Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 675 The Sunny Queen

Chapter 675 The Sunny Queen

"What a strange pulse!"

Nan Yan was shocked: "How can there be such a strong and rapid pulse in the world? Even if a person eats Shiquan Dabu Tang alone, it can't be like this!"

Thinking about it, Nan Yan became a little confused, so she just grabbed Ying Shou's wrist and didn't let go for a long time.

Ying Shou's pulse was really strange and too strong. Such a pulse should never appear on a deeply injured and unconscious person, or in other words, it shouldn't appear on a person.

In this case, the only thing Nan Yan could think of was that unless Ying Shou had taken some special tonic, it suddenly took effect at this time, making his body recover at an unimaginable speed.

But such a quick recovery, there are always signs.

She backed away from Ying Shou, looked him up and down, and saw that Ying Shou's body was undergoing earth-shaking changes.

His face, which was already black and blue, was constantly turning red at this moment, and his weak breathing was also slowly becoming stronger.

At the same time, the change in the place where the arrow hit Ying Shou's back made her feel even more incredible.

I saw that Ying Shou's scar was still very weak, and the blood scab was constantly thickening and turning black, until it finally looked like iron.

As time passed, the sky had completely darkened, and she could only observe with the help of firelight, but found that the blood scab was slowly loosening, and was heading towards falling at any time.

All these changes are really too fast, and they can be described as visible to the naked eye.

Another two hours passed, and finally, the blood scab fell off little by little, revealing the skin under the blood scab. Apart from a little scar, all the wounds disappeared completely.


Seeing this, Nan Yan gasped again.

She couldn't help but recall something that Ying Shou suddenly swallowed in the sea that night. Could it be that he was already prepared?
At this time, Nan Yan had already determined that Ying Shou had taken some kind of magic medicine to make such a change, and his actions that night were obviously a panic-swallowing act of swallowing the medicine.

Thinking of this, she immediately understood.

The emperor is still that proud person, no matter what he does, he will never leave his destiny to others.

She can believe that even if she is not by the emperor's side and the emperor is facing the sea, she can still save herself if she is prepared.

Seeing this scene, Xue Ning finally felt relieved.

She hugged Ying Shou and put her back on the spot to lie down. The moment she left Ying Shou's body, she immediately felt a chill all over her body. She hurriedly walked to the campfire and sat down, but she heard a growling sound, and her stomach groaned in disbelief. Screaming at this time.

"Hey, it's really time for you to scream, it's the middle of the night, where can I get something to fill it up!"

It's hard to say that she looked at her flat stomach with a little grievance. Just now, she should have gone fishing first, at least tonight's dinner must be prepared.

Unfortunately, the sudden changes in Ying Shou's body left her at a loss.

At this moment, I finally put it down, but the sky is already dark, how can I fish in the dark?
She looked aside, the herbs she had just picked.

These herbs are all prepared for Ying Shou to heal his wounds.

Because she was unconscious, Ying Shou couldn't take medicine at all, and there was no tool to use here to make medicine, so she could only separate the medicines from the dishes and dry them all.A part of it was made into golden sore medicine and applied on Yingshou's wound.

The other part, after she ground it into a powder, spread it on Ying Shou's teeth little by little. The mountain dew came from the dish, and it was moistened into Ying Shou's mouth little by little, and then Ying Shou swallowed it all instinctively.

This can also be regarded as an alternative way of taking medicine. She has been doing this for the past few days.

At this moment, Ying Shou's injury has improved, and even under her observation, Ying Shou's injury has fully recovered after the changes just now.

It's just that the mental damage caused by the sea was too strong, which made him too exhausted. This time, under the mental exhaustion, even though Ying Shou recovered physically, he was still in a deep sleep and coma.

When he has had enough sleep and recovered his spirit, he will naturally wake up.

At this time, the medicine had no effect on him.

Thinking of this, Nan Yan grabbed those herbs, checked out the herbs that could be taken, sat by the campfire, and began to chew mouthfuls.

Although Nan Yan is the mother of the country and has a noble status, in the final analysis, she is still a doctor at her core.

As a doctor, the first and greatest idea is to survive.

As long as you can survive, no matter what kind of suffering, what kind of grievance, you have to bear it.

This is the philosophy of the doctor.

In the concept, it is the same as people need to eat when they are hungry and drink water when they are thirsty.

Even if a person has nothing, can’t afford food or drink water, but when he’s hungry, it’s useless to worry about anything, let alone sit and think about other good things. The only thing to do is to try his best, no matter what food Whatever you drink, fill your stomach first.

Because nothing is more important than being alive, it is precisely because of this new year that doctors since ancient times have the saying of hanging pots to help the world.

"Hanging the pot to help the world", these four words sound nice, but in fact they are not good words.

Hanging the pot to help the world, at all costs, exhausting all methods, it is myself who is hard, poor, and tired, for and saved, and indeed the lives of others.

When dealing with other people's lives, a doctor can still save the world at all costs, let alone his own life?
If it is very bitter, very astringent, it will be dirty even if it is not washed.

But the medicine is not poisonous, it must be able to mend.At this moment, Nanyan was not afraid of the bitter medicine, and swallowed it mouthful, finally there was something in her stomach, and she was no longer so hungry.

Coupled with the effect of the medicine, a warm feeling erupted from inside, and immediately, she lost all the uncomfortable feeling of being hungry and cold.

"Ah... finally made it through again!"

Nan Yan opened her arms full of scars, and at this difficult time, a satisfied smile appeared on that small face. In an instant, it seemed that the fire was shining brightly because of him, and the world was warming because of her.

"I believe that within two days, His Majesty will wake up and everything will be fine!"

She glanced at Ying Shou, who was still asleep, with a look of expectation in her eyes.

She is not afraid of hard work, nor is she afraid of suffering, but she must not let the emperor remain trapped on this deserted island.

But she understands the emperor's ability very well. As long as the emperor wakes up, even on this deserted island, as long as he doesn't set foot in the sea, the emperor can calm down everything.

At that time, all difficulties will no longer be difficult.

In a mood full of confidence, satisfaction, and hope, she became extraordinarily free and easy, and even her eyes became much brighter.

With a twinkle in her eyes and a wicked smile on the corner of her mouth, she went to lie down beside Ying Shou, lifted up her clothes, and covered herself in it.

Immediately, the warmth from Ying Shou's body came, making her very comfortable.The day's exhaustion overwhelmed her, she held Ying Shou in her arms, and fell asleep not long after!

(End of this chapter)

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