Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 674 The Suffering Couple

Chapter 674 The Suffering Couple
"Okay, since it's the news from the Black Ice Terrace, even if it's just a guess, we must not hesitate, let's go, let's go with Ben Shou!"

Ren Xiao nodded. In Daqin, anyone who is loyal to the emperor can disbelieve anyone's words, but heibingtai's words cannot be disbelieved.

Because the black ice platform represents the emperor, their words, to a certain extent, are equivalent to what the emperor said.

At this critical moment, he has no time to judge whether all the facts are true or false. The only thing he can do is to find the emperor first and ensure the emperor's arrangement at all costs.

Of course, he will not doubt Wuhuan's words, because Wuhuan has always been his man, no matter when he was once brilliant or later fell down, he can only live in darkness, Wuhuan has always followed him , can be described as the most capable lieutenant under him.

It was precisely because of his trust in Wuhuan that Di Renjie sent Wuhuan to protect Lin Qianhai back then.

Therefore, since Wuhuan said that the news came from the Black Ice Terrace, Ren Xiao certainly wouldn't doubt it too much.

Immediately, under Ren Xiao's leadership, Wuhuan followed Ren Xiao onto the first fishing boat. With Ren Xiao's big wave of his hand, the army set off, and led by the local fishermen, they headed straight for the archipelago.

The army was mighty, and the places it passed seemed to be shrouded in dark clouds, but they quickly crossed the waters and left the shoals, which were within the sight of everyone.

On this side, when the army was rushing to the islands without stopping, on the other side, on the islands in the sea, on a very remote island, a petite figure shuttled back and forth in the forest.

She was wearing thin underwear, which is the underwear of this era. She walked through the forest, covered with thorns, and bloody wounds had already been drawn on her body.

The white obscene clothes had already been stained red in countless places by blood.

The autumn wind is cool, the sky is cold, and above the sea, the wind is even colder.Ordinary people, even if they are fully dressed, will feel the cold. No matter how strong a woman is, it is difficult for a woman in such obscene clothes to bear it.

This woman is none other than Nan Yan, Empress of the Great Qin Dynasty.

At this moment, Nan Yan's body was trembling, her face was blue, her lips were black, and her hair was disheveled, like a madman.

She was very cold, the cold temperature made her not only cold on the surface of her body, but even her internal organs were trembling after death.

However, she kept searching in the forest without stopping, as if she was collecting medicine.

Now, Ying Shou was hit by several arrows and was seriously injured. Three days later, he was still unconscious.

For the past three days, because Ying Shou didn't have a single piece of clothing on her body, she could only take off her clothes to protect Ying Shou from the cold, and at the same time, she had to brave the cold wind to gather herbs.

Unfortunately, the island didn't seem to have the medicine she expected. After three days of searching, she could only take some defective herbs back to treat the emperor.

However, it is considered good to be able to find these inferior herbs. At least in the past three days, the emperor's injuries have finally stabilized.

As the time passed and the sky became dark, Nan Yan picked up a lot of herbs and returned along the original road without worrying about getting lost in the forest.

After all, she has long been used to picking herbs in the mountains and forests since she was a child, and it seems that she has a natural skill for identifying directions.

Not long after, she returned to a cave.

At this time, the bonfire in the cave had already been extinguished, and while it was still dark, she gathered firewood and dry weeds, trembling, swallowing the saliva, and squatted down in the cave.

Reaching out his hand to pick up the flint and steel he found earlier, accompanied by the sound of knocking, after a long time, a flame was finally ignited.

Then the flames, burning dry grass, made a bonfire again.

Suddenly, the surrounding temperature seemed to rise a lot.

She quickly wrapped herself in her little hands, roasted them on the bonfire, and kept patting her whole body to stimulate her body temperature and protect herself from the cold.

After a while, the cold on his body dissipated a lot, and the little hand that was almost inflexible from the cold also recovered a lot at this moment.

She looked at the campfire, where there was a pair of withered grass mats, and on the withered grass, her large group was spread, and Ying Shou was lying there at the moment, still unconscious.

Under Ying Shou's body were her clothes, and on Ying Shou's body were her clothes.

After recovering a little, Nanyan quickly moved towards Yingshou, only to see a few broken arrows beside Yinshou, which were the arrows that pierced Yingshou's body before.

The arrow has been pulled out under her handling, and it has been placed here.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

The corners of Nanyan's lips were dry and her voice was hoarse. While calling, she reached out to push the unconscious Ying Shou.

At this touch, Ying Shou's body was as cold as a stone, and Nan Yan was startled.

"His Majesty!"

Nan Yan exclaimed, and hurriedly called for her pulse, and found that although Ying Shou's body was as cold as a corpse, his pulse was getting stronger and stronger.

When he went ashore three days ago, Ying Shou's heartbeat stopped silently.

With intense physical exertion and serious injuries, Ying Shou fell into the weakest moment.

The wind and cold made it even worse.

At that time, she could barely feel Ying Shou's pulse.

But in the end, Ying Shou persisted.

Although Ying Shou's body was cold now, his pulse was getting stronger and stronger, which made her feel relieved.

She turned Ying Shou's body over, looked at the five scabbed blood holes on Ying Shou's back, and breathed a sigh of relief.

For such injuries, the most important thing is to treat them at the beginning, otherwise, once they get worse, it will be called tetanus infection by later generations, and the future troubles will be useless.

Especially on this deserted island where there is nothing to ask for, it is extremely dangerous.

Simply, now that he is stuttering, the danger of this stage has been passed.

Feeling the cold temperature on Ying Shou's body, Nan Yan suddenly picked her up forcefully, brought her to the campfire, took off the last clothes on her body, grabbed her dress on the ground, and wrapped herself with Ying Shou , sit by the campfire and bake, absorbing the temperature brought by the campfire.

In this way, gradually, Ying Shou's body gradually warmed up, and this time, it was out of control.

At first, Nan Yan was using her own body temperature to warm Ying Shou, but gradually, she found that Ying Shou's body was getting hotter.

Even in the end, the scalding temperature made her a little unbearable.

Nan Yan was startled, and looked down, only to see that Ying Shou's skin had turned red under the scalding heat.

"what happened?"

Nan Yan was startled, this was not a symptom of a cold and fever, Angelica, she grabbed Ying Shou's wrist again to signal the pulse.

With this pulse, her big eyes suddenly widened, with an incredible look on her face, she couldn't help but gasp.

(End of this chapter)

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