alright, since that's the case, the soldiers in the city will stay first, and the general will go with the army. Remember to take care, my lord!"

Wuhuan nodded, and said solemnly.

"Don't worry, there is nothing wrong here in this county, take care, general!"

Lin Qianhai smiled slightly, focusing on the overall situation, division of labor, and each doing his own thing.

While talking, the two parted. Lin Qianhai had already ordered Wuhuan to prepare a war horse. Wuhuan got on the horse and went straight to the army.

Soon, everyone came to the beach, and the fishing boats had covered the entire shallows.

Three thousand fishing boats may seem like a lot, but in fact, they are useless for marching and fighting.

Even if it is loaded with people, with this kind of fishing boat, it can only bring a dozen people, and it is very unsafe to drive in the sea like this.

Therefore, most fishing boats will only carry two or three people when fishing in the sea.

But at this moment, rescue is the most important thing, the more people you bring, the better, Ren Xiao can't care about safety or insecurity.

"Pass down the order, all those who are seasick and seasick, all come out and wait strictly at the seaside, waiting for dispatch at any time."

"The rest, all board the boat, and follow this general to rescue the deserted island!"

Ren Xiao looked at the three thousand fishing boats in front of him, gave an order, and shouted loudly.

After the voice fell, hundreds of people walked out at the same time.

There are many people who suffer from seasickness and seasickness, but many of them are not serious, at most they are slightly dizzy, and it is not too uncomfortable, but a small number of people are really unbearably dizzy, and they cannot overcome it after all.

Among the 2 people, the hundreds of people who are listed at this moment are just insurmountable.

As these hundreds of people walked out, the rest immediately boarded the fishing boats in batches, a total of more than 670 people, and almost six or seven people stood on each fishing boat.

The army was ready, and before setting off, Ren Xiao looked at Wuhuan who was following him, and asked solemnly, "Are you sure, the den of thieves is on the deserted island?"

Ren Xiao came too hastily, and at this moment the matter of rescuing Jia was more urgent than the original matter of rescuing Yinyue, he was so anxious that he couldn't even examine all the issues slowly, and could only decide on all measures based on other people's information.

And since there was no way to review it slowly, he didn't know whether the news was true or not, so he could only ask Wuhuan again at this moment.

"My lord, I don't know if the news is true or not, but according to the news from the Black Ice Platform, the biggest den of thieves may be on the deserted island."

"And regarding this news, the Black Ice Station is still verifying. It's just that the people sent to the deserted island have not returned so far!"

Wuhuan cupped his hands and said solemnly.

(End of this chapter)

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